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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية alsdwi

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    alsdwi المملكة المتحدة

    alsdwi , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى المملكة المتحدة , تخصصى اعلام , بجامعة ليس بعد
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    • السعودية
    • Jun 2014

    July 11th, 2014, 03:01 AM

    The role of teachers in the educational process
    .No one can deny the role of teachers in the educational process, but at the same time, There is an important necessity to use computers in classrooms.
    .In fact, teachers can give students a lots of ethics, values and other skills that are more important than just knowledge.
    In my opinion, I believe that the computer's role is not equal to the teacher's role, for the following reasons
    The first reason is that teachers, usually use computer to provide the concepts, knowledge and all of the important information. For example, English teacher use the CDs to improve listening, speaking skills, that is happened usually in English lab.

    The second reason is that students always can access the new information through browsing the internet during the learning many subjects such as: geography, math ,science and other materials. It is clearly that all of learning tasks depend on computer use with help the teachers. What I mean exactly, that students are doing their tasks under teachers directing.

    The third reason is that computers are not able to offers the interactive experience for students, while teacher have ability to transfer own experience to their students when he teach them without using computer. Although the importance of computer as a help tool in the learning, but it is just a machine to providing an abstract information.
    In conclusion, the teacher's role will remain and due to make learning more enjoyment, teachers should use many tools of technology, Including computer
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة alsdwi

    The role of teachers in the educational process
    .No one can deny the role of teachers in the educational process, but at the same time, There is an important necessity to use computers in classrooms.
    .In fact, teachers can give students a lot of / lots ofethics, values and other skills that are more important than just knowledge.
    In my opinion, I believe that the computer's role is not equal to the teacher's role, for the following reasons
    The first reason is that teachers, usually use computer to provide the concepts, knowledge and all of the important information. For example, English teacher uses the CDs to improve listening, speaking skills, that usually happens in English lab.

    The second reason is that students always can access the new information through browsing the internet during the learning many subjects such as: geography, math ,science and other materials. It is clearly that all of learning tasks depend on computer use with help the teachers. What I mean exactly, that students are doing their tasks under teachers directing.

    The third reason is that computers are not able to offers the interactive experience for students, while teacher have ability to transfer own experience to their students when he teach them without using computer. Although the importance of computer as a help tool in the learning, but it is just a machine to providing an abstract information.
    In conclusion, the teacher's role will remain and due to make learning more enjoyment, teachers should use many tools of technology, Including computer
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