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Really I need your Recommendation, Please
Really I need your Recommendation, Please
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5128 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
- well ur goal should be 6.0 acutely7 "
and since u already got 5.5 I think that u don't need more than 6 months ,I wanted to say 4 but this is gonna happened only if u r a good test taker - hey man
take the guarantee IELTS Exam and than your score will specify how many months you will study, it depends on the university
some universities will see your score and than they will deiced how many months you need to take
for example
if you take the TOFLE and than your score will be like 470 and the target in the University 500
they will tell you, This score needs 12 weeks to be in the school and than Join with us
By the way 12 weeks it means 3 months Sir
Good luck with your test and i hope you gona get high score
My goal is that I have to getting 5.5
So Far, I have not been taken IELTS Exam - Take it and send your info to the university that you need to get admission from them7 "
and than they will tell you how many months for Joining the University - يآرجال ما فهمت غير كلمه فرندز7 "
اذا لغتك قويه خذ التوفل في ديرتك وارسله للجامعه وراح يقبلونه لان اختبار التوفل ما يفرق في ديرتك عن ديرتهم
لكن لا تورط نفسك وتسوي انك انت البلبل الانجليزي وبعدها تتورط بالجامعه
اذا كان لغتك قويه ما تحتاج للمعهد
< الظاهر اني فاهم كلامك غلط والله اعلم خخخخخخخخخخ - أهلين أخوي7 "
شاكر لك ردك ، أنا والله ماني بلبل في اللغة ولا شيء ، أنا مستواي متوسط أو أكثر بقليل ، لأني بالعمل صارلي 3 سنوات أتعامل مع أمريكان وبريطانيين وهذا الي ساعدني.
لكن خوفي من الآيلتس ، هو مسببلي ربكة ولازم أجيب 5.5 أقل شيء
هذي القصة ومافيها
Many thanks guys for your quick answers and your recommendations are highly appreciated
Waiting more advices
Thank you Brothers :-) - You might need one more trail or 10 more years in preparation. This is a subjective matter, No one could answer your question.7 "
It totally depends on you and your effort. - ^_^ Thank you very much7 "
January 31st, 2011, 08:43 PM
Greetings My Friends,I'm going to study in America & My language is an Intermediate level. Currently, I'm a student at The British Council with IETS Prepartition Course & I've gain a score 5.5 (My target) so My query is that: Can I reach 5.5 on IELTS Exam? if not, how many months do i need to reach this grade?k
Really i need your recommendation & your efforts will be highly appreciated