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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. Silent Scorpion with us yeee

    about Dr. house yes exactly like you said is about smart doctor

    do not like to wear the white coat loooool

    he always stock with hospital manager by the way she is female

    and she always knows his abilities and believe in him even when he

    did sometime problems for the hospital

    the show do not focus on crims cases like CSI but focus on the way

    how he can diagnose the cases who he has

    the way of diagnosis is amazing , the whole show worth to watch it

    I hope you enjoy it Realy
    7 "
  2. I never thought that someone would reply ..
    it looks sleepy here

    So Northern Star, u watched the show !!! nice ..
    u have encouraged me more 2 watch it ....
    I like CSI too , but I've never watched the full series ..

    u know what, I like stand-up comedy
    there's a show comes on SHOW TIME channel called : saturday show night (or somthing like that) .. it's sooo funny
    beside the arabic plays of course (especially : al3ial kebrt & wad sayeed alsha3'al) .. hehe
    7 "
  3. Silent

    It is Really Silent Here , I feel that I want to call every one

    my be I will but the URL of this page in my signature

    IDEA looool

    thanks for your adds , I found the Egyptian actor Hasan Hosny so funny

    in all His Roles

    I will add Q may this will activate our English Chat

    What do you prefer to do in your free time ??

    may be it is something weird , exciting ,,,, whatever it is add it Here

    this is Northern Star From galaxy of Hope (;
    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Silent Scorpion
    I agree with u that Hassan Husny Is a great comedian..

    sometimes he makes me laugh more than the movie star..
    actually, I consider him more funnier than Mohammd Saad & Heneidi..

    In my free time, I prefer reading books (any book) , drawing , making my mother laugh and playing football..

    what about u ?? what do u do in your leisure time?

    absolutly hasan hosny is the best comedian , I always says
    this man ( me7ashesh ) looool

    you have a list of hobbies but making your mother laugh
    this is the coolest one , indicate that you have sweet personality
    most guys in this days do not like to talk with thier moms even

    about me , it depend on that period of time
    if there is a long free time , I like to read books or novels

    simply I love meditation , and thinking peacfully about all surroundings

    also I like pencile painting , oil painting ,

    I had that time may be 3 years ago draw an oil painting for 2 years ,

    but it was full of darkness looool

    I ment the subject of painting

    7 "
  5. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Silent Scorpion
    thanks, u r so polite

    so, r u still drwain' now ?? or have u stopped ??
    I'm drwaing with pencil too, but I have no time to draw now..

    what kind of subjects r u drawin' anyway?

    tell me abt that darkness painting if u don't mind

    I am not drawing as much as before since I am preparing for master

    I draw about struggling between bad and good sides of human nature

    about harsh pains and the way how suffering human soul

    about invisible connection between 2 persons have special relationship

    based on love , friendship and united

    about hope , candle of hope that is always there but you have to search for it in all rooms

    about your feeling when hate your self , and how to fix this feeling

    also about miracles ,and it could be happened for special people

    about chemistry and harmony between 2 persons , the explanation why you love to stay with that person even if you do not speak

    there is a lot of subjects I draw about , not necessary I draw full of sketch page

    sometimes I draw in small part of a paper

    the darkness painting was in a darkness era in my life , everything was unclear , unknown

    so the painting was a vision of beautiful background but with a pale colors

    weird ha

    hope to know about your paintings too

    7 "
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