الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


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تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6306 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. mmmm

    Let us talk about your favorite types of food

    what do you love , like and hate

    if you have any disorders ,allergic for special foods

    about me

    from Italian kitchen I like fettuccini alfrido

    it consist of pasta + mushroom + shrimp + cheese sauce

    from Saudi kitchen I like mantoo , fermoza

    desserts : om 3ali for damn sure

    from French kitchen potato purée , it is like mash potato with butter
    put on steak

    dessert :Mousse au Chocolat

    from Japanese kitchen : Ramen ,Tempura and messu soupu

    I have digestion disorder name : lactose intolerance

    meaning that I can not digest lactose in milk so I do not drink it

    I hate fast food , and the American life style in food

    looking to know your favorites
    7 "
  2. I'm addicted to Italian food
    really , it's a great kitchen
    Italian chefs are crazy in cooking

    in general, I like any kind of food .. I like to try anything new
    but I haven't had the courage to eat Korean, Japanese or Chinese food
    I didn't like the look

    for desserts .. I'll go with OM ALI .. no arguing about that

    I can't eat spicy food .. It makes my stomach nervous and noisy .. hehe
    I'm sorry about your disorder .. may Allah heal you soon

    ??so, any funny stories about food, restaurants or family visiting
    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Silent Scorpion
    ??so, any funny stories about food, restaurants or family visiting

    One day we were in a Chinese restaurant

    after we picked from the menu , the waiter came and asking us


    our order , so we told him , till now this is so normal

    but what happened is he kept asking us to choose another dish

    I told him , hey dude ( I am kidding) why you are so persistence

    about that dish beside you want us to delete ours

    he was so weird waiter , in the end I told him ok ok lets see your

    choice stranger loooooo

    It was Really delicious But very Expensive ,that is why

    this is what I have now , wait to know yours

    I am sure it is funnier
    7 "
  4. I'm addicted to Italian food
    really , it's a great kitchen
    Italian chefs are crazy in cooking

    in general, I like any kind of food .. I like to try anything new
    but I haven't had the courage to eat Korean, Japanese or Chinese food
    I didn't like the look

    for desserts .. I'll go with OM ALI .. no arguing about that

    I can't eat spicy food .. It makes my stomach nervous and noisy .. hehe
    I'm sorry about your disorder .. may Allah heal you soon

    ??so, any funny stories about food, restaurants or family visiting
    hey hey hey dude
    how are you man
    so you are hiding here
    chating about food and delicious things
    ok my friend i hope to join your beautiful topic
    for me i adore Italian food from pasta to pizza
    and of course my Egyptian food
    mahshy :d
    and mololkhya
    and another types we can`t talk about right now

    and my mighty scorpion i eat om ali so much :d love it
    and konafa and katayef :d
    ok my ladies , gentle men

    kol year we entoo very good

    hope to join you

    ramadan karim
    7 "
  5. Northern Star :
    I'm sure I have some funny stories about restaurants , but I can't remember non of them right now

    Kimo :
    heeeeey .. I'm not hidin' .. I'm just having a lil chat with STAR
    u reminded me of MAHSHI .. OMG .. I crave it now
    and u reminded us of all those desserts .. R U FASTING MAN ??

    I like ur translation of (كل سنة وانتو طيبين)
    7 "
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