English Chat
English Chat
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6306 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
7 " -
7 " - [7 "LEFT]Hello again
Umm I want to say I made a mistake.
Listen to me even I study at the English department, I stile make some grammar mistake.
Look at my mistake I said= it’s make me...) and I should say
ether (it makes me tired) or ( it's making me tired)
and about the possessive pronoun its= (no apostrophe) is a adjective modifying the noun title,
it’s (with an apostrophe)= it+is (is a contraction of ).
ياحبي لي اصحح لنفسي لووووول
Wa Allah it’s a good idea to correct mistakes and help each other
But the only think I’m afraid of that some one gets mad or be sad if I correct his/her mistakes.
About my self if some one correct some thing to me I’ll pleaser may be I know this rule but the human being as u know forget and we need to remand each others.
Thank u SoooooO much.
[/LEFT] -
In this case you must say " the muse has eaten it " since the form is of the present perfect
S + has/have + V3
Good luck - ]]>7 "
You would say
I came back here, and I didn't find anyone or anybody - Hay guys !!!j
If you are interested to improve your language
Do your best to prevent yourselves from using shortening words
bro - cuz - 2 - wanna - gonna -
All these sorts of abbrivated ways would destroy your spelling , and make you unfamiliar with a correct spelling of a word
- thanks Mamdouh , may Allah marry you soon by a virgin girl.
- i agree but it just depends on to who you'er writing to caouse it's only not ok to say if we were talking acadimic7 "
for students or scholers who's ganna study in english i advise to not speak or write in you papers as if you were writing to a friend or someone from chat room and so on
but don't be confused if hear it on the street caouse these words are orginaly from
American Slang that became afterwards more commen and will known world wide thanks to music artists and american tv shows
good luck to you all -
7 " - Hello every one
how are you?
About my self I like to use the formal English that makes me be more confidence when I speak or write to a formal establishment.
Umm I want every one to tell us about her/his hobbies..
Lat me begin I like drowing,listening to music, play some sport such as swimming, basket ball,
I like cocking special cake, ooh I also like driving cars and ride the rice so much what else that what my main has now when I remember another hobbies I’ll write it.
NOW it’s your turn
قاعدة سهله بس معليش غابت عن عقلي
بسyouتصدق اني كاتبتها بس مدري وين راحت جزاك الله خير..