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English Chat

English Chat


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6293 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محاوله جيده
    Umm I want every one to tell us about her/his hobbies..

    Lat me begin I like drowing,listening to music, play some sport such as swimming, basket ball,
    I like cocking special cake, ooh I also like driving cars and ride the rice so much what else that what my main has now when I remember another hobbies I’ll write it.

    NOW it’s your turn
    My first hobby is playin' with minds
    analysin' & solvin' problems especially whitch belongs to ppl
    and I like music ,sports such as body buildin' , travelin' ,
    and lately internet

    thanks 4 the idea

    7 "
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محاوله جيده
    Hello every one

    how are you?
    About my self I like to use the formal English that makes me be more confidence when I speak or write to a formal establishment.

    Umm I want every one to tell us about her/his hobbies..

    Lat me begin I like drowing,listening to music, play some sport such as swimming, basket ball,
    I like cocking special cake, ooh I also like driving cars and ride the rice so much what else that what my main has now when I remember another hobbies I’ll write it.

    NOW it’s your turn

    Hi Mr. Nice try

    The idea you have already come up with is wonderful
    Since I'm a young, sweet, gorgeous man, I may say that
    I have several hoppies.
    Playing volleyball,swimming,and reading each of these ways I consider as a hoppy I enjoy when I do

    On the other hand, I have some comments about
    your sentences listed above

    About my self
    my self is actually one word , so it is written myself

    ...formal English...
    Since you talk about a specific sort , you should use " The "

    ... makes me be more ...
    You already have a verb which is " makes " in this case you don't need another verb like " be " .i

    ...I want every one ...
    every one is actually one word , so it is written " everyone " ..i

    let me begin, I like drowing,listening to music, playing some sports such as swimming, basket ball,
    I like baking special cake, also I like driving cars and ride the rice so much what else that what my main has
    now when I remember other hobbies, I’ll write it

    does not make sense for me*

    Otherwise, you really did a great job
    keep working hard, and remember that no body can
    be perfect in any language, specially in English

    7 "

  3. Good morning everyone

    How are you to day?

    Thanks MaMdOuh, and I’m glad that you comment me

    and about –other- I was confused what should I put??

    Other* for last things of my hobbies it's a specific group, you’re right

    Thanks for Nemesis and MaMdOuh

    Where’re paper and the others? WHY YOU SLEEPING MOVE YOUR FINGERS ON THE KEYBOARD AND TYPE YOUR HOBBIES OR ANYTHING YOU LIKE. Ok be activedon't nbe lazy..

    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محاوله جيده
    Hello every one

    how are you?
    About my self I like to use the formal English that makes me be more confidence when I speak or write to a formal establishment.

    Umm I want every one to tell us about her/his hobbies..

    Lat me begin I like drowing,listening to music, play some sport such as swimming, basket ball,
    I like cocking special cake, ooh I also like driving cars and ride the rice so much what else that what my main has now when I remember another hobbies I’ll write it.

    NOW it’s your turn
    i like JAPAN and anything related to it
    from history to animation to j-pop and j-rock music and so on

    i like taking pics, colecting coins,movies, music, v-games

    writing toughts and lyrics

    and i love speking english but ma slang is kinda more american cuz it's more eaiser i guess

    thanks for the ides
    7 "
  5. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محاوله جيده
    Thanks a lot for who replay me

    kira banjar from Japan > I like Japanese anime more then the American

    I love watching the movies and the series of anime.

    Who have a back ground aboutthe Japanese anime

    Who likethe Japanese anime?
    i loved anime ever since i was 4

    and thanks to that i have alot of anime background

    i got almost 5 TB full of anime

    is an anime freek

    i like tv shows as well but i don't have time for it

    i just lately plsy RPG games like final fantasy when i get back from work if i'm ever board
    7 "
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