الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


عاجل طلاب ماسترخت رسالة يورس ليا

عاجل طلاب ماسترخت رسالة يورس ليا


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5442 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية ابو نور 18
    ابو نور 18

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    ابو نور 18 هولندا

    ابو نور 18 , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من هولندا , مبتعث فى هولندا , تخصصى طب , بجامعة مدري
    • مدري
    • طب
    • ذكر
    • مدري والله ماقالولي, ما تحددت والله
    • هولندا
    • Dec 2009

    February 5th, 2010, 11:06 AM

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    اخواني انا ارسلت رسالة ليورس اسالو عن الفيزا هادا نصها

    I took the university‘s admission,and I would like to ask you about my VISA should I issue it myself or the university will do that.

    Please reply to me as soon as you can giving me clear regulation.

    وهذا كان ردو

    Dear student,

    we will apply for a visa on your behalf as soon as we have all the necessary documents,
    please send me an email with your name so i can check your file,
    best regards

    بعدين انا ارسلتو ايميل باسمي

    وهادا كان ردو

    Dear students,

    First of all thank you for your interest in studying here in Maastricht. We are happy to have received a new group of interested candidates. I have also already met several new students on the fair in Riyadh which was very nice.

    If everything has worked out you should have received your acceptance letter by now. Either we have met in Saudi Arabia at the fair and I have given it to you personally, or it was given to a friend of yours and they have handed the letter to you. If you don’t have your letter (yet) you can send me an email and I will provide you with a copy.

    I would like all of you to reply to this email and attach proof of your English level or indicate when you will take your test. We need to know your current level of English so we can prepare the classes in the best possible way.

    This reply is also needed to check if all email addresses are still correct. Please reply before Monday the 8th of February (this Monday).

    In the next mails we will advise you about the visa application procedure. For your information, we will apply for a visa on your behalf! There is no need to start this procedure yourself already. We will also contact you to explain what will happen to student show are not able to obtain a sufficient score on English.

    Best regards and hope to see you in Maastricht soon

    Joris van Poecke

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