آلسسسلآم عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته ..
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
صبآح ..// مسسآء آلخيرٍ ..
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
صبآح ..// مسسآء آلخيرٍ ..
جتني رسسآلة آلفيزآ من يوريس .. لكن بمآ أنه قآل أرجو قرآءتها جيدا .. قلت قوقل مآرآح يفيدنا بهالحآله ..
فقلت .. أسستعين بزملآئي ( أنتم يعني ) ..
فقلت .. أسستعين بزملآئي ( أنتم يعني ) ..
فـ آلله لآيهينه .. آللي مستعد يششرح هآلرسآله لآيقصر علينا ..
نص آلرسسآله :
Dear students,
Finally, we can give you some more answers regarding your visa and the programme. Please read the e-mail carefully and completely.
The attached .pdf document shows that all visa have been approved by now. To make sure that your visa has been approved look up your Saudi ID number to make sure that you are indeed on the list. After that you have to make an appointment with the Dutch embassy. You have to do this via the on-line booking tool at http://riyadh.embassytools.com/, before travelling to the Embassy!
في هذا البارت يقول ان لازم تفتح المرفق (الاكسل) وتشوف اذا اسمك موجود بالقائمة
اذا اسمك موجود لازم تقدم على الفيزة عن الطريق النت ( موقع السفارة)
اللي من المفترض الكل الحين حجز
The attached .pdf document shows that all visa have been approved by now. To make sure that your visa has been approved look up your Saudi ID number to make sure that you are indeed on the list. After that you have to make an appointment with the Dutch embassy. You have to do this via the on-line booking tool at http://riyadh.embassytools.com/, before travelling to the Embassy!
في هذا البارت يقول ان لازم تفتح المرفق (الاكسل) وتشوف اذا اسمك موجود بالقائمة
اذا اسمك موجود لازم تقدم على الفيزة عن الطريق النت ( موقع السفارة)
اللي من المفترض الكل الحين حجز
For all companions: you need to book a separate appointment for visa application. Please contact the Embassy directly, they can assist you in booking the appointment, and can tell you which papers to bring. All companions should apply for a tourist visa, because of the limited time available. Since we will already have a bigger vacation period after a few months this tourist visa will allow companions to stay until the end of the first education period. During this period we will prepare for the visa you will need after the vacation.
هذا ماراح تستفيد منها .. لكن المقصود : اللي عنده مرافق لازم يحجز للمرافق بموعد منفصل (فيزة سائح)واذا موبغلطانة ان المرافق راح يقدر يجلس الفترة الاولى كاملة (يعني من البداية السفر الى اول مرة راح نرجع فيها الى السعودية (الى الاجازة )) .. وبعدين راح يحضرو فيزة اللي يحتاجها للرجوع مرة اخرى الى هولندا
اذا احد فهمه بطريقة ثانية يصحح بليز
Once you have the visa in your passport, as well as your companion, please notify us of this immediately via ucm-(تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى). That way, we can see who is ready for departure.
اللي طلعت له فيزة يراسلهم عن طريق الايميل اللي وضعه حتى يعرفو كم واحد جاهز للسفر
Arrival to Maastricht
Arrival to Maastricht
Because of the expected long visa processing time, we are forced to move the deadline for arrival, so that you have sufficient time to arrive. Together with Groningen University, we decided on the period of 24 April - 2 May 2010. This means the following:
- We expect all students + companions to arrive between 24 April - 2 May 2010. Arriving earlier is not accepted, and there will be no practical support, hotel arrangements, pick-ups and/or courses available before 24 April 2010.
- After receiving the tickets, please let us know your exact arrival date, time (GMT + 1) and flight number. Inform us as soon as you have booked your flight, but at least 3 days in advance via e-mail. We need to hear it from you directly, so not via other students, or students already in our programme. Also tell us the mobile phonenumber you will use during your travels, so we can contact you in case of emergency.
المعنى بشكل عام ان طلاب خرونقن وماسترخت راح يوصلو جميع في تاريخ ما بين 24 ابريل الى 2 مي
واللي يوصل قبل هذا التاريخ ماراح يجهزو له فندق ولا استقبال ولا راح يفتحو كلاس قبل هذا التاريخ
اذا خلصت الامور وطلعت لك تذكر (امر الاركاب) راسلهم على الايميل بنفسك واعطيهم ايوم والتاريخ ورقم الرحلة رقم الموبايل اللي يتواصلو معاك
IF you receive IELTS or TOEFL test results before departure, please send then to us asap. That way, we can determine what your English language level is, and customise the course programme. Please note that there will be additional language tests for everyone after arrival.
اللي امتحن ايلتس او توفل يرسل نتيجته عشان يحددو الليفل حقك وينظموا ايش لازم تاخذ بالكورس
ولما توصل راح يمتحنوك امتحان اضافي
During the first weeks, all attention will be focused on starting the students with their studies and practical affairs. Companions will have to wait until the companion meetings are organised. Then the companion's situation (visa/study/stay) will be discussed.
الاسبوع الاول راح يتم التركيز على الطلاب دون المرافقين .. والمرافقين عليهم ينتظرو الى الميتنق الا راح يسووه بخصوص ا(فيزة - دراسة واقامة) المرافق
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Kindest regards,
واللي عنده سؤال يرسل له
واللي يوصل قبل هذا التاريخ ماراح يجهزو له فندق ولا استقبال ولا راح يفتحو كلاس قبل هذا التاريخ
اذا خلصت الامور وطلعت لك تذكر (امر الاركاب) راسلهم على الايميل بنفسك واعطيهم ايوم والتاريخ ورقم الرحلة رقم الموبايل اللي يتواصلو معاك
IF you receive IELTS or TOEFL test results before departure, please send then to us asap. That way, we can determine what your English language level is, and customise the course programme. Please note that there will be additional language tests for everyone after arrival.
اللي امتحن ايلتس او توفل يرسل نتيجته عشان يحددو الليفل حقك وينظموا ايش لازم تاخذ بالكورس
ولما توصل راح يمتحنوك امتحان اضافي
During the first weeks, all attention will be focused on starting the students with their studies and practical affairs. Companions will have to wait until the companion meetings are organised. Then the companion's situation (visa/study/stay) will be discussed.
الاسبوع الاول راح يتم التركيز على الطلاب دون المرافقين .. والمرافقين عليهم ينتظرو الى الميتنق الا راح يسووه بخصوص ا(فيزة - دراسة واقامة) المرافق
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Kindest regards,
واللي عنده سؤال يرسل له
اتمنى اني قدرت افيدك واللي عنده اي تصحيح او فهم الكلام بطريقة اخرى اتمنى انه يفيدنا
March 19th, 2010, 04:19 PM
صبآح ..// مسسآء آلخيرٍ ..
جتني رسسآلة آلفيزآ من يوريس .. لكن بمآ أنه قآل أرجو قرآءتها جيدا .. قلت قوقل مآرآح يفيدنا بهالحآله ..
فقلت .. أسستعين بزملآئي ( أنتم يعني ) ..
فـ آلله لآيهينه .. آللي مستعد يششرح هآلرسآله لآيقصر علينا ..
نص آلرسسآله :
Dear students,
Finally, we can give you some more answers regarding your visa and the programme. Please read the e-mail carefully and completely.
The attached .pdf document shows that all visa have been approved by now. To make sure that your visa has been approved look up your Saudi ID number to make sure that you are indeed on the list. After that you have to make an appointment with the Dutch embassy. You have to do this via the on-line booking tool at http://riyadh.embassytools.com/, before travelling to the Embassy!
For all companions: you need to book a separate appointment for visa application. Please contact the Embassy directly, they can assist you in booking the appointment, and can tell you which papers to bring. All companions should apply for a tourist visa, because of the limited time available. Since we will already have a bigger vacation period after a few months this tourist visa will allow companions to stay until the end of the first education period. During this period we will prepare for the visa you will need after the vacation.
Once you have the visa in your passport, as well as your companion, please notify us of this immediately via ucm-(تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى). That way, we can see who is ready for departure.
Arrival to Maastricht
Because of the expected long visa processing time, we are forced to move the deadline for arrival, so that you have sufficient time to arrive. Together with Groningen University, we decided on the period of 24 April - 2 May 2010. This means the following:
IF you receive IELTS or TOEFL test results before departure, please send then to us asap. That way, we can determine what your English language level is, and customise the course programme. Please note that there will be additional language tests for everyone after arrival.
During the first weeks, all attention will be focused on starting the students with their studies and practical affairs. Companions will have to wait until the companion meetings are organised. Then the companion's situation (visa/study/stay) will be discussed.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Kindest regards,