وعليكم السلام والرحمة
الله يعوضك خير ان شاء الله
لا تتضايق ولا تلقي للموضوع بال او اي شي
وبدال الايميل الف ايميل وابشر لو بغيت ايميلي عطيتك اياه < ههههه يعني مو للدرجة هذي
وهذي كل المعلومات اللي تحتاجها واليوم بعد وصلتنا رسالة منهم هذي نصها
Dear fellows.
withhere i am sending this mail to those who got his visa for germany and DID
NOT tell me about that. I need your answer. It helps us by organizing for you
for example the german language course or by finding for you an accommodation.
So as soon as you can send me the answer just do it, please.
Another issue is your flight to germany. In another mail we send to everybody of
you where he is going to stay for the german course and so on. Your flight has
to be at the 01. March 2011.
Also according to the flight i need answers. Should you have already booked a
flight, i would be helpfull to tell us about it. Fruitfull in this case would be
to mention to us the time of your arrive to your city in germany.
When we know when you are going to arrive we can organize the welcoming you.
So tell us about your receiving the visa and about the time of your arriving to
germany at the 01. March, please.
I hope this mail arrives you in a good health.
Best regards
Muhammad Khaskeia
Muhammad Khaskeia
DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
Referat 443 / Golf-Staaten
Kennedyallee 50
53175 Bonn
DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service
Section 443 / Gulf Region
Kennedyallee 50
53175 Bonn
Fax +49 (0) 228 882 570
Tel.: +49 (0) 228 882 8609
E-Mail: ref.443@daad.de
DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst
واذا بغيت اي شي امر على طول لا يردك الا الكيبورد
بالتوفيق ان شاء الله
7 " الله يعوضك خير ان شاء الله
لا تتضايق ولا تلقي للموضوع بال او اي شي
وبدال الايميل الف ايميل وابشر لو بغيت ايميلي عطيتك اياه < ههههه يعني مو للدرجة هذي
وهذي كل المعلومات اللي تحتاجها واليوم بعد وصلتنا رسالة منهم هذي نصها
Dear fellows.
withhere i am sending this mail to those who got his visa for germany and DID
NOT tell me about that. I need your answer. It helps us by organizing for you
for example the german language course or by finding for you an accommodation.
So as soon as you can send me the answer just do it, please.
Another issue is your flight to germany. In another mail we send to everybody of
you where he is going to stay for the german course and so on. Your flight has
to be at the 01. March 2011.
Also according to the flight i need answers. Should you have already booked a
flight, i would be helpfull to tell us about it. Fruitfull in this case would be
to mention to us the time of your arrive to your city in germany.
When we know when you are going to arrive we can organize the welcoming you.
So tell us about your receiving the visa and about the time of your arriving to
germany at the 01. March, please.
I hope this mail arrives you in a good health.
Best regards
Muhammad Khaskeia
Muhammad Khaskeia
DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
Referat 443 / Golf-Staaten
Kennedyallee 50
53175 Bonn
DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service
Section 443 / Gulf Region
Kennedyallee 50
53175 Bonn
Fax +49 (0) 228 882 570
Tel.: +49 (0) 228 882 8609
E-Mail: ref.443@daad.de
DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst
واذا بغيت اي شي امر على طول لا يردك الا الكيبورد
بالتوفيق ان شاء الله
January 25th, 2011, 12:19 PM
السلام عليكميا شباب الموضوع واضح من عنوانه
أنا اخترقو ايميلي ( طبعا عن طريق البديل )
المهم اني متأزم نفسيا
لأنو الايميل دا هو عند الدااد وعند الملحقية وعند الوزارة وكمان ناس مهمين
يا ريت تساعدوني
محتاج ايميل الدااد + ايميل خاسكييا ( الي يرسل لنا رسايل من الدااد )
وكمان يا ريت واحد يكتب لي عن اي رسالة جديدة تيجي منهم
وشاكر لكم