مبتعث جديد New Member
welafifa2007 , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من مصر
, مبتعث فى النمسا
, تخصصى كيمياء
, بجامعة اسيوط
- اسيوط, اسيوط
- مصر
- May 2011
المزيدl May 17th, 2011, 06:15 AM
اخوانى الاعزاء انا شايف ان ما شاء الله المنتدى هنا موفق ناس كتير ودة كله طبعا بسبب الاهتمام الكبير
ماطولش عليكم انا وليد من مصر وسعيد جدا انى معكم هنا فى المنتدى
انا مقدم على كليه ادارة اعمال واقتصاد فى جامعه فيينا من البدايه انا راسلت الجامعه وطلبت منى الطلبات دى
1. Translation of your Secondary School Leaving Certificate translated by a translator who is certified and court-approved in Austria 2. The Austrian Universities Act 2002 stipulates that applicants from non-EU and non-EEA countries and stateless persons fulfill certain country-specific admission requirements (applicable in the country in which the leaving certificate was issued) and that they are entitled to enroll in an *****alent program at an accredited university in the country in which the applicant's secondary school leaving certificate was issued. This means that you must fulfill all criteria, over and above the leaving certificate, applicable in Egypt (entrance exams, interviews, etc.) for admission to an *****alent degree program to the one you have chosen to attend at WU. Your entitlement for direct access must be confirmed in writing by the accredited university (President/Dean/Registrar). The confirmation must state that you would be entitled to enroll in a Bachelor's program · in business administration, economics, commerce or a related field of study (if you have chosen to apply for the WU Bachelor’s program in Business, Economics and Social Sciences) without requiring any further entrance exams, interviews, etc. in the academic year in which you wish to start your studies at our university (e.g. 2011/12). In the confirmation must include the following information: § name of the program (e. g. business administration, finance, economics, law…) § legally required duration of studies for the program § academic degree which will be conferred to you after successful completion of the program Please note that you do not meet the special entrance requirements in case you are · a student of a distance learning program (open studies) · a non regular student · a student of a higher institute · a student or graduate of post-graduate diploma studies / higher studies 3. Curriculum vitae, documenting in particular your education to date Please note that you must submit the missing documents by August 31, 2011, otherwise we will not be able to consider your application for the winter semester of 2011/12. The original documents and translations will be returned to you by registered post along with our response to your application. Legalization No bilateral or other agreements have been made with Egypt. Therefore, any documents or translations issued in Egypt must undergo full legalization procedures before they can be recognized in Austria. The legalization confirmation must be affixed to the original document. Your documents must first be legalized in Egypt (the final step in this process is submitting your documents to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Egypt) before they can be legalized by the Austrian Embassy in Cairo. Procedure: 1. Legalization by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt 2. Legalization by the Austrian Embassy in Cairo Translation All documents must be submitted in German or English. If the original document was not issued in one of these languages, it must be translated. Translations must be done by a certified, court-approved translator officially recognized by the issuing country. Please note the following: - The original document must have all necessary legalizations before translation.
- Any stamps, seals or legalization notices (including those on the reverse side of the document) must also be translated.
- The translation must be permanently attached to the original document by the translator.
For documents translated in Austria: 1. Have original document legalized (see procedure above) 2. Have legalized document translated by a translator who is certified and court-approved in Austria.
You will find a list of court-approved certified translators in Austria at Gerichtssachverst.
دى الطلبات الى طلبوها منى فى الاول ,انا ليا صديق هناك قالى ابعتلى ورق الثانويه العامه وورقه اثبات قيد حيث اننى مقيد فى كليه العلوم فى مصر الفرقه الثالثه
وشهادة الميلاد وترجمتهم لالمانى ووثقتهم من السفارة وارسلتهم لهنا واتفاجه ان الجامعه ارسلت ليا الطلبات تانى رغم ان صديقى عندما ذهب لادخول الاوراق للجامعه اخذته منه الموظفه المختصه وصورتوو واعطيتو الاصل واكتفت هيا بالصورة فعلا انا مش عارف ايه الى بيحص
ليا سوالين هل الورق الى ارسلتو غلط طيب ولو غلط ليه ماشفتهوش وقالت لصاحبى ان كلو تمام اتفاجئت النهاردة 17/5 بالرساله دى ليه ؟ طيب ايه معنى الورق الى طلبينو دى اتمنى انى الاقى رد شكرا رجااااااااااااااء المساعدة والرد سريعااااااااااااااااا
welafifa2007 May 17th, 2011, 06:19 AM
7 " 1-شهادةالثانوي مترجمة من مترجم معتمدومصادق من قبل المحكمه في النمسا.
2-الثانيه فيها شوية هرجهلكن وضحوها تحت ببساطه,,
انو في معاييرلازم تجتازهافوق شهادتك اللي من مصر مثلإختبارات القبول,المقابلات الشخصيه,لعمادةالقبول في الدرجه المطلوبه في التخصصالذي اخترته في تلك الجامعه,
مؤهلك للدخوليجب أن يأكد من جامعة معتمده كتابيا,,خطياسواءا من رئيسها أو عميد قبولها أو مسؤولالقبول,,((عادأنا لست متأكد هل هي الجامعه اللي في مصرأو اللي في فيينا))
التأكيد يجبأن يذكر أنك مؤهل للتسجيل في برنامجالباكلوريوس في إدارة الأعمال,الإقتصاد او التجاره,,أوأي تخصص مرتبط بهم,(في حالة إخترت طلب درجةالبكالوريوس في جامعة فيينا في الأعمالوالإقتصاد أو علم الإجتماع)بدون الحاجه إلى أي إختبارقبول أو مقابلات في السنه الجايه 2012..
يعني يا حبيبيإذا جبت لهم ورقة مصدقه من الجماعه المعترفهبأنك مؤهل, فإنكبذلك لا تحتاج إلى مقابلات و إختباراتووجع راس..
في التأكيديجب أن يتضمن المعلومات التاليه::
1-إسمالبرنامج::علىسبيل المثال((إدارةأعمال,إدارةماليه,إقتصاد,قانون,)).
2-المدةالقانونيه للدراسه في هذا التخصص.
3-الدرجةالأكاديميه التي سوف تشاور بها بعد إتمامالدوره بنجاح((هذيما فهمتها)).
والله هذا اللي قدرت عليه,,
النصف الثاني ما يمديها الحين,,ان امداني ولا الشباب ماهم مقصرين,,
دعواتك الصادقه..
Mr.Nucleus May 17th, 2011, 07:07 AM
7 " انا شاورت صديقى لكن هو ما عندو فكرة الى انا فاهمو من الطلب التانى ان دة جواب بجيبوو من الجامعه بتاعتى فى مصر يفيد ان موهل لدراسه ادارة الاعمال او الاقتصاد بالشهادة الثانويه بتاعتى لكن الى مش فاهمو او الى عايز اعرف صيغه الجواب ايه
وكمان لازم يكون موجود اسم البرنامج الى هو فى فيينا اقصدهم ؟يريد المشورة بارجاله
وشكراااااااااااااااااجدا لاخوة الى ساعدونى
welafifa2007 May 17th, 2011, 09:06 PM
7 "
May 17th, 2011, 06:15 AM
اخوانى الاعزاء انا شايف ان ما شاء الله المنتدى هنا موفق ناس كتير ودة كله طبعا بسبب الاهتمام الكبيرماطولش عليكم انا وليد من مصر وسعيد جدا انى معكم هنا فى المنتدى
انا مقدم على كليه ادارة اعمال واقتصاد فى جامعه فيينا من البدايه انا راسلت الجامعه وطلبت منى الطلبات دى
1. Translation of your Secondary School Leaving Certificate translated by a translator who is certified and court-approved in Austria
2. The Austrian Universities Act 2002 stipulates that applicants from non-EU and non-EEA countries and stateless persons fulfill certain country-specific admission requirements (applicable in the country in which the leaving certificate was issued) and that they are entitled to enroll in an *****alent program at an accredited university in the country in which the applicant's secondary school leaving certificate was issued.
This means that you must fulfill all criteria, over and above the leaving certificate, applicable in Egypt (entrance exams, interviews, etc.) for admission to an *****alent degree program to the one you have chosen to attend at WU.
Your entitlement for direct access must be confirmed in writing by the accredited university (President/Dean/Registrar).
The confirmation must state that you would be entitled to enroll in a Bachelor's program
· in business administration, economics, commerce or a related field of study (if you have chosen to apply for the WU Bachelor’s program in Business, Economics and Social Sciences)
without requiring any further entrance exams, interviews, etc. in the academic year in which you wish to start your studies at our university (e.g. 2011/12).
In the confirmation must include the following information:
§ name of the program (e. g. business administration, finance, economics, law…)
§ legally required duration of studies for the program
§ academic degree which will be conferred to you after successful completion of the program
Please note that you do not meet the special entrance requirements in case you are
· a student of a distance learning program (open studies)
· a non regular student
· a student of a higher institute
· a student or graduate of post-graduate diploma studies / higher studies
3. Curriculum vitae, documenting in particular your education to date
Please note that you must submit the missing documents by August 31, 2011, otherwise we will not be able to consider your application for the winter semester of 2011/12.
The original documents and translations will be returned to you by registered post along with our response to your application.
No bilateral or other agreements have been made with Egypt. Therefore, any documents or translations issued in Egypt must undergo full legalization procedures before they can be recognized in Austria.
The legalization confirmation must be affixed to the original document.
Your documents must first be legalized in Egypt (the final step in this process is submitting your documents to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Egypt) before they can be legalized by the Austrian Embassy in Cairo.
1. Legalization by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt
2. Legalization by the Austrian Embassy in Cairo
All documents must be submitted in German or English. If the original document was not issued in one of these languages, it must be translated.
Translations must be done by a certified, court-approved translator officially recognized by the issuing country.
Please note the following:
For documents translated in Austria:
1. Have original document legalized (see procedure above)
2. Have legalized document translated by a translator who is certified and court-approved in Austria.
You will find a list of court-approved certified translators in Austria at Gerichtssachverst.
دى الطلبات الى طلبوها منى فى الاول ,انا ليا صديق هناك قالى ابعتلى ورق الثانويه العامه وورقه اثبات قيد حيث اننى مقيد فى كليه العلوم فى مصر الفرقه الثالثه
وشهادة الميلاد وترجمتهم لالمانى ووثقتهم من السفارة وارسلتهم لهنا واتفاجه ان الجامعه ارسلت ليا الطلبات تانى رغم ان صديقى عندما ذهب لادخول الاوراق للجامعه اخذته منه الموظفه المختصه وصورتوو واعطيتو الاصل واكتفت هيا بالصورة فعلا انا مش عارف ايه الى بيحص
ليا سوالين هل الورق الى ارسلتو غلط طيب ولو غلط ليه ماشفتهوش وقالت لصاحبى ان كلو تمام اتفاجئت النهاردة 17/5 بالرساله دى ليه ؟
طيب ايه معنى الورق الى طلبينو دى
اتمنى انى الاقى رد شكرا