الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


تجمع طلاب Groningen

تجمع طلاب Groningen


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6237 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. 8
    السؤال .. فيهـ صفوف رياضه اجباريه ؟؟

    بعدين صحيح ( ان شاء الله ) انكم 2009 راح تدرسوا انجلش 100% ؟
    وهل هذا الكلام على خرونج بس ولا ماستر كمانـ ؟؟
    يعني الخبر اكيد 100% ؟؟؟

    وياليت تساعدونا بالأماكن القريبة من المعهد عشان اول مانجي نشوفه ونحجز لنا البنات جنب بعض

    سـلامـي ،،
    7 "
  2. مرحبوووشن مبتعثين ومبتعثات

    شخباااااركم .. شرايكم برساله الجامعه الجديده

    والله كبروا في عيني مهتمين فينا خخخخخخخ

    الا بغيت اسأل اذا احد منكم عنده فكره

    هولندا تهتم بموضوع البرامج الاصليه في الاب توب ولا ناخذ راحتنا

    وكاتبين في رسالتهم انهم يبغوا تأمين سفر وتأمين صحي لأول اسبوعين في هولندا
    والوزاره تقول انها مو مسؤوله عن اي تأمين

    7 "
  3. هذا آخر ايميل جانا من Aog Premed
    كان بتاريخ 3 مارس


    Dear students,

    Again, our weekly update for you. This week, we would like to inform you about housing.

    Housing in the Netherlands
    The Netherlands is a small, crowded country where space is expensive. This means that Dutch houses are smaller than a typical house in Saudi-Arabia.
    Dutch students often lives in a student house, in which they share bathrooms and kitchens between them.

    Some students share an apartment together, since rents are high. Furnished apartments are available, but rents are high.

    Rent is paid every month, before the first day of the new month. Student rooms include all taxes, gas water and electricity in the rent.

    Private apartments are often rent-only and require you to pay additional charges for gas, water and electricity. Real estate agents charge an extra month of rent, security deposit and costs. It is worth buying your furniture at IKEA.

    Housing in Groningen
    Living in Groningen is popular, and so renting a house is expensive. Most of the population lives in either apartments, studio’s or a family house.

    Students such as yourself live in student houses (shared facilities) or studio’s (private facilities). Students also share larger apartments with their friends.

    Pre-medical housing
    Your housing during the first two weeks is arranged. The Hampshire Hotel Plaza Groningen http://www.hampshire-plazagroningen.nl/ has made reservations to receive you. The University will pay for the first week of your stay; the student has to pay for the second week. Breakfast and dinner are included in the price.

    We advise you to bring a international accepted credit card (MasterCard, Visa) to pay your bills.

    We are busy arranging hotel rooms for accompanying persons. Please e-mail us at premed @ aog . nl if you have accompanying persons and didn’t inform us yet.

    Accompanying persons pay for their entire stay at the hotel.

    After the first weeks, you can transfer to an International Student House, provided you paid all fees and made a booking in time.

    The Housing Office can also help with finding a private apartment. Just fill out the application form on their website.

    We also offer you assistance in finding a private house, but we only have a very short period of time to do so.

    Hopefully, we plan to organize a housing fair, where you can find a house quickly. Do not expect to find a palace in Groningen.

    After the third week, there is no time to look further for housing, since classes will start.

    We know that this is much information. Please read it carefully, and e-mail us premed @ aog . nl if you don’t understand things.

    As you understand, we cannot build houses, but we will help you with finding a place to live.

    We strongly advise you to try the University Housing Office to help you with arranging housing. This way, you will have a place when you arrive.

    Relying on real estate agents in Groningen is expensive and time consuming.

    Actions for students/parents

    1. Look at the houses/apartments offered on this website.
    2. Sign up via the application form
    3. Contact the housing office if you have questions regarding their website
    4. contact us via premed @ aog . nl if you have other questions.

    With kind regards, تحياتنا

    The University of Groningen premedical project team:

    Mrs. Kasova
    Mrs. Van der Kolk
    Mr. Katoele
    Mr. Vos

    PS: next e-mail: the programme’s first weeks. Don’t miss it.

    7 "
  4. هذا الايميل جا منهم قبل دقايق


    Dear students,

    Again, our weekly e-mail to you. We received lots of questions regarding housing, so we will try to answer them in this e-mail.

    Also information on the first weeks in the Netherlands, and some websites for you to look at.
    Don’t forget to check our website http://www.sanlink.nl. Show it to your parents.

    Important: do you know one of the following persons? Please
    let them e-mail us at premed @ aog.nl. Our weekly e-mails didn’t reach them so far.
    These persons are: Ali Hassan Qawas (Jeddah), Bedoor Hassan Bloushi (Dammam), Jumanah Zuhair Ghunaim (Makkah) and Zakia Ali Al Jafar (??)

    Questions and answers

    Q. When will we arrive in the Netherlands ?
    A. So far, we are waiting for a date too. The Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) should communicate this to you.
    They are responsible for arranging flights and visas. With regards to filling in applications for housing, use the date of 1 April 2008

    Q. How do we find housing in Groningen ?
    A. Easiest way is to register with the University Housing Office at www.housingoffice.nl This way, we know what you want and can start looking for you.
    Also register with the Housing Office if you are looking for private apartments or studios.

    Because your programme is very full, we have not much time to look for houses after you have arrived. Pre-registration with the Housing Office saves us and you time, and makes your chances of finding a house in time much better. Registration fees at the Housing Office will be increased after 1 April 2008. You can save money by registering now via www.housingoffice.nl

    Q. Can I live with a Dutch family (= home stay) ?
    A. We are very sorry, but we offer NO home stay. Housing in Groningen always means living with friends, on your own or with other students.

    Q. How much does the hotel cost?
    A. We are almost done with hotel arrangements. The only thing to do is make sure enough beds are available for you accompanying persons.
    After that, we will tell you exact prices and what you get via e-mail.

    Programme weeks 1 – 3
    Remember, things can/will change because your arrival date is not certain yet.

    A list of things we do in week 1:

    Meet at Schiphol airport
    Travel to Groningen
    Check-in hotel
    Meet your buddy
    Official welcome
    Explanation of pre-medical programme
    Practical affairs: insurance, bank account, passport pictures, residence permit etc.
    Visit Groningen
    Bicycle riding
    Visit local mosque
    Visit university hospital and medical faculty

    Week 2 will follow in our next e-mail.

    Interesting websites to look at
    www.dalili.nl Dutch and Arabic newspaper for the Netherlands
    www.hyves.nl Dutch Facebook website
    www.universiteitskrant.nl University of Groningen weekly newspaper
    www.esn-groningen.nl/home/ International Student association for student activities and internationalisation in Groningen
    http://www.groningermuseum.nl/?lan=Engels Most famous museum of Groningen

    That is all for this time. Read the information carefully and e-mail us with your questions at premed @ aog.nl
    Good luck with your activities in the coming week.

    With kind regards, تحياتنا

    The University of Groningen premedical project team
    premed @ aog.nl
    7 "
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