about the admission... in short:
First of all search for your suitable master program.. If your English is already good, I encourage you to search for master programs that are offered in English
You can find those in Europe here:
Find Masters in Europe: all MBA, MSc., MA, LLM, MPhil and other postgraduate programmes - MastersPortal.eu
An example: Civil Engineering, Architecture & Construction Master's study;
in English in Europe:
Search results - MastersPortal.eu
in English in Germany:
Search results - MastersPortal.eu
You can further customize your search from the left side of the webpage..
read about each master program ... the admission requirements .. the deadlines ... etc.
While you are looking for masters .. get the TOEFL .. since it is your proof that you can study in English.
or .. learn GERMAN if you wanna study in German
Apply.. apply everywhere ... at least apply to 10 universities
Do not choose the university before applying .. choose out from the ones you have got acceptance from..
4- Wait for responses
5-Choose the university and apply for the student visa
Living Costs are around 700-900 Euros/month
You might find a job .. but do not rely on that ..
Good Luck!
7 " 1-
First of all search for your suitable master program.. If your English is already good, I encourage you to search for master programs that are offered in English
You can find those in Europe here:
Find Masters in Europe: all MBA, MSc., MA, LLM, MPhil and other postgraduate programmes - MastersPortal.eu
An example: Civil Engineering, Architecture & Construction Master's study;
in English in Europe:
Search results - MastersPortal.eu
in English in Germany:
Search results - MastersPortal.eu
You can further customize your search from the left side of the webpage..
read about each master program ... the admission requirements .. the deadlines ... etc.
While you are looking for masters .. get the TOEFL .. since it is your proof that you can study in English.
or .. learn GERMAN if you wanna study in German
Apply.. apply everywhere ... at least apply to 10 universities
Do not choose the university before applying .. choose out from the ones you have got acceptance from..
4- Wait for responses
5-Choose the university and apply for the student visa
Living Costs are around 700-900 Euros/month
You might find a job .. but do not rely on that ..
Good Luck!
June 11th, 2013, 07:16 PM
السلام عليكمانا مهندس مدني لسه حديث تخرج وكنت عايز احضر تمهيدي للماجستير لاداره المشروعات بالمانيا ووقع اختياري علي جامعه اخن فانا كنت عايز اعرف الشروط من حيث التقديم
المصاريف وتكاليف المعيشة وهل هناك اقتراحات اخري من حيث جامعات اخري او دول اخري من حيث اولا التكلفه بالذات والقيمه العلميه خاصه اني سوف اكمل علي حسابي الشخصي
وهل يمكن العمل بجوار الدراسه
اسف علي الاطاله ......شكرا