الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


مساعدة قبول جامعة ولغة

مساعدة قبول جامعة ولغة


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 3955 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية AbodeE HacK
    AbodeE HacK

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    AbodeE HacK ألمانيا

    AbodeE HacK , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من سوريا , مبتعث فى ألمانيا , تخصصى طالب , بجامعة IlMENAU
    • IlMENAU
    • طالب
    • ذكر
    • الرياض, الدار البيضاء
    • سوريا
    • Jan 2014

    March 31st, 2014, 07:58 PM

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    انا طالب سوري

    حاصل على شهادة الثانوية من السعودية

    ومقيم في السعودية

    وحابب اقدم لالمانيا

    محتاج مساعدة بالامور التالية :

    1- قبول لغة من معهد معروف

    2- قبول جامعة بشرط ان تكون الجامعة معروفة لدى السفارة ليست مشموسة كجامعة الميناو وغيرها
    وحبذا لو تقلولي عن الجامعات المقبولة في السفارة الالمانية في السعودية
    يعني الجامعات المشهورة
    طبعا قبول طب
    واذا ما نفع عادي
    قبول هندسة حاسوب

    3- سكن

    4-رسالة التحفيز : اي مساعدة حكون شاكر بخصوصها وجزاكم الله خير

    لو في اي احد يا اخوان يقدر يساعدني بهالامور

    طبعا حقوقه محفوظة وتعبه

    للمعلومية انا قدمت للسفارة الالمانيا وانرفضت
    للاسباب الموضحة في الصورة :
    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر

الاســـم:	Refusal.jpg
المشاهدات:	94
الحجـــم:	129.3 كيلوبايت
الرقم:	31804

    وكنت قد كلمت السيد ماركوس رود الذي يعتبر سفير ال DAAD في السعودية :

    وراسلني برسالة تحتوي على الاخطاء التي ادت الى رفضي وهي كالتالي ::

    1. BUT in your motivation-letter (that was obviously NOT written by you, which makes it
    NOT helpful . The embassy will think that some well-paid agency wrote it for you and
    that it is probably just a fairy tale. Better write in simple German and in better English or
    even Arabic - maybe in all 3 languages - yourself.)
    In that letter is written: BAU-Ingenieur Civil-Engineering - that is NOT mechanical engineering.
    The embassy was right to ask you about this contradiction
    AND right to suspect the WHOLE story is not true. ...
    You should really READ about the course you plan to study, and make a print out,
    mark the important information, show it to the embassy. If you seem confused about
    WHAT you are going to study the next 3,5+1,5=5 !! years (maybe + 2 years Master)
    HOW do you expect to convince the embassy??

    2. As you need to do B1 courses in Germany, the embassy wants to see a booking of such a course.
    (At least a print out of the course you plan to take and an email from them that you are welcome to register!)

    3. YOU have the right to stay and work in Germany in your qualification after you got the degree in Germany,
    actually the whole world will offer job-opportunities for you.
    All your stories about building cars etc. in KSA or Syria were NOT needed and NOT helpful.
    Only more reason for the embassy not to believe you.

    4. I hope all the other papers are ok. Esp. the bank account.
    The embassy expects not only a bank account in Germany but also that
    your family can help you after the first year, too. Your family should have an
    income of over 10,000 SR a month so that the embassy believes they can afford it.
    Best idea is to apply again. Better prepared. Maybe after a good B1,
    as you have enough time till 1. September 2014.
    Instead you can also "remonstrate" now - to protest the decision and
    to ask the embassy to look again into the matter. Of course,
    explaining in that remonstration about the problems 1, 2, 3 and 4.
    You need to SIGN that remonstration and sent/give it to the CONSUL
    (Ms. F. Schirmer) of the German embassy.

    Oh, number 5: Illmenau writes u are admitted to the entrance exam of the Studienkolleg.
    You have to PASS their entrance exam (German and probably math -DID YOU check their exams???.
    It is prep-college. One year, technical courses and German courses.) And AFTER passing the exams
    at the end of that year, you can really start to study. I am not sure, you are aware of this.
    You do not mention it in your mail. The expert at the embassy knows about it. If you do not,
    then he/she will not believe you are ready for studying.
    (You wrote: " As the university asked only for B1." NO! The prep college will ask for at least B1
    to take part in the entrance exam. You need to get a GOOD (B1+) result there. When you pass
    their FINAL exams after 1 year, you will be B2 or better - AND qualified in math and tech. science.
    THEN the UNIVERSITY will accept you. )

    اسف على الاطاله واتمنى وارجو منكم المساعدة ...
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة AbodeE HacK
    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    انا طالب سوري

    حاصل على شهادة الثانوية من السعودية

    ومقيم في السعودية

    وحابب اقدم لالمانيا

    محتاج مساعدة بالامور التالية :

    1- قبول لغة من معهد معروف

    2- قبول جامعة بشرط ان تكون الجامعة معروفة لدى السفارة ليست مشموسة كجامعة الميناو وغيرها
    وحبذا لو تقلولي عن الجامعات المقبولة في السفارة الالمانية في السعودية
    يعني الجامعات المشهورة
    طبعا قبول طب
    واذا ما نفع عادي
    قبول هندسة حاسوب

    3- سكن

    4-رسالة التحفيز : اي مساعدة حكون شاكر بخصوصها وجزاكم الله خير

    لو في اي احد يا اخوان يقدر يساعدني بهالامور

    طبعا حقوقه محفوظة وتعبه

    للمعلومية انا قدمت للسفارة الالمانيا وانرفضت
    للاسباب الموضحة في الصورة :
    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر

الاســـم:	Refusal.jpg
المشاهدات:	94
الحجـــم:	129.3 كيلوبايت
الرقم:	31804

    وكنت قد كلمت السيد ماركوس رود الذي يعتبر سفير ال DAAD في السعودية :

    وراسلني برسالة تحتوي على الاخطاء التي ادت الى رفضي وهي كالتالي ::

    1. BUT in your motivation-letter (that was obviously NOT written by you, which makes it
    NOT helpful . The embassy will think that some well-paid agency wrote it for you and
    that it is probably just a fairy tale. Better write in simple German and in better English or
    even Arabic - maybe in all 3 languages - yourself.)
    In that letter is written: BAU-Ingenieur Civil-Engineering - that is NOT mechanical engineering.
    The embassy was right to ask you about this contradiction
    AND right to suspect the WHOLE story is not true. ...
    You should really READ about the course you plan to study, and make a print out,
    mark the important information, show it to the embassy. If you seem confused about
    WHAT you are going to study the next 3,5+1,5=5 !! years (maybe + 2 years Master)
    HOW do you expect to convince the embassy??

    2. As you need to do B1 courses in Germany, the embassy wants to see a booking of such a course.
    (At least a print out of the course you plan to take and an email from them that you are welcome to register!)

    3. YOU have the right to stay and work in Germany in your qualification after you got the degree in Germany,
    actually the whole world will offer job-opportunities for you.
    All your stories about building cars etc. in KSA or Syria were NOT needed and NOT helpful.
    Only more reason for the embassy not to believe you.

    4. I hope all the other papers are ok. Esp. the bank account.
    The embassy expects not only a bank account in Germany but also that
    your family can help you after the first year, too. Your family should have an
    income of over 10,000 SR a month so that the embassy believes they can afford it.
    Best idea is to apply again. Better prepared. Maybe after a good B1,
    as you have enough time till 1. September 2014.
    Instead you can also "remonstrate" now - to protest the decision and
    to ask the embassy to look again into the matter. Of course,
    explaining in that remonstration about the problems 1, 2, 3 and 4.
    You need to SIGN that remonstration and sent/give it to the CONSUL
    (Ms. F. Schirmer) of the German embassy.

    Oh, number 5: Illmenau writes u are admitted to the entrance exam of the Studienkolleg.
    You have to PASS their entrance exam (German and probably math -DID YOU check their exams???.
    It is prep-college. One year, technical courses and German courses.) And AFTER passing the exams
    at the end of that year, you can really start to study. I am not sure, you are aware of this.
    You do not mention it in your mail. The expert at the embassy knows about it. If you do not,
    then he/she will not believe you are ready for studying.
    (You wrote: " As the university asked only for B1." NO! The prep college will ask for at least B1
    to take part in the entrance exam. You need to get a GOOD (B1+) result there. When you pass
    their FINAL exams after 1 year, you will be B2 or better - AND qualified in math and tech. science.
    THEN the UNIVERSITY will accept you. )

    اسف على الاطاله واتمنى وارجو منكم المساعدة ...
    طبعا السيد رد عليك وواضح انو رسالة الحافزية كانت سيئة للغاية
    طبعا مابدي خوض في النقاط يلي ذكرها لكن كلها مقنعة وكافية انها تعطيك رفض

    بالنسبة للجامعات في المانيا
    مافي جامعة اسمها مشموسة وجامعة مرموقة ومابعرف شو
    عند القديم لفيزا دراسية لا يوجد شيء اسمه جامعات قمة وجامعات مشموسة
    هي جامعة في المانيا بامكان الطالب الاجنبي الدراسة فيها

    لا يوجد شيء اسمه معهد لغة معروف وغير معروف عند التقديم للفيزا ايضا
    كل معاهد اللغة في المانيا عند التقديم للفيزا تكفي للغرض(تسجيل في معهد لغة)
    ما انصح به هو دفع الرسوم كاملة للمعهد كاثبات انك تريد الدراسة بشكل جدي وفعلي
    ونصيحة لوجه الله تعال المرة القادمة اكتب رسالتك الحافزية بنفسك مش عن طريق مكتب
    او مابعرف شو
    سؤال هل درست سنة في اي جامعة؟؟؟
    7 "

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