المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة فارس اللؤلؤ
مساعدة في الcv والmotivational letter عاجل وضروي جدا
مساعدة في الcv والmotivational letter عاجل وضروي جدا
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 3852 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
- اخي الامر بسيط لكن ابحث بالانجليزية7 "
Clausthal University of Technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
مثال صفحة الويكيبيديا فيها Ranking و Unqiue Features اقرأ الصفحة بتمعن و عيد صياغة المعلومات بحسب فهمك
ممكن تدور على معلومات اكثر في قوقل
تحياتي لك - عدلتها شوي ايش رايك فيها؟7 "
Name: //////////////////////////////////////
Ladies and Gentlemen at the German Embassy //////,,,
In the beginning I would like to introduce myself to you I am //////// I am /////// I am //years old I have graduated from secondary school in //////////// with a grade point average of ///////%.
After I looked up For life and study in Germany I was impressed with its strong educational system and curriculums and how much the degrees from Germany are recognized worldwide, plus the advantage of gaining an extra language.
Looking up the internet I found that I first must study language until level b2 then start the studienkollege then after finishing the required exams I could start college.
I decided to study chemistry in Germany because Germany has a strong degree in chemistry and one of the leading countries in Chemistry after all its home of approximately 27 noble prizes winners in Chemistry hopefully I will get one too and the limits for chemistry is the sky chemists are needed everywhere from plants and factories to medical labs every product have a chemist behind it whether it's in the research department or quality control there is always a chemist.
I choose TU Clausthal because after looking up many universities I found that it is located in a very quiet place so I can focus on my study, have a high percentage of international students about 38% which makes it one of the biggest universities with international students in Germany, it is one of the top universities in the German speaking countries according to CHE ranking in the engineering and science departments and it has a recognized degree in Sudan and most countries and a good curriculum.
After I finish studying I am planning to return to my country and give back to help it because it needs me and work there, the opportunities will be high for me as a German degree holder I will stand out.
Thanks for giving me your time hopefully you will grant me the visa.
///////////////////// - أنصحك ياخوي ناصر انك تطبعها وتوريها لواحد كبير مثلا لو تعرف دكتور في الجامعة خليه يشوفها لو تعرف أكثر من واحد خليهم يشوفوها ولو تعرف واحد درس برا في أوروبا تحديداً برضوا خليه يشوفها نصيحة لأني حسب ماقرأت الرسالة مأقدر أقولك شيء وحاجة ثانية أنصحك إنك تكتبها بالعربي أول شيء على كيف كيفك وبعدين ترجمها.7 "
(قال د.ابراهيم الفقي رحمه الله: عش بالعلم وبالكفاح ، عش بالفعل وبالإلتزام، عش بالصبر بالمرونة، عش بالحب، وقدر قيمة الحياة.)