الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


دراسة الطب في السويد

دراسة الطب في السويد


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية عبـدالرحمن


    عبـدالرحمن غير معرف

    عبـدالرحمن , تخصصى طالب , بجامعة هايدلبيرغ
    • هايدلبيرغ
    • طالب
    • غير معرف
    • لا اعلم, لاحقا
    • غير معرف
    • Oct 2008

    November 29th, 2008, 08:28 PM

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    عندي كم استفسار عن دراسة الطب في السويد

    1- هل هناك سنة تحضيرية ؟؟ وهل هناك ايضا سنة لغة ؟؟؟

    2- ما هي رسوم الجامعات ؟؟لتخصص الطب ؟؟؟
    3- تكلفة المعشية سنويا ؟؟شاملة الدراسة ورسومها والسكن والاعاشة وغيرها (تقريبا)

    هل الدراسة باللغة السويدية ؟؟؟

    هل اللغة السويدية صعبة ؟؟؟

    واذا في عندكم معلومات زيادة لا تقصرون >>>

    وجزاكم الله الف خير
  2. Medicine at Swedish University

    For students who wish to study medicine, there are a number of prerequisites that must be satisfied.
    Firstly, to study medicine in any Swedish university you must have a certificate which shows that you have reached a certain level of swedish, this is called the Svenska B. Most Swedish students obtain this certificate at their high school called gymnasiet. For adult foreigners, you may obtain this certificate by attending courses such as Konvux, or Folkuniversitet. Students who study the international baccalaureate and want to go on to study medicine must obtain at least a grade 4 at either Swedish A1, A2 or Swedish B.
    Secondly, students who apply to study medicine at Swedish university must have studied a balanced science course or Naturvetenskap line. This includes Biology, Chemistry and Biology. It is not possible study medicine at a Swedish medical school if you have only two of the three sciences.
    There are obvious difficulties if you are studying the International Baccalaureate diploma. You are normally only allowed up to two sciences. It means that you have to ask for special permission from the IBO to have a third science instead of of a group 3 (humanities) subject. This must be done around 18 months before you are due to take the exams.
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