الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


اسفسار بسيييييط جدا .

اسفسار بسيييييط جدا .


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5622 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية منتولا

    مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member

    منتولا الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    منتولا , ذكر. مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى Not sure , بجامعة NONE
    • NONE
    • Not sure
    • ذكر
    • KsA, Ksa
    • السعودية
    • Jan 2009

    August 1st, 2009, 09:52 PM

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    اخواني واخواتي اعضاء المنتدى المحترم .

    انا طالب تخصصي aerospace engineering اللي هي هندسة طيران وفضاء , طبعا انا ادرس في السعودية لكن بمشيئة الله راح اكمل الماجستير في بريطانيا .

    سؤالي , هل راح احصل على موافقة لدراسة الماستر في بريطانيا في نفس تخخصي بسهولة؟ ( ماهي احتمالية الموافقة من عدمها ) وهل التخصص عليه اقبال كبير في بريطانيا ؟ ماهي احتمالية الحصول على وضيفة في بريطانيا بعد التخرج ؟؟

    ادري السؤال طويل شوي بس تكفون اي احد عنده معلومة يفيدنا فيها , لا تتردد اي شي في راسك عن الموضوع اكيد راح يفيدني .

    وشكرا على المرور .
  2. السلام عليكم اخي العزيز سوف ارفق لك روابط ان شاءالله تفيدك :

    Bedford College
    Website: Bedford College (Bedford College)

    BTEC National Diploma in Engineering
    Higher Aerospace and Defence Systems foundation degree
    HNC/HND in Aerospace Engineering

    Filton College
    Website: Filton College: Freedom to find your future (Filton College: Freedom to find your future)

    First Diploma in Operations and Maintenance Engineering
    National Diploma in Aerospace Engineering

    Lowestoft College
    Website: Lowestoft College - Main Page (Lowestoft College - Main Page)

    EMTA Award in Airline Cabin Crew

    Macclesfield College
    Website: Macclesfield College - Further Education and Business Training (http://www.macclesfield.ac.u

    Brooklands College
    Website: Brooklands College | Surrey | Courses | Ashford Weybridge Campuses (Brooklands College | Surrey | Courses | Ashford Weybridge Campuses)

    BTEC First Diploma in Aerospace Engineering
    BTEC National in Aerospace Engineering
    Part66NOW anE learning programme for people wishing to study for their EASA Part66 exam www.jar66now.com (http://www.flyingway.com/vb/www.jar66now.com)

    Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College
    Website: Bucks New University UK (Bucks New University UK)

    HND in Air Travel Programme Study

    Institute of Carlow
    Website: ITCarlow - the website of the Institute of Technology, based in Carlow and the southeast of Ireland (ITCarlow - the website of the Institute of Technology, based in Carlow and the southeast of Ireland)

    Higher Certificate in Avionics

    University of Bolton
    Website: University of Bolton | Welcome to the University of Bolton Home (University of Bolton | Welcome to the University of Bolton Home)

    HNC/HND in Aerospace Engineering

    City of Bristol College
    Website: City of Bristol College (City of Bristol College)

    Aerospace Engineering JAR 66 B1/B2 Licence
    Aircraft Engineering foundation degree
    Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s Licence JAR 66 CAT B1 or B2 – Aircraft Mechanical pr Avionic Systems

    Crawley College
    Website: Central Sussex College (Central Sussex College)

    HND in Engineering Manufacturing/Plant and Process/Aerospace/Mechanical/ Electrical and Electronic/General

    East Berkshire College
    Website: East Berkshire College (East Berkshire College)

    National Diploma in Airline and Airport Operations

    East Surrey College, Redhill
    Website: East Surrey College | Welcome

    National Diploma in Airline and Airport Operations

    Fareham College
    Website: Fareham College - Home Page (Fareham College - Home Page)

    National Diploma in Aerospace Engineering Mechanical

    Farnborough College of Technology
    Website: Farnborough College of Technology - Home (Farnborough College of Technology - Home)

    National Certificate in Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering

    الله يوفقك وان شاءالله تحصل اللي تبغا وجميع المسلمين اللهم آمين .
    7 "
  3. السلام عليكم اخي العزيز الشهر مبارك سوف ارفق مواقع ان شاءالله تفيدك :

    Bedford College
    Website: Bedford College (Bedford College)

    BTEC National Diploma in Engineering
    Higher Aerospace and Defence Systems foundation degree
    HNC/HND in Aerospace Engineering

    Brooklands College
    Website: Brooklands College | Surrey | Courses | Ashford Weybridge Campuses (Brooklands College | Surrey | Courses | Ashford Weybridge Campuses)

    BTEC First Diploma in Aerospace Engineering
    BTEC National in Aerospace Engineering
    Part66NOW anE learning programme for people wishing to study for their EASA Part66 exam www.jar66now.com (http://www.flyingway.com/vb/www.jar66now.com)

    Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College
    Website: Bucks New University UK (Bucks New University UK)

    HND in Air Travel Programme Study

    Institute of Carlow
    Website: ITCarlow - the website of the Institute of Technology, based in Carlow and the southeast of Ireland (ITCarlow - the website of the Institute of Technology, based in Carlow and the southeast of Ireland)

    Higher Certificate in Avionics

    University of Bolton
    Website: University of Bolton | Welcome to the University of Bolton Home (University of Bolton | Welcome to the University of Bolton Home)

    HNC/HND in Aerospace Engineering

    City of Bristol College
    Website: City of Bristol College (City of Bristol College)

    Aerospace Engineering JAR 66 B1/B2 Licence
    Aircraft Engineering foundation degree
    Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s Licence JAR 66 CAT B1 or B2 – Aircraft Mechanical pr Avionic Systems

    Crawley College
    Website: Central Sussex College (Central Sussex College)

    HND in Engineering Manufacturing/Plant and Process/Aerospace/Mechanical/ Electrical and Electronic/General

    East Berkshire College
    Website: East Berkshire College (East Berkshire College)

    National Diploma in Airline and Airport Operations

    East Surrey College, Redhill
    Website: East Surrey College | Welcome

    National Diploma in Airline and Airport Operations

    Fareham College
    Website: Fareham College - Home Page (Fareham College - Home Page)

    National Diploma in Aerospace Engineering Mechanical

    الله يسهل لك امورك وجميع المسلمين اللهم آمين
    7 "

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