الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


خطابي للهوم اوفيس وش رايكم؟؟

خطابي للهوم اوفيس وش رايكم؟؟


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية فني مطور
    فني مطور

    مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member

    فني مطور المملكة المتحدة

    فني مطور , ذكر. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من المملكة المتحدة , مبتعث فى المملكة المتحدة , تخصصى مختبر , بجامعة القصيم
    • القصيم
    • مختبر
    • ذكر
    • جلاسكو, اسكتلندا
    • المملكة المتحدة
    • Jul 2009

    February 3rd, 2010, 11:44 PM

    السلام عليكم يا اخوان..

    هذا خطابي للهوم اوفيس من اجل طلب الاذن لتغيير معهد الدراسة. ارجو منكم ابداء الرأي والنصيحة اذا فيه اخطاء.

    Iam a Saudi student in Glasgow city. I arrived to UK in 11/08/2009. I started my study at (........) in 17/08/2009. Since my postgraduated study will start on Septemper 2010 at (.......), i want to chang my currently school to (......) which is a part of my study university. As you can see through the attachments. I got an offer from (......) which include:
    A- 1 term start from 12/04/2010.
    B- Pre-sessional course start frpm 28/06/2010.

    I hope to receive a permision from your good office as it is the policy of Tier 4 student.


    NB: the attachments are:
    1- copy of my passport.
    2- copy of my visa.
    3- copy of the new offer.
    4- a permision from my currently school.
    5- copy of the offer of the universty for postgraduated study.
    6- the application of change school.
    7- finaicial guarantee from my empassy.
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة فني مطور
    السلام عليكم يا اخوان..

    هذا خطابي للهوم اوفيس من اجل طلب الاذن لتغيير معهد الدراسة. ارجو منكم ابداء الرأي والنصيحة اذا فيه اخطاء.

    Iam a Saudi student in Glasgow city. I arrived to UK in 11/08/2009. I started my study at (........) in 17/08/2009. Since my postgraduated study will start on Septemper 2010 at (.......), i want to chang my currently school to (......) which is a part of my study university (1). As you can see through the attachments. I got an offer from (......) which includeS:
    A- 1 term startS from 12/04/2010.
    B- Pre-sessional course startS frOm 28/06/2010.

    I hope to receive a permission from your good office as it is the policy of Tier 4 student.


    NB: the attachments are:
    1- copy of my passport.
    2- copy of my visa.
    3- copy of the new offer.
    4- a permission from my currently school.
    5- copy of the offer of the university for postgraduated studies.
    6- the application of change school.
    7- finaicial guarantee from the Embassy of my country .
    (1) ياخي الجمله هذي ما هضمتها احس فيها غلط بس مدري وش تقصد انت اذا ممكن تققول وش الي ودك تقوله او ترجمها لي اذا ممكن .

    2 تكفى . ترجملي هذا الكلام اذا ممكن (((( Since my postgraduated study will start on Septemper 2010 at (.......), i want to chang my currently school to (......) which is a part of my study university )))
    7 "
  3. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am a Saudi citizen studying in Glasgow city. I arrived to UK in 11/08/2009 and started to study at (----) in 17/08/2009.

    Since my postgraduate studies will start in September 2010 at (----). Therefore, I would like to have your kind approval to change my current institute to be (---), which is related to my academic background and will help me through to move further to my postgraduate studies at the University.

    Attached is an offer letter from (---) that includes the following:

    A- First term starts on 12/04/2010.
    B- Presessional course starts on 28/06/2010.

    I hope that i receive your permission from your good office according to the regulations and rules of Tier 4 general-student Visa.


    List of attachments:
    1- Copy of my passport
    2- Copy of my visa
    3- Copy of the new offer letter
    4- A permission from my current school
    5- Copy of the offer letter from the University - postgraduate studies
    6- Application for school change
    7- Financial guarantee from the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, London

    انا اعدت صياغة الخطاب .. انشاء الله نكون افدناك
    7 "
  4. مرحبا يا اخوان.. مشكوريين ع الردود...

    بالنسبة لرقم 1 انا معك احس انها مو مضبوطة بس هذا اللي طلع معي ( انا ابغى اقول ان المعهد الجديد اللي ابنقله تابع للجامعة اللي حدرس فيها الماجستير.
    2) since هنا جاية بمعنى بما ان او لان والفكرة هي كالتالي: بما ان ( لان) دراستي ستبدا في سبتمبر في تلك الجامعة اريد ان انتقل الى المعهد التابع لها.

    3) يعطيك العافية ع التصحيحات ( دائما هذي مشكلتي انسى الs الاخير )

    اخوي مشعل:
    يعطيك العافية ع الرد بس تراني مافهمت لتغيير المقترح منك حق after your agreement
    7 "
  5. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة History666
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am a Saudi citizen studying in Glasgow city. I arrived to UK in 11/08/2009 and started to study at (----) in 17/08/2009.

    Since my postgraduate studies will start in September 2010 at (----). Therefore, I would like to have your kind approval to change my current institute to be (---), which is related to my academic background and will help me through to move further to my postgraduate studies at the University.

    Attached is an offer letter from (---) that includes the following:

    A- First term starts on 12/04/2010.
    B- Presessional course starts on 28/06/2010.

    I hope that i receive your permission from your good office according to the regulations and rules of Tier 4 general-student Visa.


    List of attachments:
    1- Copy of my passport
    2- Copy of my visa
    3- Copy of the new offer letter
    4- A permission from my current school
    5- Copy of the offer letter from the University - postgraduate studies
    6- Application for school change
    7- Financial guarantee from the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, London

    انا اعدت صياغة الخطاب .. انشاء الله نكون افدناك
    و الله ما قصر وفى و كفا رائع جداً .
    7 "

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