الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


e-commerce AND e-business

e-commerce AND e-business


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية upto22

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    upto22 المملكة المتحدة

    upto22 , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من الكونغو , مبتعث فى المملكة المتحدة , تخصصى student , بجامعة univ
    • univ
    • student
    • ذكر
    • canada, jed
    • الكونغو
    • Jun 2007

    April 27th, 2010, 06:15 PM

    مرحبا اخواني
    لو سمحتوا عندي سؤال مرره مضيعني
    انا مبتعث على مرحله دكتوراه تخصص e-commerce
    ولما بحثت في الجامعات وجدت ان في بعض الجامعات فيه e-commerce
    وبعض الجامعات e-business
    سؤالي هل الاثنين هيا نفسها ولا اذا جبت e-business
    يعتبر مو نفس التخصص؟؟؟؟
    الله يعطيكم العافيه ياليت اللي يدرس في بريطانيا او يدرس في نفس التخصص او يعرف في هذي المعلومه يقول لي اكون له من الشاكرين وربي يسهل عليه زي ماسهل عليا
  2. مرحبا اخووي

    انا تخصصي في الماستر قريب لتخصصك وترى نفسها مافي فرق لكن e_business ان جينرال بشرحها بالانقلش
    e-business is more than just e commerce. While e-business refers to more strategic focus with an emphasis on the functions that occur using electronic capabilities, e commerce is a subset of an overall e-business strategy

    تخصص رائع وموفق
    7 "
  3. Unfortunately, e-business and e-commerce are sometimes used interchangeably; however, they are completely two different terms. The confusion lies in the word commerce which is often considered as business. In English language, commerce can be considered as business, however, when these words are attached with the letter e, it brings separate meanings. This article will highlight some of the difference between e-commerce and e-business. Amongst various differences between e-commerce and e-business, some of the major differences are described here:
    • E-business can be considered as an umbrella term and e-commerce is a small part of the broader term. In other words, e-commerce is just a subset of e-business.
    • The term e-commerce usually refers to monetary transactions that mainly include the buying or selling or products or services. However, other business functions like marketing, customer education, customer support, getting raw materials etc come under the term of e-business as they all are business functions.
    • If you are successfully selling something, that is considered as an e-commerce activity. However, brining customers to your website by efficiently marketing your product and maintaining the standard of your website is an e-business activity. Moreover, educating your customers about the website and about the products or services is also an e-business activity. To order to have a successful e-business, you need to get the appreciation of the customers and you need to use tools and techniques that can help you in bringing healthy amount of customers towards your website. Moreover, your website needs to have a better search engine rating which is an e-business activity.
    • Let us look at a real-life example. We all know that Dell sell its computers, laptops, computer accessories, printer, monitors etc online. How it can relate to e-business? The first thing that happens is that the visitor visits the website of Dell and navigates it using the navigational tools. As the website is quite user friendly, the visitor doesn’t feel any difficult in finding the particular computer or laptop he/she is looking for. He/she finds all information related to that product. This information includes the pricing information as well as technical information about the product. The information should be precise, clear and should be able to clear most of the doubts of the visitor. Note that there hasn’t been any monetary transaction done yet, what all going so far comes under the term of e-business.
    • The term e-commerce is often described as outward process as it involves processes like reaching the customers, any external partner, external suppliers etc. On the other hand, e-business covers various internal processes like content management, risk management, inventory management, production management, finance management and other internal business processes.
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  4. انا تخصصي اي كوميرس بس غيرته لتخصص اعم شوي وذالك لاختلاف تخصصي السابق عن البزنس فهو لن يفيدني بشي..... المهم بحكم بحثي السابق بالجامعات فهي جامعات محدوده جدا واعتقد المواد شبيهه ببعض الى حد كبير..... ومادري يمكن الاخوان ابخص
    7 "

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