جانب من رسائل ضيوفنا المكتوبة والتي يعبرون خلالها عن رأيهم في الحفل بكل شفافية وبدورنا ننقلها لكم كما وصلتنا .
7 " Comments :
I was pleased to participate in the Saudi Women's Day. The organizers prepared a very warm welcome serving delicious homemade sweets and Arabic coffee. The reception was followed by a highly entertaining and engaging program including competitions for all age. I very much enjoyed children performing national dance and staging traditional wedding party; those indeed very much differ from where I come from. I could also chat with many girls who gave me more insight into the Saudi culture and hospitality. It is important to hold such social events on a regular basis to make Westerners more aware of the Saudi ethnicity. I am looking forward to any repeat of this day.!
Anna Rogowska, Poland. PHD candidate in Human Rights
Well; I like attending the party. even though it brought no news to me, given that I come from Kuwait, and know Saudis and a lot about their culture, it brought me joy. I mostly enjoyed the children's activities, especially the wedding. and despite the fact that the wedding missed the presence of the groom, I liked the girls performance, who proofed indeed that women only parties are always enjoyable. Well done dear organizers. you did well, except that children's activities and their gifts distribution should have been placed in the very end of the program, even after the announcement of the winners of the adults. from my experience, keeping them wait for their excitement is the best way to guarantee their cooperation and quietness. You surely needed a microphone.
Fatima, Kuwait.PHD candidate in Law
Today I went to the activity held by Saudi Arabic women. It is good to know more about different cultures. They are really nice I enjoyed the dance by Saudi Arabic children and the talks with Saudi Arabic women as well. Everything is so different. Living abroad enables me to experience different worlds. and also to appreciate my own culture more I am proud of being a Taiwanese.
Cynthia Huang, Taiwan . PHD candidate in ELT
A short interview with the organizer of International Womens' Society in the University of Essex :Joan Davies, UK
؟What do you think about our party
Very enjoyable/ friendly party/ interesting
What did you find new.?
The dances by the children ...putting their heads on one side while they were dancing, also the lovely little bride's dress and the way the children danced round her..
What did you find strange?
That beautiful women at the end of the party dressed up in black and some wore burkas to hide their lovely faces/
What did you find nice?
The dancing by the children and the bride/ the henna/ the variety in the party/ the unexpected quantity of food/ I enjoyed my supper to-day as I was able to re heat the food given to me from the party!!!It was lovely seeing women from the International Women's society who I knew/ it was lovely meeting many other lovely ladies. I enjoyed seeing the children dance...and enjoyed the competition of paintings
What do you expect in the future from us ?
I would like to see another party in the future. Perhaps we could share a little of the UK culture if you like. Many thanks for organising such a good party for us to join in. Please thank everybody who organised the party for all their hard work
With warm wishes
I was pleased to participate in the Saudi Women's Day. The organizers prepared a very warm welcome serving delicious homemade sweets and Arabic coffee. The reception was followed by a highly entertaining and engaging program including competitions for all age. I very much enjoyed children performing national dance and staging traditional wedding party; those indeed very much differ from where I come from. I could also chat with many girls who gave me more insight into the Saudi culture and hospitality. It is important to hold such social events on a regular basis to make Westerners more aware of the Saudi ethnicity. I am looking forward to any repeat of this day.!
Anna Rogowska, Poland. PHD candidate in Human Rights
Well; I like attending the party. even though it brought no news to me, given that I come from Kuwait, and know Saudis and a lot about their culture, it brought me joy. I mostly enjoyed the children's activities, especially the wedding. and despite the fact that the wedding missed the presence of the groom, I liked the girls performance, who proofed indeed that women only parties are always enjoyable. Well done dear organizers. you did well, except that children's activities and their gifts distribution should have been placed in the very end of the program, even after the announcement of the winners of the adults. from my experience, keeping them wait for their excitement is the best way to guarantee their cooperation and quietness. You surely needed a microphone.
Fatima, Kuwait.PHD candidate in Law
Today I went to the activity held by Saudi Arabic women. It is good to know more about different cultures. They are really nice I enjoyed the dance by Saudi Arabic children and the talks with Saudi Arabic women as well. Everything is so different. Living abroad enables me to experience different worlds. and also to appreciate my own culture more I am proud of being a Taiwanese.
Cynthia Huang, Taiwan . PHD candidate in ELT
A short interview with the organizer of International Womens' Society in the University of Essex :Joan Davies, UK
؟What do you think about our party
Very enjoyable/ friendly party/ interesting
What did you find new.?
The dances by the children ...putting their heads on one side while they were dancing, also the lovely little bride's dress and the way the children danced round her..
What did you find strange?
That beautiful women at the end of the party dressed up in black and some wore burkas to hide their lovely faces/
What did you find nice?
The dancing by the children and the bride/ the henna/ the variety in the party/ the unexpected quantity of food/ I enjoyed my supper to-day as I was able to re heat the food given to me from the party!!!It was lovely seeing women from the International Women's society who I knew/ it was lovely meeting many other lovely ladies. I enjoyed seeing the children dance...and enjoyed the competition of paintings
What do you expect in the future from us ?
I would like to see another party in the future. Perhaps we could share a little of the UK culture if you like. Many thanks for organising such a good party for us to join in. Please thank everybody who organised the party for all their hard work
With warm wishes
May 25th, 2010, 05:11 AM
الأميرات :
شكرنا لهم جزيل وشكرنا لأهاليهم الذي كانوا خلفهم والذين دعموهم ورحبوا بمشاركتهم وتدريبهم والشكر الجميل لمن كن خلف الحفل في تفاصيله أم فهد وأم غسان .
وانتهت الفقرة بتصويت الجميع وجمع الأصوات .
كما استمتعت بعض الحاضرات بلبس العباءة السعودية والطرحة بالإضافة إلى الملابس التقليدية والمشغولات
وفي النهاية تم تكريم الأطفال المشاركين في البرنامج
ثم تم تكريم الفائزين بأفضل ثلاث رسوم تعبر عن الوطن
وحاز على أعلى نسبة تصويت :
المركز الأول سندس السواط
المركز الثاني سليمان الصمعاني
المركز الثالث ثلاث أخوة المبدعين : إبراهيم الخضير ، أسامة الخضير وميار الخضير
المركز الأول : أم فراس
المركز الثاني : خلود محمد الحصان
المركز الثالث : مرام
و قد تم تقديم هدايا ترضية لبعض الأطفال غير المشاركين وتقديم بعض الهدايا التذكارية للحاضرات : تمر مغلف ، العلم السعودي ، بروشات ، سجادات صلاة عملية خفيفة ، مسابح، حناء ونقوش جاهزة للحناء .
شكراً لمن كانوا هناك وحرصوا على انضباط ونظافة المكان وخصوصا صغارنا الذين كانوا ساعد أيمن لنا وعلمونا أن الصغار ليسو صغار بأحجامهم وأعمارهم بل كبار بأفعالهم ولذلك تلقوا كلمات أعجاب من الحضور وتصفيق لأنهم أبطالنا وكم أسعدنا شكرهم الدائم لنا طوال الحفل حيث بأن هدفنا قد تحقق برسم البسمة على وجوههم بفضل من الله.
الشكر للجميع لوجودهم ومساندتهم وحرصهم على التواجد في الوقت المحدد للحفل ونعتذر على التأخير والتقصير.
عضوات النادي السعودي بكولشستر