الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


كم سؤال عن نموذج تقديم فيزا تاير 4

كم سؤال عن نموذج تقديم فيزا تاير 4


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5120 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية بقلاوه

    مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member

    بقلاوه المملكة المتحدة

    بقلاوه , أنثى. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى المملكة المتحدة , تخصصى ؟؟؟؟؟؟ , بجامعة ؟؟؟؟؟
    • ؟؟؟؟؟
    • ؟؟؟؟؟؟
    • أنثى
    • ؟؟؟؟؟, ؟؟؟؟؟
    • السعودية
    • Aug 2009

    January 29th, 2011, 02:39 AM

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    رسلي المعهد الكاس نمبر وتعبئة النموذج واضحه وتمام الحمد لله بس في كم سؤال احترت ايش اجابتها الصحيحه

    فياليت اي احد قد عبى ذا النموذج يجاوب علي.

    الاسئله هي:

    5.5 Have you been assessed by your sponsor by other means, for example by progress on a continuing course of study, as part of a study abroad programme, by your sponsor’s internal test, a portfolio of artwork, or other means as stated on your CAS (state which)? (Please do not submit this) Put a cross (X) in the relevant box.
    Yes - Say how you have been assessed in the space below then Go to Question 5.6
    No - Go to Question 5.6

    الملاحظات اللي كاتبينها قبل الاسئله ( المضلله بالاحمر) صعبتلي الاختيار بدل ماتسهلو؟؟؟
    English Language Courses
    If you are applying to study an English language course your sponsor must have assessed and indicated on the Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies that you have a minimum standard of English language or your application will be refused. Your Tier 4 sponsor must ensure that you are competent in English language at a minimum of CEFR level B1. This does not apply if you are studying an English language course as a Government Sponsored Student or you are studying an English language pre-sessional course that you will take before your degree course and you have an unconditional offer on to your degree course, or you have a conditional offer and the Higher Education Institution is providing both the pre-sessional and the degree course
    Before completing this section of the form you should refer to the Immigration Rules and the Tier 4 Policy Guidance.

    5.6 Are you coming to the UK to study an English language course (English as a foreign language)?
    Yes - Go to Question 5.7
    No - Go to Question 5.8

    5.7 Please indicate how your sponsor has assessed your English language ability. You must provide evidence of any qualifications or references listed in the Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies. Put a cross (X) in the relevant box to indicate how you have been assessed.

    The original reference - Go to Question
    The original qualification certificate -
    The original transcript of results -
    Not Applicable if you are studying a pre-sessional course before taking a course at NQF level 6 +, or if studying English as a Government Sponsored student -
    Not Applicable if your sponsor has assessed you by other means –

    Courses other than English Language Courses
    If you are applying to study a course other than an English language course that is below NQF Level 6 (except for students on Foundation Degrees and Scottish Qualifications Authority awarded HNDs) you must have a minimum standard of English language or your application will be refused. Your Tier 4 sponsor must ensure that you are competent in English language at a minimum of CEFR level B1. This does not apply if you are studying a pre-sessional course that you will take before your degree course and you have an unconditional offer for the degree course.
    Before completing this section of the form you should refer to the Immigration Rules and the Tier 4 Policy Guidance

    5.8 Are you coming to the UK to study a course at NQF level 6 or above? Put a cross (X) in the relevant box
    No - below NQF level 6, excluding Foundation degrees and *****alents - Go to Question 5.9
    Yes - at NQF level 6 and above including Foundation
    degrees and *****alants.

  2. الحكاية يا بقلاوة ان الاول السؤال يذكر انه لابد ان المعهد موضح في القبول تبعك انه قيم مستواك في اللغة واقل شي يكون CEFR level B1 اذا مافيه هذا الشي راح يرفض الطلب ..هم ذاكرين ان هذا الشرط ما ينطبق على الطالب في الحالات التالية:

    مبتعث من الحكومة ..يعني اذا انتي مبتعثةعن طريق احدى الجهات الحكومية ما يحتاج هذا الشرط...او
    اذا راح تدرسين لغة نوع الكورس بري سشنال ومعك ايضا قبول جامعة غير مشروط بشي..او
    اذا راح تدرسين بري سشنال كورس ومعه قبول جامعة مشروط نفس الجامعة يعني ..

    طبعا اذا انطبقت عليك احد هذه الشروط ماتحتاجين تحديد مستوى لغة ...
    بناء على جوابك تروحين للسوال المناسب الي بعده....

    اذا ما وضح عليك شي اكتبيه...هذا الي يبونه منك .... مع اني ما جددت من السعودية كلها من بريطانيا لكن هذه الشروط واحده ما تختلف...
    7 "
  3. شكرا على الرد!!

    انا المعهد قيمني على اساس درجة اختبار الايلز @@ وذا الشئ مذكور في CASS Statement

    بس انا عندي قبول غير مشروط كمان فهل يسير وضعي انه:
    I am studying an english language presessional course that i will take before my degree course and i have an unconditional offer
    7 "

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