مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member
حزينهـ , أنثى. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية
, مبتعث فى كندا
, تخصصى منتسبه
, بجامعة جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
- جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
- منتسبه
- أنثى
- جده, جده ام الرخا والشده
- السعودية
- Aug 2008
المزيدl January 22nd, 2012, 04:19 AM
January 22nd, 2012, 04:19 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
انا ارسلت اوراقي لجامعة ايست لندن عشان اكمل البكالوريا تخصص ادارة مستشفيات وخدمات صحية
المهم ردوا عليا وطلبوا مني كذا شغله
المهم انه طلبوا مني بيرسونال ستيتمنت
ليش اخترت أكمل دراستي في بريطانيا وليش اخترت هالتخصص
وفين درست والخ
يعني اتكلم عن نفسي شويات ...!!
مرررا ماعرفت وش أكتب ووش أقول
هل فيه نماذج تكون احسن أرسلها لهم ؟؟
لاني بحث ولا لقييييت
او هل من الممكن احد يساعدني ويعطيني كم كملتين أرسلها لهم لاني فشلت .. ياربي
بليز امانه ارجوكم
والشكر سلفا لكل من يمر مقدما ولمن يساعدني ..
Personal statement
Personal statement
I would like to complete my undergraduate studies in the UK . My aim is to improve my academic understanding in this speciality and to enhance my abilities in order to do specialised research in this area. My family has taught me that to successful in the competitive world I must have a strong character and a lot of determination. I thank that I have good communication skills and I work well within a group. I would describe myself as an ambitious person with the drive to achieve whatever I set my mind to.
I am very proud to come from Saudi Arabia and it is my ambition to return to my country and help to benefit the health care system with the knowledge I have gained by studying at a British university. Scientific studies are encourages by the government as there is a shortage of people who are specialised in this area. I would like to be part of a generation that helps this area to develop.
In my spare time I enjoy swimming and playing football. I was able to play for the university team back in my home country and I enjoyed being part of a team. I thank this is an important quality to have and I thank it will help me in my future studies and career.
I have been in the UK for a while now and I feel I have settled into the way of life here. I have enjoyed getting to know British culture and I have made lots of friends from all around the world. The subjects I am studying have helped me to develop key concepts in my subject. I am looking forward to building on this knowledge at university and stating the next stage of my academic career.
I consider myself a determined and hard working person. I have been lucky enough to have been given this opportunity to study in UK and I intend to make full use of my time here. The UK has an excellent reputation for the standard of education it has. I know that by studying here I well prepared for my future career.
اقرا اللي كتبتو ثم تعديل عليه
Kosb2 January 22nd, 2012, 04:53 PM
7 " شكررررا جززيييلااااا للجميع
حزينهـ January 23rd, 2012, 07:49 AM
7 "
January 22nd, 2012, 04:19 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة اللهانا ارسلت اوراقي لجامعة ايست لندن عشان اكمل البكالوريا تخصص ادارة مستشفيات وخدمات صحية
المهم ردوا عليا وطلبوا مني كذا شغله
المهم انه طلبوا مني بيرسونال ستيتمنت
ليش اخترت أكمل دراستي في بريطانيا وليش اخترت هالتخصص
وفين درست والخ
يعني اتكلم عن نفسي شويات ...!!
مرررا ماعرفت وش أكتب ووش أقول
هل فيه نماذج تكون احسن أرسلها لهم ؟؟
لاني بحث ولا لقييييت
او هل من الممكن احد يساعدني ويعطيني كم كملتين أرسلها لهم لاني فشلت .. ياربي
بليز امانه ارجوكم
والشكر سلفا لكل من يمر مقدما ولمن يساعدني ..