Dear Sister MAYA :
I really cant remeber all the replies, but i8 guess that u mention that u wasnt agree with ur brother to go and study in Bangor, i guess that, if its not so ,, i am really sorry and i will double check later..
For the time being,, Bangor is the best place so far
abo siyam August 27th, 2008, 02:11 PM
7 " سلام يا هل بانقور المحترمين
عندي سؤال وياريت احد يجاوبني عليه الله يبارك فيكم
هل جامعة بانقور معترف بها في تخصص التسويق؟ مع العلم انها ماهي موجودة في قائمة الجامعات الموصى بها في مجال الادارة والاعمال. بس في واحد قال لي انه في طلاب سعوديين يدرسوا ادارة في نفس الجامعه وهم مبتعثين من وزارة التعليم العالي.
الله يخليكم ابغى فزعتكم والرد على الموضوع في اسرع وقت
ومشكورين مقدماً
qadhi September 9th, 2008, 02:16 AM
7 " مشكور اخوي على الموضوع
المفيد وواصل
شيخ العيال في لندن September 9th, 2008, 08:17 AM
7 " yes my brother qadhi :
The university is very recommended, and i am going 2 study there aN MBA in Banking and Finance, and i personaly advice u alot... the city is very small and salm, and it could be the better than Exeter .
please ask any other question you need ..
abo siyam September 9th, 2008, 03:43 PM
7 " Brother Abo Siyam thank you for your replaying to me and I would like to clarify one point here about your master porgamme MBA in banking and finance which means your major related to Accounting and Finance field . As I know it is authorized by Ministry of higher education but I need to know if the university authorized in Business and Management field for example MBA in Marketing thank you again for you respond and I'm looking to replay tome as soon as possible
You're right Exeter so boring city
qadhi September 9th, 2008, 08:12 PM
7 " Dear qadhi :
i am really soory brother, iwasnt in saudi this weekend. well i know that its recommended for Finance and Accounting .. but the problem that i dont know if its recommende for marketing and iam trying 2 reach the MOHE here and i couldnt catch them , so i am afraid that i cant give u a wrong information .. BUT the university it self is very recomended and i asked alot about m but i swear i dont know about the Markerting, please if u know send me the answer and i will do so whenevr i get the information from a respected source.
abo siyam September 13th, 2008, 12:09 PM
7 " هلا سارونة أنصحك تكلمين أدارة المعهد وهم راح يقولون لك أيش تسويين...أنا راح أبدأ اللغة في
5 Oct ...وراح أدخل الجامعة في 2009 تخصص مالية.إن شاء الله. وأي أستفسار أنا حاضر...
البطل المتصفق October 2nd, 2008, 12:11 PM
7 "
I really cant remeber all the replies, but i8 guess that u mention that u wasnt agree with ur brother to go and study in Bangor, i guess that, if its not so ,, i am really sorry and i will double check later..
For the time being,, Bangor is the best place so far