الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


محتاجه ترجمة منكم الله يرضى عليكم......

محتاجه ترجمة منكم الله يرضى عليكم......


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4522 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة دموع الشوك
    طيب انا سويت هذي بالاستعانه بنموذج من نماذج الاخ سعد الله يجزاه الجنه.....

    اطلعو عليه واعطوني رايكم فيه وفي الصياغه واذا في اخطاء املائية.....Statement of Purpose
    My name is ............ I ........ Years. And educated in Saudi Arabia,. My personal interests covering hobbies such as swimming and technical Alkmpiotrwalaamal. Participate in the celebrations for the work, I have always been participating in recreational activities relevant extracurricular involving competitions and awareness programs. I would like to socialize with others and get to know people from other cultures to enrich my experience and improve my relationships with the people around me.

    Currently, got a Allbecklorios degree in science and education in the specialty of the domestic economy grade point average of 84.97% of the College of Education for Girls in ....... Work professor in Klahalterbah specialty housing and home management. Now look forward to continuing my studies for a master's degree in your university recognized globally outstanding education.

    Although my credentials qualify me to pursue my university education in Saudi universities, and I still have a deep interest in follow-up studies in the United States. This has raised concern always my efforts to get the distinction and put every effort to turn my dreams into reality. The Saudi Ministry of Higher Education (Ministry of Higher Education) and provided me with a list of universities currently recommended and order in the area of ​​housing, including the university. . It will also ensure all school fees until I finish my studies

    I want to acquire new skills and knowledge, so he became more active in my current job and Atorha
    Where I will benefited greatly from my Housing of several aspects of socio-economic political and cultural, one of the fundamentals of the housing necessary should the student hydrocele housing be mm in all its aspects and all its details. Identify the correct methods of research work related to housing through the university lectures and training to work Field on housing. development my personal and professional skills by working with colleagues as a team through my own personal experience

    Since I received some help to write this statement of purpose, I must note that my English is not good enough, and you will need to attend ESL classes before I start taking classes. So, my scholarship includes one year of ESL training that gave me before the beginning of my studies in the Master's program. I hope that you can take into consideration. In the case of a positive decision on my file, and I would like to appreciate the unconditional acceptance of this reason.

    My plans after graduation for my future plans include Allhsol a doctorate degree in the field of housing to the Graduate School. After receiving a master's degree, I plan to return to Saudi Asaudihalrjoa to my country a great outcome for housing in Majalth cultural, social and political, economic and application Kellmatalmth on the ground, including back to the states and universities benefit
    Gain enough experience to make me Mohlh out into the labor market in different areas of Alaska n and not limited Alachtsaraly, Connie mentor Academy

    أشك ان المقال هذا مكتوب باللعة الانجليزية
    لغة ركييييكه جدا وأخطاء عددها حوالي كثير

    المهم راح أعدله لك وأرسله ان شا الله
    7 "
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة مدمن علم (صدقتك)
    أشك ان المقال هذا مكتوب باللعة الانجليزية
    لغة ركييييكه جدا وأخطاء عددها حوالي كثير

    المهم راح أعدله لك وأرسله ان شا الله
    هذا نموذج جاهز اخذته وعدلت علية بما يناسب تخصصي،وسبق ان ذكرت لكم ان انجليزيتي ضعيفه...
    واستعنت بترجمة قوقل واعلم انه ترجمه لايعتمد عليها.....

    اشكر ا هتامك بلموضوع،ومحاولتك مساعدتي.....
    7 "
  3. Examples of a Personal Statements
    Example of a Personal Statement

    I have chosen to apply for a degree course, which combines theoretical and practical Drama, with an emphasis on practical work. I am anticipating this will lead to a post-graduate course of further intensive training; ultimately leading to a career in acting. With this in mind, I am taking advantage of a GAP year, to gain further experience in the theatre. As an A-level Theatre Studies student, I am involved in studying the practitioners behind contemporary drama and this I enjoy. However, I find that I am drawn towards the aspects of the course that involve working as a group to produce our own pieces. I find that this is very helpful in developing my skills in group-work, and I also feel a sense of achievement at the end of these projects.
    Psychology A-level contributes to furthering my understanding of the theatre, through the study of people. This helps me to gain a greater empathy when creating characters, and judging reactions to certain situations. I am also taking English A-level. I find that the continual study of texts enables me to gain a very quick basic insight into characters when first looking through a script, or when simply forming an idea in my mind.
    Throughout my school-life, I have been heavily involved in theatrical productions, often taking influential or leading roles. This year, I was Sadie in a production of ‘Across the Barricades’; a modern day ‘Romeo and Juliet’ set in Belfast. I felt that this gave me an excellent opportunity to develop the character because the director allowed principal cast members to largely make their own decisions on their individual character and their relation to other members of the cast. Other plays that I have taken principal roles in have included; ‘The Royal Hunt of the Sun’ in which I took the role of Young Martin, and ‘Animal Farm’, in which I played Napoleon.
    My other school commitments include various bands and choirs inside the school. As a keen singer, I have been involved in a harmony choir since I started the school. This led to a production of a musical called ‘The Spirit of Freedom’, and a world premiere was held to raise money for Bosnia. This was also made into a C.D. and sold in the local area. The other band that I sing in is the school Soul Band, which plays modern and older style songs, particularly blues and soul, at all school associated functions. Recently, I took part in a performance for William Hague at Belvoir Castle.
    I have been involved in the Gasleak Theatre Company in Melton for many years, taking mainly choral parts in their productions. I have also helped during the summer holidays with the local Mencap group, helping with their play-scheme for disabled children to give parents a break during the holidays. This summer, I also went back to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival for the third time. I always find this an excellent opportunity to expand my knowledge of theatrical styles, and this time, I even got an insight into the life of Antonin Artaud.
    Example of a Personal Statement
    The human mind and the way it works have always interested me. This fascination was confirmed when I went on to study psychology at A-level and continued my enthusiast in the subject. At university, I look forward to studying atypical development and abnormal behaviour in greater depth.
    I gained valuable knowledge of the way children act and behave and experience in teaching whilst working as a classroom assistant during year 12 at Brownlow Primary School as part of a voluntary community action project. As well as providing practical experience in a primary school, this opportunity also allowed me to develop skills in communication.
    Success in my school studies and extra work experience in a drop-in centre for people with mental health problems for three hours every Monday afternoon, has given me a secure academic foundation with which to approach a degree course in psychology with confidence and enthusiasm.
    My part time job as a customer service assistant in Tesco has provided an opportunity to work as a team co-operating with others and at the same time being independent. Often, I have been able to work on my own initiative, which I have enjoyed immensely as it has allowed me to use my own ideas and thoughts.
    As well as my part-time job, I have also enjoyed looking after children when babysitting and it has provided an opportunity to prove myself to be responsible and trustworthy.
    Outside of school, I enjoy socialising and meeting new people. I believe myself to be and honest, reliable and friendly person. In June I achieved one of my ambitions by passing my driving test at the first attempt, and this gives me much more independence by giving me more freedom to do other things that I normally could not do.
    My experiences during my post-sixteen studies have enabled me to be independent, organised and self disciplined which should prove invaluable preparation for life at university. I am a very sociable person who enjoys an entertaining night out but at the same time I understand the importance of studying, and will not let the fact that I am away from home interfere with my lectures or work.
    At university I look forward to building on my existing experiences of studying mental health disorders, especially focusing on childhood and the chances to further my knowledge in psychology.


    Example of a Personal Statement
    My interest in Chemistry and Biology throughout my education has led me to apply for a Higher Education course in these areas. These are my strongest subjects and the ones in which I feel most capable. My interest in Biology, in particular, has stemmed from my work with birds of prey. I have trained and helped with the treatment of injured birds from and early age and up to 1994 owned a Kestrel myself, which I trained from hatching to fly to my arm.
    My experiences with birds which were born with genetic illnesses has led me to pursue a career in the research and manipulation of genetic diseases to broaden the knowledge of such illnesses and perhaps help in their treatment.
    Following my A* in science at GCSE I have found the A-level work on DNA structure and function which is covered in Biology and Chemistry very interesting and my understanding of this work is good. Work on enzymes was also enjoyable as it involved practical work that was relevant and increased my knowledge.
    During my education at Long Field High School I took part in a CEP programme, which helped me develop many key skills such as organisation, leadership and teamwork. These skills have been carried forward into my A-level education where I enjoy an active social life both in and out of Education ranging from trips organised through the Sixth-Form Council to playing sports with my friends. My sporting interests involve Basketball, Running, Gym training and I help with year 10 PE classes. I also enjoy discussing current social issues and politics such as the recent floods in Honduras, other topics of conversation include sport and trivial humour.
    I am a member of the Sixth Form Council and chairman of the World Challenge Honduras Expedition. The expedition, which will take place in July 1999, relies on teamwork and leadership qualities. During this venture I will be partaking in the Dukes of Edinburgh Gold Award as well as building a library for a village community and helping to conserve the surrounding rainforest. I have already made contact with the children in the village by writing to one child as a pen friend, I will also be able to help teach the children English or a sport during my time in the village. I am looking forward to this challenging opportunity as it will be and unforgettable experience for me and I have the chance to help people. Following this I am looking forward to starting my university course, and the introduction of my academic studies in September 1999.


    Example of a Personal Statement
    Having thoroughly enjoyed the A level Geography course, especially the human aspect in the Urbanisation module and my coursework based on vandalism in towns and villages, I have chosen to study Urban Studies and Planning, which will enable me to pursue this interest. After my degree I am aiming to work for a planning department. My other A levels are Chemistry and Information Technology, my chemistry will be useful for environmental issues e.g. pollution, and the skills I have acquired in IT will be useful for any individual work I will need to do.
    As an active member if the Sixth Form Council I have worked with teams of people to organise Sixth Form events, in particular a party and a barbecue for the new Sixth Form students. I have also undertaken financial responsibility for aspects of the common room, and I am currently initiating a pool competition to raise money for the common room.
    Since I was appointed captain of the school rugby team I have undertaken a range of responsibilities and my leadership qualities have developed. I have also been an enthusiastic player with the Melton Rugby Club for 12 years, during which time I have been on tour to Poland and Brussels which were both very interesting, as I was able to see and experience very different lifestyles to that of our own.
    Currently I am raising money to go on a month long expedition to Honduras in the summer of 1999 with a group of students from school, organised by World Challenge Expeditions. We will be answerable for ourselves, which will involve decision-making and leadership skills, and it will also develop my teamwork and independence. I want to go so that I can experience and view a very different way of living to that of which we are used to. To raise the money needed, I have worked on my own e.g. I organised a quiz and I have run stalls, and I have also worked with the other members at large fetes and organising parties.
    During the whole of year 12 I took part in the school’s Community Action Programme, in which I visited Long Clawson Primary School to aid pupils with their computing skills, and I also visited Longfield High School to help with their rugby training. Further I have regularly assisted the Melton Lions Club with charity events.
    For four years I have had a part time job with H & S Timber & DIY. Whilst there I have learnt many skills including how to use all the machinery, and I have also spent a lot of time serving customers. This experience has helped to improve my communication skills.


    Example of a Personal Statement
    An old IBM PC brought home from work by my father, when I was ten, started my keen interest in computing. My decision to study a degree has been strengthened by my enjoyment and success at A-level and the belief that the use of information technology will continue to expand, it being the means through which modern commerce and industry will be organised. Wanting to work in the field of computing in the future, I am keen to achieve a good degree in that area and extend and deepen my knowledge.
    Last summer I used my initiative to organise work experience at ITEC in Loughborough a computer training group, which I found interesting and an exciting opportunity to develop my skills further. Currently I am part of the brainstorming and planning committee for an international Information Communications Technology conference due to take place next year.
    I have been actively involved with 6th form life. I joined the Student Council in the start of year 12 and have been an eager member ever since, helping with the organisation of various events and the running of the common room. When the senior staff staged ‘roadshows’ in the feeder schools I was chosen to address an audience of several hundred parents and students.
    I was also a founder member of a Young Enterprise company and held the position of sales director. This gave me the opportunity to gain a real insight into the workings of a successful company. Being a team player was of the utmost importance and critical to the success of the company, a skill which we learnt fast. Presentation skills were also key as the company was judged on a number of presentations. This experience has taught me adaptability and developed my skills of public speaking and diplomacy. In the Young Enterprise examination I achieved a merit.
    My other A-level subjects, Economics and Geography helped me to develop analytical and reasoning skills. In May I attended a conference on sustainable development from which I gained an understanding of the feasibility of profitability combined with ‘green’ policies.
    Having always enjoyed modern languages I took both French and German at GCSE, following that I studied a vocational FLAW French course and helped to create a European newspaper as part of a national competition and cooked for a ‘European’ feast.
    Ice-skating was my main sport for eight years; I skated in seven large pantomimes, graduating from and elf to a scary pirate! It was during this time that I first learnt the importance of commitment and working successfully as a team member when under pressure.
    In my spare time now, I make use of the local gym. I also enjoy swimming and to continue my interest in the sport I have joined the Melton Mowbray Life Saving Club where I am working towards the bronze medallion and preparing to take the National Pool and Lifeguard Qualifications which will enable me to become a lifeguard. In addition I also like cycling, badminton and have recently started playing squash. As well as sporting activities I delight in music, play the drums and am looking to form a band.


    Example of a Personal Statement
    Since I was young languages have fascinated me, so much so that I started to learn French at the age of 10 and German at the age of 12. I especially chose a course which involved equal weighting in both French and German so that I can achieve a high level of competence and understanding in both languages by the end of my degree.
    I have also enjoyed the study of contemporary society at A level, which involved the social and political issues of the day. The style of the degree course particularly interests me as it is more contemporary based rather than literature based, I feel this area would be more beneficial to me in my future career. To support this work I keep up to date with world events and read newspapers in both French and German. Studying Geography at A level has also allowed me to widen my knowledge of the world and as I want to travel extensively in the future to experience different cultures and meet lots of people, I have found it very supportive to my language studies.
    I am looking forward to spending the third year of my course studying abroad, divided equally between France and Germany. I have wanted a career using languages for many years; this is because I really enjoy communicating and working with other people. In German I regularly participate in videoconferences with a school in Betzdorf and a friendly atmosphere has developed between us. I have found this experience very helpful, especially being able to talk to and listen to native speakers. I have had the opportunity to take part in an exchange visit to Ancenis in France, I really enjoyed being able to speak French most of the time, although it was a bit daunting at first, and my confidence grew by the end of the week. My family and I act as host families for foreign students during the summer months and any other school holidays, this started about 5 years about and since then we have hosted students, while they study here for about a month at a time, from various countries such as Spain, Poland, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Croatia. It has been an interesting experience with several different cultures in the house at once and it was because of a Spanish girl that we hosted, and a return visit to her in Spain, that encouraged me to take up Spanish. I have completed a beginner’s course in this subject but I would really like to reach to the same standard in Spanish as in my other languages. The transition from GCSE to A level type work proved a challenge and I have put a lot of effort and concentration into improving my skills, as a result my teachers and I have both noticed a considerable increase in my knowledge and my ability. I think that with the determination and commitment that I have developed I can improve in the grades that I have been predicted.
    In June 1998 the languages department of my school participated in an International Newspaper Day organised by BT, I was appointed joint editor of the entire newspaper with responsibility for allocating jobs and reports, putting together the newspaper, using e-mail, with a few other students and for writing several articles in the three languages myself. This opportunity allowed me to demonstrate my strong leadership and organisational skills and I was very proud to hear that we achieved a Distinction. I have a part-time job as a receptionist in a busy opticians which I really enjoy. I have to deal with many people and work to deadlines on a daily basis; this job has allowed me to develop confidence and a sense of responsibility. Although I am very focused towards my studies I really enjoy the cinema, music and socialising with friends.


    Example of a Personal Statement
    I have always maintained a keen interest in English and from a young it had been a subject in which I have flourished. I take a great interest in literature, and try to read as often as possible. I have written for school magazines at all my schools. I have always been involved in acting and the theatre in general. During my time at Oakham School I starred in several plays with lead roles, including a production of ‘Measure for Measure’ which I am convinced has aided me with studying this text. I have volunteered to work as a member of the front of house staff at my local theatre, but I also love to go to the theatre to watch productions: I recently went to Stratford-upon-Avon to see ‘Measure for Measure’. I love to go to the cinema and I have enjoyed writing film reviews in the past for my Media Studies course. I believe that this is something I would love to do more of. I also have an impressive work experience record. I have waitressed and I have done community service in the past working with mentally disabled children. I found this intensely rewarding, and felt it was an experience which developed my patience. Working with these children was a useful related experience for my sociology and psychology ‘A’ level studies, especially for the area of abnormal development within psychology.
    I am a competent typist and these word processing skills have been increasingly more relevant to me. I now have a job at Hallmark Services Ltd, which involves typing up competition entry forms onto a computer database. This undoubtedly has strengthened my computer skills yet further and I am both confident and knowledgeable with computers as a result. I have also tried my hand at both the violin and the piano. I have been a member of the local swimming club, and have gained various certificates for my achievements in the pool as well as a certificate for life saving. I enjoy most sports and for several months now I have been having driving lessons. After passing my theory test I hope soon to pass my practical and become a driver.
    I have always been intensely interested in nature and animals and participated in the local Watch Club where I learnt much general knowledge on nature and conservation. I have aspirations to be a journalist in the future and deliver facts to people about controversial issues such as this, as I feel they are of the utmost importance. I also feel that as a student who has attended both private and state schools, I am one of the few who could have such a direct contribution to give to the education debate and would like to address this in possible future published writings. I read broadsheet newspapers everyday and I feel this is helping to develop my writing skills. I believe that every good writer needs experience of life to put in to words, and I have travelled to several foreign countries in the past. I have visited much of Europe and America, and I hope this summer to see Australia before starting at university.
    To conclude, I am being honest in saying that I am a dedicated and committed student with an excellent attendance record in school. I am very excited at the prospect of studying English at degree level. I feel sure that I will make full use of the opportunities afforded to me at university
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  4. I am applying for admission to the Ph.D. program in Business Administration because I want a career in the research and teaching of management. In particular, I am interested in factors that affect the competitive performance of a business concern, and the manner in which changes in technology affect an organisation's structure, long-term business strategy, product development, manufacturing, supply chains, distribution network, information needs and standard systems. In order to gain an appreciation of these and related issues, it is essential for me to have a strong grounding in Economics, Supply Chain Management, and issues connected with Information Technology, as well as gain a General Management perspective.
    Review para1
    I believe that the Ph.D. program in Business Administration (with concentration in Management) would be invaluable in helping me achieve these objectives. It would enable me to channel my quantitative and conceptual skills in analysing business issues and would open up new avenues in research. Subsequent to earning a Ph.D., I would like to apply for a faculty position at a leading university; and investigate issues concerned with technology as it affects organisation strategy, structure and systems.
    Review para2
    I believe that my background in engineering and management has prepared me for such a career. I have found research fascinating since my engineering days, where I received the highest marks in the Department for my final-year undergraduate dissertation; and was judged to have presented the best paper at a Departmental seminar. My four years of engineering education have provided me with a strong grounding in mathematics (I stood first in my Department for each of the four Math papers) and the theoretical aspects of technology.
    Review para3
    I joined ABC Business School in order to broaden my perspective and to improve my career prospects. Economics and psychology - subjects new to me - were interesting, and I enjoyed applying quantitative and conceptual skills to analyze business problems. I did very well in projects, desk research, workshops and class discussion, although academically I did not perform to my satisfaction (I finished with a GPA of 2.91, partly due to health reasons). I was voted as one of the ten most promising students in my batch, and received a national-level award for the best business school project, awarded by the Institute of Management Consultants of India. This was for a summer project, entitled "Formulation and Implementation of a Marketing Strategy for HandiCrafts, a unit of the Special Person’s Association".
    Review para4
    Upon graduating from business school I was offered a job with AZ & Co., a management consulting firm which ranks as among India’s largest. This is where I learned how to apply the principles and lessons of management to real life. It was fascinating; and transformed my interest in management research into a passion. I read extensively, trying to keep myself informed about management thinking in my areas of work - structure and systems in an industry and organisation, industrial marketing and strategy.
    Review para5
    I have learnt a lot on my present job. With the rest of my team, I have analysed markets and examined supply and distribution networks for such diverse products and industries as bulk chemicals, fresh fruit exports, toys, packaging machinery, retailing, adhesives, diamonds and pharmaceuticals. I have helped formulate entry strategies, plans for expansion and diversification; and also company business plans. As part of a team, I have carried out preliminary feasibility studies; compared technology options; suggested to the Forex Bank of India, a plan for improving the export competitiveness of India's Chemicals Sector; and studied government schemes for their efficacy. I have studied in detail the organisation structure and systems for one of India's largest manufacturers of automobiles and helped in the restructuring of the company as well as the redesigning of their new systems.
    Review para6
    These assignments have involved interaction with people at all levels of the value chain, and at organisational levels from the Chairman of a $ 200 million firm to a packing clerk earning $1 daily. They have given me the opportunity to interview a number of policy makers, industry analysts and economists in an effort to understand the functioning of, and important issues connected with, each of these industries.
    Review para7
    All this has given me valuable insights into the environment in which companies operate - how they affect this environment and are affected by it. It has enabled me to observe some of the better and worse ways of running a business. Certain assignments have been thought provoking; my most recent assignment, on the redesigning of a company's structure and systems, helped me understand the necessity of good organisation structures, and appreciate the significance of systems that work well. A study on the export competitiveness of India's chemicals sector brought home to me the importance of technology in determining a company's or industry's competitiveness. An assignment involving the evaluation of an air freight subsidy scheme for exporters of fresh fruits raised fundamental questions in my mind about the efficacy of subsidies in improving the competitiveness of an industrial sector, and encouraged me to look at more lasting measures instead.
    Review para8
    The time limitation on each assignment has taught me to plan well, work systematically and keep my reports up-to-date. At the same time, having to defend my analyses and recommendations, during both internal discussions and presentations to clients, has taught me to think rigorously and creatively. Our extensive use of computers for analysis and preparation of presentations and reports has made me familiar with spreadsheet, word processing and presentation packages.
    Review para9
    While the highly diverse nature of assignments has helped me gain a broad exposure to Indian industry, it has not been possible for me to study specific business and technology - related issues in depth. I realise that in order to be able to do so, I need a better understanding of the various facets of management; the interlinkages between different functional areas and between different business entities. Equally important, I need further training in research methodology.
    Review para10
    I want to do a Ph.D. at the College of Business, XYZ University for many reasons. I have heard about XYZ's Ph.D. program in Business Administration from my business school professors and am impressed with the emphasis placed on technical and analytical skills, general management orientation and rigorous research methodology. The School's strengths in supply chain management and information management are commensurate with my research interests. The faculty's reputation for excellent teaching, challenging coursework and the excellent facilities are added attractions.
    Review para11
    While the study of and research in management is my prime objective today, my interests in literature, music, travel and nature help me maintain a sense of perspective in life. I like to write and have had some articles published in Indian newspapers. I have organized and participated in a number of extra-curricular activities during my college days and have won university and national level prizes in debating, writing and quizzes. I also believe that each of us must give something back to society - to this end, I have worked on a voluntary basis for the Hunger Project for a year; as a teacher and counselor to physically and mentally handicapped children for three years; and as a reader to blind students. Today, I contribute to a local organisation that focuses on the environment of my hometown, Allahabad.
    Review para12
    I hope that the admissions committee finds my background and strengths commensurate with the requirements of XYZ's Ph.D. program in Business Administration.
    Review para13
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  5. To Whom It May Concern,

    The reason for applying to the undergraduate radiology program is to both expand on my knowledge in this field and to qualify myself to function well since my future career will be mainly an employee in the health field. I believe that radiology health science undergraduate program at school of environmental and radiological science, Colorado State University will prepare me for a very successful and challenging career in the radiology field.

    My diverse work and study experiences have given me a better understanding of what opportunities are available to me. I have always been fascinated with the radiological science programs, and some day, I want to be instrumental in operating in the radiological science. I believe that the undergraduate program in radiology will provide me with the tools to succeed in my future career.

    I am open to any interesting areas of radiology and based on the criteria and condition of the undergraduate radiology program, I found my self eligible to apply. I am looking forward for an opportunity to be an undergraduate student at Colorado State to have the chance to learn, share and contribute well in which will benefit me more and gain those tools of success.

    Thank you for your consideration and looking forward to hear from you.

    7 "
  6. ياجماعه انا من ثلاثه ايام،اريد مساعدتكم معقوله ....ابي احد يترجم لي ،
    الاخ سعد ماقصر رسل عدة نماج بس انا اصلاانجليزيتي ضعيفه مااعرف اكتب كلمتين عل بعض كيف هاالمرةاسوي تعديل على النماذج ...
    المره الوحيده اللي جربت.عدلت على نموذج موجود،وطرحته هنا في المنتدى،وطلع الاملاء خطء،واللغه ركيكة،،،،
    الله يرضى عليكم ساعدوني ابي احد يترجم لي .....لغتي منتهية الصلاحية.....
    جعلها الله في ميزان حسناتكم.............اختكم متوهقه.....
    7 "
  7. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة دموع الشوك
    ياجماعه انا من ثلاثه ايام،اريد مساعدتكم معقوله ....ابي احد يترجم لي ،
    الاخ سعد ماقصر رسل عدة نماج بس انا اصلاانجليزيتي ضعيفه مااعرف اكتب كلمتين عل بعض كيف هاالمرةاسوي تعديل على النماذج ...
    المره الوحيده اللي جربت.عدلت على نموذج موجود،وطرحته هنا في المنتدى،وطلع الاملاء خطء،واللغه ركيكة،،،،
    الله يرضى عليكم ساعدوني ابي احد يترجم لي .....لغتي منتهية الصلاحية.....
    جعلها الله في ميزان حسناتكم.............اختكم متوهقه.....
    والله اني شغال عليها لأنها صراحة مليانة أخطاء املائية وفيه أشياء غير مفهومه
    وهي يبي لها شوية وقت لأان المقاله طويلة شوي
    لذلك كلما فضيت عدلت عليها
    بس الين تخلص التعديلات انصحك بعمل بحث عن (كيف تفرش التماسيح أسنانها)
    7 "
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