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- لندن, زون1
- غير معرف
- Feb 2008
المزيدl February 17th, 2008, 05:30 PM
February 17th, 2008, 05:30 PM
هذا اللي جاانى بالقبول وودى احد يشرحها لي البارت الثانى ايش اختلافه عن الاول والاخير للدبلوم صح ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
وكونى مبئدته وانجليزيتى عدم يعنى اصنف نفسي من المستوى الاول او اقل كمان واحتاج لغة ايش اختار ؟؟؟؟؟ وهل الجامعه هذى هي افضل مكان للدراسات العليا واللغة و هل الجامعه صعبه كونها من افضل جامعات العالم؟؟؟
Ksap application no …….admission to ucl
We were pleased to receive your application a place at UCL and details Of your scholarship from the ministry of higher Education , KINGdom OF Saudi Arabia.
We ara able to offer you a place on the following three- part , full time English language, study and research skills programme at UCL.
The program Will extend from 3 March to 5 september 2008 or 3 march 2008_12 june 2009
Language skills assessment and inducation programme
3 March to 18 april ,2008
Depending upon the outcome of the language skills assessment either
G raduate Preparatory Course
21 April to 5 septemper,2008-02-16 fee:5500
Intensive English language skills programmme
21 april to 5 september 2008-02-16
Diploma in English for Academic Purposes
Duration :22 septemper 2008 to 12 june 2009
Progression to part3 in dependt upon completing part 2 at a standard deemed acceptable by the ucl language Centre.
The programme is designed for international students wishing to improve their academic English for university study in the UK .while you are pursuing this programme ,your application for admission to your chosen Masters programme will be consider by the programme admissions tutor.
The admission tutor will assess your academic background.
If this academic back ground is deemed appropriate you will be offered aplace on the academic programme conditional upon you achieving the required level of English Language proficiency.
At this stage there is no guarantee of progression on Masters Proggramme At UCL.if you are offered aplace ,details will be provided in another letter offering admission.
UCL will liaise with the King Abdullah Scholarship Program about your acceptance of this offer of admission .UCL will also negotiate with the King Abdullah Scholarship Program concerning the support UCL is able to offer to help find appropriate accommodation for you (and your family if they are to accompany you)while you are studying the programme and about airport pick-up arrangements if required.
We look forward to welcoming to UCL.
Director,UCL language cente
الله يكون بعونك بس حبيت اشاركك واقوووول انا ادمر منك بالانجليزي خخخخخخخخخخخ
الله يسخر لك من يساعدك
وقـــار February 17th, 2008, 09:45 PM
7 " هههههههههههههههههههه
حتى انا
بس حبيت ارفع موضوعك
ترى فيه مترجم اسمه الوافي الذهبي حمليه من اي موقع
بريطاني جديد February 18th, 2008, 02:09 AM
7 " الشرح بشكل سريع ومختصر (لأني دااايخ وودي انام)..
الأول : لتطوير مهارات اللغة بشكل عام..
الثاني: دراسة مكثفة وكذلك يعتمد على نتيجة الأول.
الثالث: دراسة دبلوم وهي للأهداف جامعية وهي تعمتد على إكمال القسم الثاني (النقطة الثانية).
وكلهم تختلف مدة الدراسة والسعر..
متأسف لأني عطيتك النقاط الأساسية.
m4design February 18th, 2008, 02:48 AM
7 "
February 17th, 2008, 05:30 PM