الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


جامعة Keele

جامعة Keele


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6156 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الملازم سكب
    ذحين هل الجامعة شكلها مافيها كثير سعودين يدرسون فيها ( تصدقون انه احسن )
    كيغ نروح لها ( يعني بالعربي خط سير السفر )
    انا بالنسبة لي عن طريق مانشستر اشوف اقرب طبعا حسب الخريطة
    الي شفتها
    انتم ايش رايكم ؟؟
    الجامعه فعلا مافيها سعوديين كثير ولا فيها نادي طلابي سعودي
    واغلب الطلاب اسيويين من اللي قريته
    الغريب انها تقدم منح لطلاب الخليج
    يعني يبدولي هي خيار امثل للي يدرسون على حسابهم بعد

    الوصول اليها فيه عدة طرق .. انا اشوف الانسب هو اخذ القطار من تيرمنال مطار هيثرو باتجاه stock on trent وهي اقرب محطة قطار الى كيل ومن هناك اخذ تاكسي لتصل كيل خلال عشر دقائق
    حسب موقع القطارات في بريطانيا الرحله تستغرق ساعتين ونصف وتكلف 99 جنيه استرليني وتبدل القطار مرتين خلال الرحله

    بالنسبه لجامعة ليدز بمجرد تكتبين فيزياء /ليدز .. في قوقل تطلع لك الكثيرمن المواقع اللي تتحدث عن هالتخصص في هالجامعه اقترح تقرينها كلها ... او بعضها ..
    جامعة كيل من خلال موقعهم يبدولي رائدين في التخصصات الطبيه والفيزياء !
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  2. لقيت في اليوتوب فديوات عن كيل لكن كلها من قبل مراهقين وحفلات طلاب
    المهم لقيت فديويين واحد يتكلم عن القريه وحاناتها بشكل مضحك ويبدولي قديم ودعايه لاحدى الحانات لكن لا مانع نشوف الجو العام كيف؟!
    والاخر يتكلم عن الجامعه ودراسة ماجستير له علاقه بالبيئه والسياسه
    خارج اطار موضوع دراستنا بس عالاقل فكره مبسطه عن الجو العام !!

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  3. Keele University Overview

    Grounds for greatness - Keele University is located right at the heart of England and provides world-class teaching and research. We are famous for the breadth of our teaching and for the way students can combine all sorts of subject choices. A leading example of a university campus community, Keele University is renowned for its exciting approach to higher education, beautiful campus and excellent student life. We offer a modern and internationally recognised education. Most students take Dual Honours courses studying two subjects of equal weight. We also offer a growing range of Single Honours degrees including courses in medicine and the health professions. We have one of the UK's highest rates for graduate employment, with 96% of our graduates in work, further study or planned time out within six months of leaving Keele University. What's more, students have a say on the quality of their lectures and teaching. Close to the M6 motorway and public transport links we are at the very centre of Britain. Keele is under two hours from London and Leeds and one hour from Manchester and Birmingham. Keele is situated in North Staffordshire, an area of great natural beauty and a proud heritage. We are close to Newcastle-under-Lyme with its vibrant nightlife and the major regional centre of Stoke-on-Trent, a key place on the national club scene. What's On Offer Keele University provides a very special undergraduate student experience. We provide high quality teaching across a range of subjects, with the added benefit of studying for a Dual Honours degree where you can gain an honours degree level qualification in two subjects. Students are well supported academically and personally and leave Keele University with some of the best academic and employment success rates in the UK. Like most Keele University students you may have the opportunity to study abroad as part of your degree.
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  4. MA Marketing in Keele University

    In offering a distinctive programme that aims to develop intellectual skills alongside practitioner skills, and which aims to enhance knowledge and understanding of theoretical debates alongside practitioner concerns, the MA Marketing seeks to develop well-rounded, thoughtful, active, reflective, and practical students with excellent skills that will enhance employability.
    In order to achieve this goal, our teaching and learning strategy is wide-ranging and innovative, seeking to give students a rich learning environment that draws actively upon leading edge research as well as current marketing practice. Marketing modules, together with other management modules all have distinctive TLA approaches, linked by the underlying need to develop K & U alongside intellectual skills, subject-specific skills (mainly in marketing, but also in strategy, finance and accounting) and transferable skills.
    Within the set of core marketing modules, each module will tend to take a dominant approach that will be either applied or theoretical, although all modules will contain elements of each. For example, Consuming Behaviours and Marketing Communications Theory will have teaching and learning approaches designed to accommodate significant theoretical issues, whilst modules such as Marketing Management and Marketing Research Theory and Practice will be more applied and practitioner-driven. The general introduction to the field of marketing will take place within the Marketing Management module, situated in the first semester. This will provide the platform for the marketing ******* that follows, whether practitioner- or theory –focused.
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