الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


آخر طلب بذمتكم ياناس ؟؟

آخر طلب بذمتكم ياناس ؟؟


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5939 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية بنت مطير
    بنت مطير

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    بنت مطير ألمانيا

    بنت مطير , أنثى. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى ألمانيا , تخصصى طالبه , بجامعة لم يتم تحديده
    • لم يتم تحديده
    • طالبه
    • أنثى
    • لم يتم تحديده, لم يتم تحديده
    • السعودية
    • Sep 2008

    October 16th, 2008, 07:55 AM

    السلام عليكم

    أخواني/ خواتي

    ابغى جامعه يكون معترف فيها وتكون بمدينه حلوه بكل شي

    المعيشه من جميع النواحي

    تخصصي علوم طبيه بكالوريوس

    ياريت تجاوبون بسرعهـ

    خواتي / اخواني اللي انقبلوا اخترتوا اي جامعه وعلى أي اساس بلييييييييييييييييييز

    ردوا لأني ابغى احول من ألمانيا وابغى اسم جامعه يكون معترف فيها

    عشان اقنع الوزاره بهالشي واني ماابغى ألمانيا بليز خلصوني من هاالموضوع

    وتكونون مشكورين
  2. هذي جميع الجامعات الموجودة في بريطانيا

    Aberdeen University
    Abertay Dundee University
    Aberystwyth University, Wales
    Anglia Polytechnic University
    Aston University
    Bangor, University of Wales
    Barnsley College
    Bath Spa University College
    Bath University
    Bell College of Technology
    Birmingham College of Food Tourism
    Birmingham Ctrl Eng University
    Birmingham University
    Blackpool and The Fylde College
    Bolton Institute of Higher Education
    Bournemouth University
    Bradford University
    Bradford and Ilkley Commun College
    Bretton Hall
    Bridgwater College
    Brighton University
    Bristol University
    British College of Naturopathy and Osteopathy
    British School of Osteopathy
    Brunel University
    Buckingham University
    Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College
    Cambridge University
    Canterbury Christ Church College
    Cardiff University of Wales Institute
    Cardiff University, Wales
    Carmarthenshire College
    Central Lancashire University
    Chelt and Glos College of Higher Education
    Chester University College
    Chichester Institute of Higher Education
    City University
    Colchester Institute
    College of Medicine University of Wales
    College of Ripon & York St John
    Cordwainers College
    Cranfield University
    Croydon College
    Dartington College of Arts
    De Montfort University
    Derby University
    Doncaster College
    Dudley College of Technology
    Dundee University
    Durham New College
    Durham University
    Dumfries and Galloway College
    East Anglia University
    East Berkshire College of Further Education
    East London University
    East Surrey College
    Edge Hill University College
    Edinburgh College of Art
    Edinburgh University
    Education and Training Academy
    Elizabeth College, Guernsey
    Essex University
    European Business School, London
    Exeter University
    Falmouth College of Arts
    Farnborough College of Technology
    Glamorgan University
    Glasgow Caledonian University
    Glasgow Community Education Service
    Glasgow University
    Goldsmiths College
    Greenmount College of Agriculture and Horticulture
    Greenwich University
    Gwent Tertiary College
    Halton College
    Harper Adams Agricultural College
    Henley College
    Herefordshire College of Tech
    Heriot- Watt University
    Hertford Regional College
    Hertfordshire University
    Holborn College
    Huddersfield University
    Hull University
    Huron University London
    Imperial College
    Isle of Wight College
    Keele University
    Kent Institute of Art and Design
    Kent at Canterbury University
    King Alfred's Winchester
    King's College London
    Kingston University
    Lampeter, University of Wales
    Lancaster University
    Leeds Metropolitan University
    Leeds University
    Leeds, Trinity and All Saints Univ College
    Leicester University
    Leo Baeck College
    Lincolnshire and Humberside University
    Liverpool Hope University College
    Liverpool John Moores Univ
    Liverpool University
    London Guildhall University
    London Montessori Centre
    London School of Economics and Political Science
    London University College
    Loughborough University
    Lowestoft College
    Luton University
    Manchester City College
    Manchester College of Arts and Technology
    Manchester Metropolitan Univ
    Manchester University
    Merthyr Tydfil College
    Mid- Cheshire College
    Middlesex University
    Nelson & Colne College
    Nene University College Northampton
    Newcastle College
    Newcastle Upon Tyne University
    Newham College of Further Education
    Newman College of Higher Education
    Newport, University of Wales College
    North Atlantic Fisheries College
    North East Wales Inst of Higher Education
    North London University
    North Trafford College
    North Tyneside College
    Northbrook College
    Northbrook College Sussex
    Northern College
    Northumberland College
    Northumbria University
    Norwich City College
    Nottingham Trent University
    Nottingham University
    Oaklands College, Hertfordshire
    Open University
    Oxford Brookes University
    Oxford College of Further Education
    Oxford University
    Oxford Westminster College
    Oxfordshire School of Art and Design
    Plymouth University
    Portsmouth University
    Preston College
    Queen Mary and Westfield College
    Queen's University of Belfast
    Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication
    Reading University
    Regent's College
    Regents Business School London
    Richmond, The American University in London
    Ripon and York St John Univ College
    Robert Gordon University
    Roehampton Institute London
    Royal Agricultural College
    Royal College of Defence Studies
    Royal College of Surgeons of England
    Royal Free Hospital Sch of Med
    Royal Holloway, Univ of London
    Royal Veterinary College
    Rugby College
    Ruskin College, Oxford
    Rycotewood College
    Salford University
    Sch of Oriental and African St
    School of Pharmacy
    School of Slavonic and East Euro
    Scottish Agricultural College
    Scottish College of Textiles
    Sheffield Hallam University
    Sheffield University
    Sir George Monoux College
    Solihull College
    Somerset College of Arts and Technology
    London South Bank University
    Southampton City College
    Southampton Institute
    Southampton University
    Southwark College
    Sparsholt College Hampshire
    Spurgeon's College
    St Andrew's College, Glasgow
    St Andrews University
    St George's Hosp Med School
    St Helens College
    St Martin, Lancaster and Cumbria University College
    St Mary's Univ College
    Staffordshire University
    Stirling Centre for Further Education
    Stirling University
    Stockport College of Further and Higher Education
    Strathclyde University
    Suffolk University College
    Sunderland University
    Surrey Inst of Art and Design
    Surrey University
    Sussex University
    Sutton Coldfield College
    Swansea Institute of Higher Education
    Swansea, University of Wales
    Teesside University
    Telford College of Arts and Technology
    Thames Valley University
    Trinity and All Saints College
    Trinity College
    UK Academy for Information Systems
    Ulster University
    University College Chichester
    University College of St. Martin
    University College Suffolk
    University College Warrington
    University of Buckingham
    University of Wales College, Newport
    University of Wales Institute
    Uxbridge College
    Warwick University
    Wessex Institute of Technology
    Welsh College of Music and Drama
    West Cheshire College
    West Herts College, Watford
    West Thames College
    West of England University, Bristol
    Westhill College
    Westminster University
    Weston College
    Wimbledon School of Art
    Wirral Metropolitan College
    Wolfson School of Health Sciences
    Wolverhampton University
    Worcester University College
    Writtle College
    Wye College
    York University
    Yorkshire Coast College of Further Education
    Ystrad Mynach College

    7 "

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