مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member
Sword and Pen , ذكر. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية
, مبتعث فى كندا
, تخصصى طالب ماجستير
, بجامعة خريج جامعة قريح
- خريج جامعة قريح
- طالب ماجستير
- ذكر
- الرياض, لايوجد
- السعودية
- Dec 2006
المزيدl January 23rd, 2009, 11:21 PM
January 23rd, 2009, 11:21 PM
هل يوجد أي خطأ في هذا الخطاب ؟؟؟
Statement of Purpose
I am ..................... I am Saudi Arabian born in .......... I am an applicant interested in studying Food Science & Nutrition at your university for the Master degree starting in Sept 2009.
My interest in Food Science & Nutrition was initiated by my readings in this field. I seek to pursue this field for my ambition to specialize in a highly professional and attractive field. My plans for my career have set this major at the top of my priorities. I am sure your university is the place where my academic dreams will come true. Food Science & Nutrition professionals are very scarce in Saudi Arabia. This area of study should make me one of those who contribute to filling that professional gap in the Saudi work market with the expertise I hope to achieve at your university.
In the mean time, I received my B.Sc. certificate and I am ready to start my education. Since the processing of visa applications at the UK consulate takes some time, I thought Sept 2009 would a better choice. Therefore, upon approving decision, I would like to be granted admission with this study.
I prepared this statement of purpose with the help of an alumnus of a UK school who spoke high of the UK educational system and encouraged and helped me and many other graduate and Postgraduate applicants to apply to UK university. I am sure the love and respect this alumnus has shown for the UK educational system is well-established and very justified. I hope to become another UK education alumnus. Currently, I am in need for an IELTS preparation program, especially academic English, which universities usually provide through an English language center or institute.
My hope is that your consideration of my file will render a favorable decision. I am confident a decision like that will definitely change my life and put me on the verge of a bright future of which I hope your university will be the main thrust.
الطلب جيد و واضح ..
ولكن لماذا لم توضح العمر .. المعدل في البكالوريوس والتخصص ؟؟
NUS January 23rd, 2009, 11:31 PM
7 " الموضوع للرفع
ياليت أحد يشارك
Sword and Pen January 24th, 2009, 12:59 AM
7 " والله ماتكلفكم شي مساعدتي , إذا صح قولوا صح , إذا غلط ساعدوني على التصحيح .
ولكم الأجر من رب العالمين
Sword and Pen January 24th, 2009, 02:28 AM
7 " جط ايش كان تخصصك في البكالوريوس, ومعدلك كم كان, وفين درست البكالوريوس, وكمان اذا امكن تحط فين درست الثانويه, وكل هاي المعلومات حطها في القسم الاول يعني مع المعلومات الشخصيه الاوليه للشخص المتقدم.
والله يوفقك
السيد الهاشمي January 24th, 2009, 02:53 AM
7 " اخي الكريم .. الملتقى في هالوقت يكون نايم شوي لأنه الحين متأخر مرررره خاصه انه ويك اند في بريطانيا ..
انتظر لحد بكره ان شاء الله واكيد يردو عليك ..
بالنسبه لي والله لسه ما كتبت الخطاب عشان كذا ما اقدر افيدك كثير وانتظر اصحاب الخبره والقبول يفيدوك اكثر .. بس بحاول افيدك باللي اقدر عليه ..مع اني ارى انه جدا راااائع وما فيه اخطاء واضحه غير انك تهتم بنقاط الترقيم اللي هي النقط و الفواصل وتحطها في مكانها الصحيح و تخلي الخطاب كله لون واحد (عشان لا يبان سالفة القص واللزق ) ..
اما العمر يكون بعد ما تكتب مكان الولاده تكتب born in Riyadh in 1980 ..
وبالنسبه لمؤهلك البكالوريوس والتخصص ..اكتب هذي الجمله في الجزء الثالث وعدل على اللي كتبته :
In the mean time, I'm a graduate of 00000000 from 55555555 University in 888888888 with a GPA of 77777777
الاصفار >>>> تعني التخصص
الخمسات >>>>> تعني اسم الجامعه
الثمانيات>>>>> تعني تاريخ التخرج
السبعات >>>>تعني المعدل وليس النسبه .. اما اذا كنت بتضيف النسبه اكتب percentage of .........
ان شاءالله تكون فهمت علي
NUS January 24th, 2009, 03:02 AM
7 " اخوي سؤال .. هل انت متأكد ان التخصص اللي انت طالب تدرسه ماستر صحيح بهالاسم ؟؟
لأني اول مره اسمع عن Food Sience
NUS January 24th, 2009, 03:05 AM
7 " الله يعطيك العافية وماقصرت يالغالي
بالنسبة لتخصص ايه , ماجستير علوم أغذية وتغذية , لأنه إمتداد للبكالوريوس
Sword and Pen January 24th, 2009, 05:25 AM
7 "
January 23rd, 2009, 11:21 PM
هل يوجد أي خطأ في هذا الخطاب ؟؟؟My interest in Food Science & Nutrition was initiated by my readings in this field. I seek to pursue this field for my ambition to specialize in a highly professional and attractive field. My plans for my career have set this major at the top of my priorities. I am sure your university is the place where my academic dreams will come true. Food Science & Nutrition professionals are very scarce in Saudi Arabia. This area of study should make me one of those who contribute to filling that professional gap in the Saudi work market with the expertise I hope to achieve at your university.
In the mean time, I received my B.Sc. certificate and I am ready to start my education. Since the processing of visa applications at the UK consulate takes some time, I thought Sept 2009 would a better choice. Therefore, upon approving decision, I would like to be granted admission with this study.
I prepared this statement of purpose with the help of an alumnus of a UK school who spoke high of the UK educational system and encouraged and helped me and many other graduate and Postgraduate applicants to apply to UK university. I am sure the love and respect this alumnus has shown for the UK educational system is well-established and very justified. I hope to become another UK education alumnus. Currently, I am in need for an IELTS preparation program, especially academic English, which universities usually provide through an English language center or institute.
My hope is that your consideration of my file will render a favorable decision. I am confident a decision like that will definitely change my life and put me on the verge of a bright future of which I hope your university will be the main thrust.