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مساعده يا اخوان كيف اكتب essay...

مساعده يا اخوان كيف اكتب essay...


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. أعتذر بشدة للتأخير

    في أشياء بسيطة طلعت معي من الأسبوع الماضي ولكن ماتمكنت أضيفها هنا

    حاولت أبحث عن الموضوع ولكن عض المقالات لا أتمكن من إيجاد النص الكامل لها

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    Quality and impact of occupational therapy journals: Authors' perspectives
    Sylvia Rodger 1 , Kryss McKenna 1 and Ted Brown 2 1 Division of Occupational Therapy, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland and 2 Occupational Therapy Program, School of Primary Health Care, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University – Peninsula Campus, Frankston, Victoria, Australia
    Correspondence: Sylvia Rodger, Division of Occupational Therapy, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland 4072, Australia. Email:

    Sylvia Rodger BOccThy, MEdSt, PhD; Associate Professor and Head. Kryss McKenna BOccThy (Hons), PhD; Associate Professor. G. Ted Brown BScOT (Hons), MSc, MPA, PhD, OT(C), OTR, AccOT; Senior Lecturer.

    Copyright © 2006 The Authors
    Journal compilation © 2007 Australian Association of Occupational Therapists
    accountability • allied health literature • occupational therapy research • peer review • survey research


    Background/aim: With increasing pressure for academic accountability, there is a need for the profession to consider the quality and impact of its journals. This seems even more pressing because few occupational therapy journals have an impact factor, which has become synonymous with quality. By surveying authors of papers in occupational therapy journals, this study aimed to determine their perceptions of indicators of journal quality and ratings of 19 occupational therapy journals on these indicators and to have them provide a global rating for non-occupational therapy journals.
    Methods: Authors of papers in peer-reviewed occupational therapy journals between 2003 and 2005 were invited to complete an online survey. Of 554 authors, 184 (33%) responded. Most respondents were female (91%); over 40 years of age (78%); from the USA (29%), Canada (17%), Australia (16%), UK (16%) or Sweden (10%); had PhDs or professional doctorates (55%); and were academics (53%). The majority (63%) had published between 0 and two papers per year over the previous 3 years.
    Results: The top five quality indicators rated as very important were reputation/prestige of the journal, availability, rigour and quality of the manuscript review process, timeliness of review and publication, and impact on policy/practice. Six journals were rated high by respondents across most quality indicators (American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, British Journal of Occupational Therapy, Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, and Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy).
    Conclusions: The results are discussed in terms of promoting research and scholarship within academic institutions that are influenced by measures of research productivity and quality. Limitations of the study and recommendations for future research are included.

    Research in the area of occupational therapy has a broad concept in order to facilitate the development of the profession. The research has been in areas such as occupational function and well being, activities and participation. There has also been much interest in societal aspects (environment) and life satisfaction as well as in educational and professional issues. Different scientific inputs are used: e.g. occupational science, medicine, education, psychology, philosophy and sociology.
    Research can focus on areas important for occupational therapy by occupational therapists who are researchers. Occupational therapists, being a part of a research team led by an OT researcher or other professional researcher, are very necessary for research in our profession.

    This description can be discussed and developed further.

    7 "
  2. أخي أفضل تزويدك بمعرفي الخاص وكلمة المرور وأترك لك خيار البحث بشكل مفصل في التخصص ونقاط التركيز

    ومن ثم أخذ منك العناوين وأقوم باستخراجها

    لأن نظام الدوريات غريب

    من المنزل لااتمكن من مشاهدة النصوص كامله
    وفي المعهد عدد مختار
    وفي مكتبة الجامعة عدد أكبر متوفر

    إذا استحسنت الفكرة أرسل لك وتبحث بحرية بين الآلآف الأبحاث السابقة في المجال
    7 "
  3. الأخت مشتاقه لحلمي . لا أعتقد أنك أنسانة !!
    ربما أنت ملاك يمشي على وجه الأرض . بصراحة أفتخر بأنك أبنة بلدي . لله درك أسأل الله عز وجل أن يفرج همك ويكشف عمك ، ويغفر ذنبك ، ويرفع قدرك ، ويرحم أبوك وأمك !!

    وأسأل الله تعالى أن يوفقك للتخرج والعودة لبلدك وأهلك . كما اسأله تعالى أن يعطيك من الخير أحسنه ،
    شكرا لك وبارك الله فيك .
    لساني عاجز عن الشكر . كيف تتركين مشاغلك ودراستك وتهتمين لأمري ولا تعرفيني ، ولست مسؤوله عني !!
    أنت مثال ونموذج مشرف للمرأة السعودية المسلمة المتعلمة .
    ابشرك أن الأمور إلى تساهيل إن شاء الله . فقد استعنت بأخصائي هندي قريب من عملي . ووعدني خيرا .
    ولااستغني عن خدماتك أختي الفاضلة .
    وسوف أنتظر ماذا سيجري وأوافيك بعد وقد أطلب منك العون مرة أخرى .
    لكن حاليا أتمنى أن لا تشغلي نفسك بي . وإذا ماوصلك رد جديد أرجو العودة للموضوع وشكرا لك .
    وأسأل الله تعالى مرة أخرى أن يحقق حلمك الذي أنت مشتاقه إليه .
    7 "
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