مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member
hasan.j.94 , ذكر. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من سوريا
, مبتعث فى ألمانيا
, تخصصى لا يوجد
, بجامعة لا يوجد
- برلين, برلين
- سوريا
- Aug 2012
المزيدl August 9th, 2012, 12:39 AM
August 9th, 2012, 12:39 AM
السلام عليكم
انا طالب سوري اريد دراسة الطب البشري في ايطاليا و راسلت جامعة واتاني رد الي فهمته انهم لا يريدون شهادة توفل او ايتلس فقط اجتياز فحص الجامعة ها هذا صحيح ام اني مخطأ
هذه هي الرسالة بس فهموني شو قصدهم
Dear student,
To study in Italy you will have to translate and legalize all your diplomas (and the syllabus of the exams already taken) through the Italian Consulate or Embassy in your country. After that you have to submit your documents to the proper Faculty which has to evaluate your CV and the exams and then it will decide.
Please check also these pages:
Enrolment 2012 - First and second cycle degree programmes - Università degli studi di Pavia
http://www.unipv.eu/site/en/home/news/articolo4313.html for EU citizens http://www.unipv.eu/on-line/en/Home/News/articolo4312.html for non EU citizens The enrolment at University is mandatorily carried out by the Italian Diplomatic Representation in your residing country.
The Medical Faculty is a 6 year unique cycle (it gives you bachelor+master all together) There is no need of any English language certificate like IELTS or TOEFL.
Here is the link of the medical faculty taught in english: Vuoto . The only requirement is to pass the admission test.
For the academic year 2012/13 the enrollment procedure for the registration to the admission test will be active from until the 22 of august. But the application deadline for the Embassy was the 29th of June. So if you haven't alredy contacted the Embassy you will have to wait for the next year.
If you have the legalized translation as well as the Dichiarazione di valore and the Italian Embassy already preenrolled you the next step is to complete the registration to the admission test: The registration to the admission test is at the following link http://www.universitaly.it/index.php/ from the 23th of July until the 22th of August.
The announcement of medicine and surgery in english is at this link: Masters' degree in Medicine and Surgery - Università degli studi di Pavia
The admission test will be the 5th of september, In the announcement you find all the information about the hour and place of the test.
Just to give you an idea of how is the test here is the link to the last year admission test http://accessoprogrammato.miur.it/co...nglese2011.pdf
You have also to have the legalized translation of the "family income" documents and take them to the "Ufficio Tasse" once you are in Italy. It is necessary to calculate the secont part of the fees (the first is fixed an is 650 euros)
For further information about taxes please check this link: http://www.unipv.eu/on-line/en/Home/...mento6599.html
I suggest you to go to this page Studiare a Pavia for
information about the courses in English and the enrolment procedures.
For general information about the University in Italy and the
deadlines check this website http://www.study-in-italy.it/
Best regards
- ترجمة شهادتك وسجل الدرجات من السفارة او القنصلية الايطالية.
- ارسل اوراقك للكلية اللي تريدها وهم حيقيموا الاوراق والسيرة الذاتية بعدين حيقرروا. راجع الروابط اللي حاطينها!!!!
- لايشترطون توفل او ايلتس فقط تجتاز امتحان القبول.
-امتحانات القبول حتبدا بعد 22اغسطس. واخر موعد للتقديم كان 29 جون... فاذا ماسبق لك وقدمت فالتقديم سيكون على السنة القادمة.
بعدين حاطين رابط يوديك لموقع يشرحلك ماهية الاختبار وطبيعته.
بعدين مكتوب شوي عن بعض الاشياء اللي تشيك معهم في السفارة وبعض المعلومات عن الضرائب و سعر الكورسات.
هذا اتوقع اهم شي موجود.
Expat1 August 9th, 2012, 07:53 AM
7 " مرحبا
انا سوري كمان
بس المشكلة مو عرفان من وين بدي ابدا بهل السفرة اذا ممكن نتواصل مع بعض ؟؟؟
انا مقيم حاليا بالسعودية
اذا حاب نتواصل ارسل لي رسالة على الخاص
- - - مشاركة محدثة - - -
انا سوري كمان
بس المشكلة مو عرفان من وين بدي ابدا بهل السفرة اذا ممكن نتواصل مع بعض ؟؟؟
انا مقيم حاليا بالسعودية
اذا حاب نتواصل ارسل لي رسالة على الخاص
- - - مشاركة محدثة - - -
انا سوري كمان
بس المشكلة مو عرفان من وين بدي ابدا بهل السفرة اذا ممكن نتواصل مع بعض ؟؟؟
انا مقيم حاليا بالسعودية
اذا حاب نتواصل ارسل لي رسالة على الخاص
سوري حيران September 3rd, 2012, 10:45 AM
7 " اخى رح ضيفك هلا ومنشوف شو بصير معنا انا بكرا رايح على السفارة
سوري حيران September 8th, 2012, 01:09 AM
7 " ياجماعة ارجوا الإفادة كيف اجيب قبول
تمت المشاركة باستخدام تطبيق مبتعث
lana hasoba April 18th, 2014, 06:21 PM
7 "
August 9th, 2012, 12:39 AM
السلام عليكمانا طالب سوري اريد دراسة الطب البشري في ايطاليا و راسلت جامعة واتاني رد الي فهمته انهم لا يريدون شهادة توفل او ايتلس فقط اجتياز فحص الجامعة ها هذا صحيح ام اني مخطأ
هذه هي الرسالة بس فهموني شو قصدهم
Dear student,
To study in Italy you will have to translate and legalize all your diplomas (and the syllabus of the exams already taken) through the Italian Consulate or Embassy in your country. After that you have to submit your documents to the proper Faculty which has to evaluate your CV and the exams and then it will decide.
Please check also these pages:
Enrolment 2012 - First and second cycle degree programmes - Università degli studi di Pavia
http://www.unipv.eu/site/en/home/news/articolo4313.html for EU citizens
http://www.unipv.eu/on-line/en/Home/News/articolo4312.html for non EU citizens
The enrolment at University is mandatorily carried out by the Italian
Diplomatic Representation in your residing country.
The Medical Faculty is a 6 year unique cycle (it gives you bachelor+master all together) There is no need of any English language certificate like IELTS or TOEFL.
Here is the link of the medical faculty taught in english: Vuoto . The only requirement is to pass the admission test.
For the academic year 2012/13 the enrollment procedure for the registration to the admission test will be active from until the 22 of august. But the application deadline for the Embassy was the 29th of June. So if you haven't alredy contacted the Embassy you will have to wait for the next year.
If you have the legalized translation as well as the Dichiarazione di valore and the Italian Embassy already preenrolled you the next step is to complete the registration to the admission test: The registration to the admission test is at the following link http://www.universitaly.it/index.php/ from the 23th of July until the 22th of August.
The announcement of medicine and surgery in english is at this link: Masters' degree in Medicine and Surgery - Università degli studi di Pavia
The admission test will be the 5th of september, In the announcement you find all the information about the hour and place of the test.
Just to give you an idea of how is the test here is the link to the last year admission test http://accessoprogrammato.miur.it/co...nglese2011.pdf
You have also to have the legalized translation of the "family income" documents and take them to the "Ufficio Tasse" once you are in Italy. It is necessary to calculate the secont part of the fees (the first is fixed an is 650 euros)
For further information about taxes please check this link: http://www.unipv.eu/on-line/en/Home/...mento6599.html
I suggest you to go to this page Studiare a Pavia for
information about the courses in English and the enrolment procedures.
For general information about the University in Italy and the
deadlines check this website http://www.study-in-italy.it/
Best regards