الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


افا يا امريكا....والله ما هقيتها!

افا يا امريكا....والله ما هقيتها!


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 6303 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية THE HERO

    مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member

    THE HERO الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    THE HERO , ذكر. مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى طالب , بجامعة PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY
    • طالب
    • ذكر
    • Malibu, California
    • السعودية
    • Jun 2007

    October 15th, 2007, 09:36 AM

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته وكل عام وانتم بخير..
    كيف حالكم يا اطباء؟؟
    السالفه وما فيها اني ابغى اتاكد من معلومه وصلتني من احد الزملاء وبغيت رايكم..
    انا ادرس في معهد لغه حاليا وبعد ما اخلص ان شاء الله راح ادرس بري ميد 4 سنوات في جامعه متوسطة المستوى..وبعدين لما اجيب معدل ممتاز ان شاء الله راح اقدم على الجامعات الممتازه في الطب... انتوا عارفين الكلام هذا كله..
    الكلام اللي وصلني هو ان الجامعات اللي تدرس طب ممكن تفضل الطلاب اللي درسوا بري ميدعندهم عليك انت يا الطالب الي جاي من جامعه ثانيه حتى لو انك ((حاصل على معدل اعلى))..؟؟!!
    فيا ليت اللي عنده فكره يفيدنا..
    آسف على الاطاله..
  2. أخـوي THE HERO !!!

    الـكـلام اللي تــقـوله فـي شي مـن الـمـنـطـقـيـة وانـه ممكن جدا ان كـلـيـات الـطـب تـفـضـل أو تـقـدم الـطلاب الذين انـهـوا دراسة Pre-Medicine في نـفـس الـجـامـعـة على غـيـرهم من الـمـتـقدمـيـن من الـجامـعـات الأخــرى . . .

    هـذا مـو إشـكـال ,, الـمـصـيـبـة انه تـبـادر الى مـسـمعـى انه :-

    The Schools of Medicine in U.S don't even accept the international students in their programs ..

    وانه الحصول على قبول منها هو ضـرب من الـمـستـحيل , ويلزمك متطلبات جدا معقدة وأذن من جـهة معنية وحـوسـة . . .

    ومـثـل ما قلتلك انا هذا الشي سمعت فيه فقط وما تاكدت , وابيك إنت تتأكـد من الكلام هذا ,, لانه مصيبة تدرس 4 سنوات Pre-Medicine وما تحصل قبول لبرنامج الـطـب , فترجع للسعودية بشهادة بكالورويس علوم

    فيجب عليك اخوي تبحث في الموضوع وتتأكد وما تـغـامـر ,, لأن هـذي مـسـألة مـسـتـقـبل يعني :-

    You hate to make sure that you're eligible to enroll Medicine Colleges as you're an international applicant . . .!!

    وبالـتــوفــيـــق حبيبي @@@@@@@@@@
    7 "
  3. اخ ممدوح الله يعطيك العافيه على الرد والحمد لله ((عطيتني وجه))...
    الكلام اللي قلته ((خطير)) والله يستر ولازم اتأكد من الموضوع...
    انا اذكر يوم كنت ادرس بجاكعة الملك سعود احد الدكاتره كان يقول.....
    They don't accept Muslims students in medicine especially,in surgery.But I did not care about what he said.
    If this is true, it will be a big problem for me because I don't like any thing else except medicine.
    Thank you again
    7 "
  4. !!!! Brother The HERO

    Actually, I don't know if they do care about your religion, however, some teachers are unkind with the Muslims students but still depends on the teachers themselves , they don't represent the school

    You know , I used to be a doctor in the past , and I had a dream that I want to be an professional surgeon , but the Ministry of Higher Education didn't accept my request to study Medicine in U.S and they push me to choose another major , therefore, you could say my dream has broken , I had to choose Computer Engineering

    Six months ago, I got a special scholarship from the Health Services in the National Guard , so I transferred my current scholarship from the higher education to the national guard and I picked up a new and wonderful major called " Clinical Pharmacy " and in the American education system they call it " Doctor of Pharmacy " or " Pharm.D" . I read a lot about this program and love it more than you can image ,and now I'm preparing to finish the Pre-Pharmacy requirement's so I could start study the major by the year 2009

    @@@@@@@@@@@ With my Best wishes
    7 "
  5. how you doin Dr. Mamdouh...:119:
    . i have a pharmacy deploma form Jeddah 2 an a half years ..im now in the English Insteute at Nova Universty in Florida ..i wanna get Pharm D dgree at Nova uni. can you explane to me what is the pre- midc because in NOva uni. they need 4 years in Bilogical since after that there is a Test , when you pass the test you can addmit to get Pharm D in 2 more years .. the total is 6 years ..

    can you please explane this program in ur university ...

    i need more information about this program coz am confuse .. thx a lot ... good luck ..
    7 "
  6. Dear brother Fayez 911

    Actually, I have got your private message which you had sent yesterday, however I couldn't reply because my in-box is completely full.

    About you question, dear brother you should be informed that most of schools of pharmacy ( about 97 %) don''t offer " Conditional Admission " for Pharm.D which is mean you can be admitted in the program if you get the required TOEFL score. Also, most of these schools don't accept the student without an " Pre-Pharmacy " requirements.

    :- In this case if you want to study Pharm.D you must do the following

    You must finish the pre-pharmacy requirements in any university or college in the US.(( there hundreds of universities and colleges offer the pre-pharmacy program which is 2 years program , and you could find it under " Pre-Professional Program " in list of majors in each university. Also I have no idea if they will credit your hours and accept some subjects instead of others that you've already study

    ** The Pre-Pharmacy means the subjects that you have to take it before you could enroll to the school of pharmacy and it usually covers or include (( Math - Chemistry - Biology - English Composition - Physics - Elective courses

    You must submit your TOEFL score (( the schools of pharmacy usually ask for 550 / 80 / 220 )) .

    A lot of colleges require the score of PCAT (( Pharmacy College Admission Test ))

    The interview (( some schools don't ask for this option ))

    Filling-out the application of the school that you want to apply for (( there many pharmacy ask to complete the application throw http://www.pharmcas.org/

    ** Dear fayez I want say something to you and I hope you will accept it is an advise

    First of all , I still study English as a Second Language in Illinois , therefore, that's mean I don't have a lot of information about Pharm.D program , but believe me I tried to apply for this terrific program in 65 schools and the answer were " You must provide all the admission requirements before we can process your application. That's say NO acceptance without TOEFL score / Pre-Pharmacy requirements

    ** So in your situation I believe that you should finish your English program, get a good TOEFL score and do the best to find out the universities which offer the pre-pharmacy courses that match with the school of pharmacy you want to apply for , as schools of pharmacy require different courses for pre-pharmacy requiremnts , for example ; University of Minnesota ask for 4 Biology courses, however, University of Toledo ask for 2 Biology courses. So you have to be careful in this point.
    That's all what I can tell you about , but if you have additionl inquiries please
    feel free to ask & I will do my best to help you

    Good Luck

    7 "
  7. Dear Fayez

    I took a look to the website of Nova Southern University , and I found that they require 62 semester hours. and you can not apply if you don't provide this requirement

    You may know the Pharm.D admission requirements through this link


    And add the TOEFL score to these steps

    ** There is an university can admit you without TOEFL score " Conditional Admission " and without Pre-Pharmacy requirements because the program is already 6 years of study and they Integrated ((the 2 years of prepharmacy + the 4 years of pharm.d program together )) . So if you are interested in this school I will tell what's the best way to apply for their program.

    This university is Ohio Northern University


    Have a nice day
    7 "

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