ok here is what you need to do :
1- go to kaplanmaedical website *google it* and you will find apply to kaplan with an application to fill
2- print the application after you fill it , sign it then scan it
3- you need a scanned passport + temporary graduation certificate + a prove you studied in english "ask for it in the university tell them for kaplan" they will give it to you
in the application you have to check on the city and the dates available if you need another date other than whats in the form ask them to help you.
after this you will need to send a financial guarntee and thats it
just e-mail all the above to them and they will reply in few days
hope I helped you
7 " 1- go to kaplanmaedical website *google it* and you will find apply to kaplan with an application to fill
2- print the application after you fill it , sign it then scan it
3- you need a scanned passport + temporary graduation certificate + a prove you studied in english "ask for it in the university tell them for kaplan" they will give it to you
in the application you have to check on the city and the dates available if you need another date other than whats in the form ask them to help you.
after this you will need to send a financial guarntee and thats it
just e-mail all the above to them and they will reply in few days
hope I helped you
December 18th, 2011, 04:52 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهانا اخوكم الان طبيب امتياز بالرياض ،، راح اخلص ان شالله شهر سبعه الفين وثنعش ،،
تخطيطي وتفكيري اول ماخلص الامتياز مباشره اتوجه الي كابلان ،، لاني ابي اخذ البورد الامريكي ،،، واتخصص هناك ،،،
لاكن انا بصراحه ماعرف احد راح ولا عندي اي خلفيه ،،
ياليت الله يعافيكم ويوفقكم يارب واحد يكتبلي التسلسل يعني ايش اسوي حتي اصل كابلان لاحضر اختبارات الاس ام ال اس ،،
مثلا اروح اول شي الوزاره ،، ولا اكلم كابلان ولا من فين ابدا ،، وانا ماودي اتاخر ودي ابداء من الان ،، واخلص كل شي ،،،، من فين تكون البدايه وراح تكون فين النهايه ،،
الله يوفقكم انكم تساعدوننني