الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


دراسة الطب خارج المملكة لطلاب الباكالريوس؟

دراسة الطب خارج المملكة لطلاب الباكالريوس؟


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4526 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية Me. with love
    Me. with love

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    Me. with love الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    Me. with love , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى not yet , بجامعة not yet
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    • السعودية
    • Aug 2012

    September 16th, 2012, 12:03 PM

    السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته

    انا طالب مبتعث طب لامريكا انهيت فترة اللغة و حصلت على درجة ممتازه بالايلتس، رجعت السعودية و ابي اغير دولة الابتعاث بسبب نظام دراسة الطب بالولايات المتحدة..

    ممكن احد ينصحني بدول دراسة الطب فيها يختلف عن النظام الامريكي (اربع سنوات بري-ميد)؟ لاني ابي احول قبل نهاية السنه.

    انا طالب باكالريوس.

  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Abdul.F
    Listen ya man,
    i really don't know any place better that US to study medicine \.
    I;m currently trying to study medicine here in US.
    Think carefully about what you're really want .. Yes, it is hard and long but it will totally worth it ..
    Best of luck ,bud..

    I must say although I do respect your opinion I disagree with it.
    The states is not an ideal place to study your bachelor degree at all for several reasons including:
    - Entry to medical school is through postgraduate entry (i.e. you do need a bachelor of some sort in order to apply to medical school
    - Entry to medical school is very very very competitive and as an international student your chances are minimal.
    - Let's say we forget about what I mentioned above, it will take you 8-10 years to get your BACHELOR degree in medicine. I think the extra 2-3 years gained by studying somewhere else could be well spent doing some clinical work, doing research or even start your registrar job.
    - The way that medicine is practiced (to my knowledge and I could be wrong) can be cruel or extreme sometimes. Also, it is very money oriented.

    I think for a bachelor degree you have the following options:

    - Study in a Middle Eastern country e.g. Bahrain, Saudi , Jordan , UAE
    - Europe: Germany, UK, Ireland
    - Other : Australia, New Zealand

    But bare in mind that entry to medical school in most western countries is not really direct and often you have to meet certain requirements and possibly compete with other students for a seat in medical school. But, if you are sponsored by a government the situation is usually easier but also not guaranteed.

    All the best

    7 "
  3. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Zeid.A

    I must say although I do respect your opinion I disagree with it.
    The states is not an ideal place to study your bachelor degree at all for several reasons including:
    - Entry to medical school is through postgraduate entry (i.e. you do need a bachelor of some sort in order to apply to medical school
    - Entry to medical school is very very very competitive and as an international student your chances are minimal.
    - Let's say we forget about what I mentioned above, it will take you 8-10 years to get your BACHELOR degree in medicine. I think the extra 2-3 years gained by studying somewhere else could be well spent doing some clinical work, doing research or even start your registrar job.
    - The way that medicine is practiced (to my knowledge and I could be wrong) can be cruel or extreme sometimes. Also, it is very money oriented.

    I think for a bachelor degree you have the following options:

    - Study in a Middle Eastern country e.g. Bahrain, Saudi , Jordan , UAE
    - Europe: Germany, UK, Ireland
    - Other : Australia, New Zealand

    But bare in mind that entry to medical school in most western countries is not really direct and often you have to meet certain requirements and possibly compete with other students for a seat in medical school. But, if you are sponsored by a government the situation is usually easier but also not guaranteed.

    All the best


    |thanks for sharing your point of view, however , I still think it is best to study medicine in US if you really wanna be a great doctor ...
    7 "
  4. [MENTION=44460 @@@@[/MENTION [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@ [MENTION=44460 @@@@[/MENTION @@@@@
    7 "

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