مبتعث جديد New Member
salpcyon , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية
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- السعودية
- Sep 2012
المزيدl November 28th, 2012, 06:38 PM
November 28th, 2012, 06:38 PM
السلام عليكم
هذا هو موقع الجامعه
International Postgraduate Training Programs — UCLA School of Dentistry
و انا ابغى تخصص Advanced Esthetic Dentistry
بس كاتبين في الموقع ان:
A certificate of attendance is awarded upon successful completion of the program. This certificate is not the same as the postgraduate program certificate awarded to full-time postgraduate students in specialty training as a qualification for recognition by the American Dental Association. Trainees who enroll in the ABOD Exam preparation course may eligible to challenge the American Board of Operative Dentistry Board Certification Examination. Some states in the U.S. allow 2-year graduates the opportunity for licensure. Please contact the individual states for specific requirements.
ياليت احد يساعدني و يفسرلي المكتوب..هل يعني ان الشهادة مو معترف فيها من امريكاا بعد انتهاء التخصص ؟
و كمان تخصص Restorative Dentistry
كاتبين :
Although this is not a CODA recognized program, a certificate is awarded upon successful completion of the program. The two year program has been approved by the American Board of Operative Dentistry for Challenging the ABOD Board Certification Examination. Many states in the U.S. allow 2-year graduates the opportunity for licensure. Please contact the individual states for specific requirements.
كمان فسروا لي ؟
مشكور يادكتور على اجابتك
طيب وين موجودة هذه البرامج الستة (6) ؟
طيب واذا دخلت AEGD طب الاسنان المتقدم، لما ارجع السعودية هل له مستقبل وظيفي ؟ وهل احمل نفس المسمى الوظيفي للريستو
salpcyon November 30th, 2012, 01:27 AM
7 " مررررة مشكور الله يجازك خير انشاء الله
salpcyon December 1st, 2012, 02:08 AM
7 "
November 28th, 2012, 06:38 PM
السلام عليكمهذا هو موقع الجامعه International Postgraduate Training Programs — UCLA School of Dentistry
و انا ابغى تخصص Advanced Esthetic Dentistry
بس كاتبين في الموقع ان:
A certificate of attendance is awarded upon successful completion of the program. This certificate is not the same as the postgraduate program certificate awarded to full-time postgraduate students in specialty training as a qualification for recognition by the American Dental Association.
Trainees who enroll in the ABOD Exam preparation course may eligible to challenge the American Board of Operative Dentistry Board Certification Examination.
Some states in the U.S. allow 2-year graduates the opportunity for licensure. Please contact the individual states for specific requirements.
ياليت احد يساعدني و يفسرلي المكتوب..هل يعني ان الشهادة مو معترف فيها من امريكاا بعد انتهاء التخصص ؟
و كمان تخصص Restorative Dentistry
كاتبين :
Although this is not a CODA recognized program, a certificate is awarded upon successful completion of the program. The two year program has been approved by the American Board of Operative Dentistry for Challenging the ABOD Board Certification Examination. Many states in the U.S. allow 2-year graduates the opportunity for licensure. Please contact the individual states for specific requirements.
كمان فسروا لي ؟