الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


أي إستفسار عن تخصصات طب الاسنان؟

أي إستفسار عن تخصصات طب الاسنان؟


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5848 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. Hi Sara
    The residency requirements are different depends on the speciality and the programs itself, Dental experience is a good additional boost to your C.V. but some programs can accept you even without it if you have very good CV including high Toefl and NBDE (or GRE in some program instead of NBDE).

    I need you to clarify to me some points: what is the speciality of interest and you mentioned a pediatric fellowship which is different from a speciality in

    Pediatric Dentistry which ended by earning a certificate in Pediatric Dentistry
    I hope that is helpful and let me know if you have any other question
    7 "
  2. Thank you so and it so helpful , yet I have more questions .
    Is there difference from certificate in pediatric dentistry certificate and pediatric dentistry fellowship?
    As my scholarship is zamala tebya which is fellowship!So shouldt I seek for fellowship or I can just search for a certificate.
    Actually I am interested in pediatric, but if iT is not available there and ll cause me some obstacles , I ll have to switch to crown and brides.

    ! I would like to know whether the prosthodontics in USA must include maxilla facial, as am Not in love with surgeries.
    .Thank you so, and excuse me for my lots of questions,
    7 "
  3. Good know you gave more information to respond to, I heard from other people that in the government scholarship they call it all as ZAMALAH, but they meant the residency certificate which can be combined with or without the master MS or MSD in some schools and again some schools are 2yrs certificate or combined with master and some schools you have to add a third year
    Nothing is easy so you can find the obstacles in any speciality but you have to know exactly which speciality you want to pick so you can focus in your search since each speciality has its own way of applications and some variations in the requirements
    For prosthetic, usually it does not include oral sx but again you need to make up your mind and choose to focus on your search and application

    This is a good link for Pediatric residency programs in US


    For myself, I did not do the NBDE (which is very good to have and increases your options) instead, I did the GRE and I did an AEGD couple of years ago.

    I hope that was helpful, let me know if you have anything else
    7 "
  4. . ,Yea u are being so helpful to an extent that I can't stop asking questions
    ,I mainly need pediatric and I have searched in that link before, I found out that there are only some schools that accept foreign dentist but they must have clinical experience and pass broad scores.
    However, I would like to take your opinion in something, I have an acceptance in one year advanced program in comprehensive dentistry in newyork university. I would like to know whether it ll help in applying in pediatric residency or I must take a pediatric one year instead! When I asked them to convert from comprehensive to pediatric , they told once u try I send your papers to the pediatric , I ll lose my acceptance in comprehensive and that the acceptance in pediatric is not guaranteed . So I don't know what is the best? I am afraid to end up with just Kaplan that will not increase my clinical experience.

    Morover, about the definition of zamala, u mean that if I had finished the residency, this means that I have finished the zamala or I
    still have to continue and seek for fellowship?

    At last, did the AEGD helped you to get in pediatric residency? As if is, I ll try to find out one or one year general dentistry.

    Thx so much and please excuse my lots of questions!!

    - - - مشاركة محدثة - - -

    . ,Yea u are being so helpful to an extent that I can't stop asking questions
    ,I mainly need pediatric and I have searched in that link before, I found out that there are only some schools that accept foreign dentist but they must have clinical experience and pass broad scores.
    However, I would like to take your opinion in something, I have an acceptance in one year advanced program in comprehensive dentistry in newyork university. I would like to know whether it ll help in applying in pediatric residency or I must take a pediatric one year instead! When I asked them to convert from comprehensive to pediatric , they told once u try I send your papers to the pediatric , I ll lose my acceptance in comprehensive and that the acceptance in pediatric is not guaranteed . So I don't know what is the best? I am afraid to end up with just Kaplan that will not increase my clinical experience.

    Morover, about the definition of zamala, u mean that if I had finished the residency, this means that I have finished the zamala or I
    still have to continue and seek for fellowship?

    At last, did the AEGD helped you to get in pediatric residency? As if is, I ll try to find out one or one year general dentistry.

    Thx so much and please excuse my lots of questions!!
    7 "
  5. I am glad you find this helpful. For ZAMALA part, you do not need to do it after your finishing your residency, it is optional and usually most programs do not have specific curriculum, it will be custom made
    I do not know about the Coprehensive dentistry in NYC, Ithink it is a good clinical experience and may be it is similar to AEGD but Pediatric would be better, I know a Saudi guy doing the one year Pediatric for international at NYC, I will try to ask him to join and respond to you

    Overall , This program in your hand better than nothing and make sure to get a high score in TOEFL and filter those programs which have a spot for internationals

    Let me know if there is anything else you want to ask about
    7 "
  6. Ah sorry i just saw your reply, thx!! I have toefl 101, should I get higher??

    I hardly found that one of newyork and still looking for others, but they scared me telling that acceptance is not !!
    guaranteed and by just trying out my acceptance ll be cancelled in comprehensive!!
    thats why am trying to look for others??
    To sum up, do you think holding my acceptance in comprehensive can help me in applying for pediatric later rather than , just Kaplan, right?? But indeed the pediatric better!right?
    7 "
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