الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


أي إستفسار عن تخصصات طب الاسنان؟

أي إستفسار عن تخصصات طب الاسنان؟


تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5956 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Sara Abdat
    Yes the application deadline in Boston school ll be on2 December , so I have to finish those days!
    I am so confused between the difference i: Personal potential index, institution evaluation and professional evaluation!
    I tried to read the instructions several times but I got lost!
    Secondly, should I when filling PPI in the contact information and personal information, should I write my detail or my doctor details??

    Thx so much! alah bless u, .

    PPI is something new to me and it seems that you pick some faculty to evalute you by answering 4 questions on each dimension i.e.. ethics, resilience etc...., the institution evaluation is the recommendation letter from the dean office of the dental school
    The professional evaluation is what we used to call ,the recommendation letters

    I hope you got it clear now and if you know somebody recently applied, that might be even better for you
    7 "
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Sara Abdat
    Someone told me to double check whether el scholarship program will accept such programs to go for instead of Kaplan??

    How can I know that they will ye3trfoo Beeha?

    , you have a chance to complete one year of this kind programs = Non Accredit Program such as NYU international program
    after that you have to get an acceptance at any master or residency accredit program
    7 "
  3. Ok thx so!!! !
    however, in the PPI I wrote the name of my doctors to evaluate me, then the send my the evaluation questions as u mention!
    Secondly, I don't know what if I did in the institution evaluation right or no? See I chose ""request for exception as I have been graduated from foreign dental school and can not obtain this document""!, right!! Actually I don't know if my college can do it or no, but am totally sure thr they ll be so lazy and won't don't! Is that ok?
    Thx again, u don't know how much u r being helpful, alah bless u
    7 "
  4. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Sara Abdat
    Ok thx so!!! !
    however, in the PPI I wrote the name of my doctors to evaluate me, then the send my the evaluation questions as u mention!
    Secondly, I don't know what if I did in the institution evaluation right or no? See I chose ""request for exception as I have been graduated from foreign dental school and can not obtain this document""!, right!! Actually I don't know if my college can do it or no, but am totally sure thr they ll be so lazy and won't don't! Is that ok?
    Thx again, u don't know how much u r being helpful, alah bless u
    د.سارة ..... أنا خريج جامعة شمس و الحاجات ديه فعلا من أرخم الخطوات واللى ضيعتلى السنة ديه .... وحاولت فى الحاجات ديه مع العميد دكتور حسام توفيق و الدكتورة فاطمة وكيلة الكلية لشئون الطلبة وكانوا مرحبين بس لازم أفهمهم بقى كل حاجة .... بالنسبة ل ( Institution evaluation form ) معرفش شوفتيها ولا لأ ، ولكن هية فيها 3 حاجات ( NBDE scores & applicant qualities & applicant GPA and class ranking ) .... دكتور حسام اعترض على ال GPA اللى أنا كنت حاطه ، كان عاوز يعرف أنا جايبه منين ..... فممكن تعملي ECE course by course ..... وترفقيها بيها ... عاشان يمضيها ، وكمان لازم يشوف شهادة nbde لو انت عملتي الامتحان ..... وبعد كدة سلسة بقى من الامضاءات من مكتب العميد وأمينة الكلية والظرف sealed منها وانت اللى تبللى الظرف عاشان مفيش قنة مبلولة .... والعنوان بالانجليزي .... حيجننوكي معلش

    بالنسبة ل ( Professional evaluation form ) فهي عبارة عن recommendation letter بس منظمة شوية ، وفي منها electronic or papre based

    بالنسبة ل ( Ppi ) .... عيبها انها electronic only .... تبعتيها لإميل الدكاترة ، وبعد كدة حيملوها >>>>>> ولازم زن على الدكاترة عاشان يملوها ...... أنا الصراحة شايف ال ( Ppi ) زي ( Professional evaluation form ) ..... بس الرخامة بقى ..... وعلى فكرة ال ( Ppi ) اجبارية .... وال ( Professional evaluation form ) اختيارية مش لازم تعمليها .

    بالنسبة بقى ل ( Transcript matching form ) فديه حتوديها لدكتور فاطمة عاشان تمضيها وترفقي بيها ( بيان درجات بالانجليزي ) .... وظرف المتين اياه وأمينة الكلية وال seal والعنوان الانجليزي

    أنا مجربتش ال request for exception >>>>> ممكن تكون أحسن بدل الدوخة ديه ... الله أعلم

    ربنا معاكي
    7 "
  5. I have the course by course ece from which I took the GPA and credit hours, did not examine NbDE!!

    I would Likr to ask, r u in bernameg khadem el harmeen? Which program did u take in order to continue there ???

    Thx so much for your help once again!!! Alah bless u

    - - - مشاركة محدثة - - -

    Yea thx so much too,, isa kheer!! Alah bless u, here the group is very helpful and supportive!! Alah yehmeekom!
    7 "
  6. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Abu lojain
    Dear SARA, I think Dr. Arahman, made a good clarifications about the steps you need to do at your specifics school.
    I really recommend that you do the hard way and get the institution evaluation done, you do not want to regret it later.

    I wish you all a good luck, and again I am available to answer the questions up to my knowledge and understanding
    Yea thx so much too,, isa kheer!! Alah bless u, here the group is very helpful and supportive!! Alah yehmeekom!
    7 "
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