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, تخصصى student
, بجامعة wright state university
- wright state university
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- غير معرف , ohio
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- May 2006
المزيدl January 2nd, 2008, 07:21 AM
January 2nd, 2008, 07:21 AM
Aslamu 3likum,,
Guys I have this question about the future jobs of the Biomedical Engineering in Saudi Arabia. I am really thinking to major in this field so DO YOU ADVICE ME TO STUDY THIS MAJOR OR DO I SHOULD STUDY ELECTRICAL FIRST AND THEN DO MY MASTER IN THE BIOMEDICAL..
I am really seeking for HELP !!!
Please respond to my question speactially those who are familiar with the Biomedical Engineering in KSA
السلام عليكم..
in fact, i have not any idea about medical engineering
but make sure , chemical engineering is the future in saudi arabia
it is up to you..
best wishes
nawaf-57 January 2nd, 2008, 11:31 AM
7 " Thank you nawaf-57 for the participate and for the advice. And yah it is true that chemical engineering is the future in the KSA.
However, I really wanna major in the Biomedical Engineering and I like this major but I don't know about the demand of biomedical engineers in KSA. Is it high or low. And if it is low do you think that I should major in area such as Elictrical Engineering and then have the Master in the Biomedical.
Again thank u and I am waiting for others' opinions and experinces.
yahya January 2nd, 2008, 05:54 PM
7 " اخ يحي اعتقد انه لا يوجد في الوقت الحالي طلب على هذا التخصص في جميع الشركات على حسب اطلاعي
اعتقد من الافضل دراسة تخصص الهندسة الكهربائية بداية ...
مستر إنج January 3rd, 2008, 12:19 PM
7 " me also wanna study same major but i haven't any idea about future jops for this major so i'm wondreing .... if someone knows any informations about this major please put it here to help us
صمت المحب February 5th, 2008, 10:42 PM
7 " مرحبا اخوي
تخصص الهندسه الطبيه الحيويه مطلوب في السعوديه او غيرها بشكل كبير وحلو سواً في الوظائف الحكوميه كالمستشفيات او الشركات
طبعا الشركات مثل سيمنس وGE ودريقر وووو من الشركات الطبيه وخاصه إذا شهادتك من امريكا ومستقبلها رائع رائع جداً
طبعا الدراسه بتدرس كل انواع الهندسه فيها / كهربائيه وميكانيكيه واليكترونيه وتصمايم وفيها تشريح بشري وحيواني عشان تعرف عمل الجهاز الحقيقي والجهاز الصناعي وتعرف جسم الانسان بشكل عام
يعني التخصص روعه لايفوقتك ,, طبعا في الماستر بإمكانك تكمل في نفس التخصص لإن مجاله وسيييييع جداً
تحياتي وتمنياتي لك بالتوفيق
اللويمي March 26th, 2008, 01:52 PM
7 "
January 2nd, 2008, 07:21 AM
Aslamu 3likum,,Guys I have this question about the future jobs of the Biomedical Engineering in Saudi Arabia. I am really thinking to major in this field so DO YOU ADVICE ME TO STUDY THIS MAJOR OR DO I SHOULD STUDY ELECTRICAL FIRST AND THEN DO MY MASTER IN THE BIOMEDICAL..
I am really seeking for HELP !!!
Please respond to my question speactially those who are familiar with the Biomedical Engineering in KSA