% Implementing Cascaded Integrator Comb filter with the
% comb section following the integrator stage
N = 10;
delayBuffer = zeros(1,N);
intOut = 0;
xn = sin(2*pi*[0:.1:10]);
for ii = 1:length(xn)
% comb section
combOut = xn(ii) – delayBuffer(end);
delayBuffer(2:end) = delayBuffer(1:end-1);
delayBuffer(1) = xn(ii);
% integrator
intOut = intOut + combOut;
y2n(ii) = intOut;
err12 = y1n(1:length(xn)) – y2n;
err12dB = 10*log10(err12*err12′/length(err12)) % identical outputs
close all
% Implementing Cascaded Integrator Comb filter with the
% integrator section following the comb stage
N = 10;
delayBuffer = zeros(1,N);
intOut = 0;
xn = sin(2*pi*[0:.1:10]);
for ii = 1:length(xn)
% integrator
intOut = intOut + xn(ii);
% comb section
combOut = intOut – delayBuffer(end);
delayBuffer(2:end) = delayBuffer(1:end-1);
delayBuffer(1) = intOut;
y3n(ii) = combOut;
err13 = y1n(1:length(xn)) – y3n;
err13dB = 10*log10(err13*err13′/length(err13)) % identical outputs
The outputs are matching.
Example of Cascaded Integrator Comb filter in Matlab
7 " % comb section following the integrator stage
N = 10;
delayBuffer = zeros(1,N);
intOut = 0;
xn = sin(2*pi*[0:.1:10]);
for ii = 1:length(xn)
% comb section
combOut = xn(ii) – delayBuffer(end);
delayBuffer(2:end) = delayBuffer(1:end-1);
delayBuffer(1) = xn(ii);
% integrator
intOut = intOut + combOut;
y2n(ii) = intOut;
err12 = y1n(1:length(xn)) – y2n;
err12dB = 10*log10(err12*err12′/length(err12)) % identical outputs
close all
% Implementing Cascaded Integrator Comb filter with the
% integrator section following the comb stage
N = 10;
delayBuffer = zeros(1,N);
intOut = 0;
xn = sin(2*pi*[0:.1:10]);
for ii = 1:length(xn)
% integrator
intOut = intOut + xn(ii);
% comb section
combOut = intOut – delayBuffer(end);
delayBuffer(2:end) = delayBuffer(1:end-1);
delayBuffer(1) = intOut;
y3n(ii) = combOut;
err13 = y1n(1:length(xn)) – y3n;
err13dB = 10*log10(err13*err13′/length(err13)) % identical outputs
The outputs are matching.
Example of Cascaded Integrator Comb filter in Matlab
December 5th, 2012, 06:42 PM
اخواني انا طالب في السنه الاخيره هندسه كربائيه والمشروع حقي استخدم برنامج المات لاب(MATLAB) لتصميم فلتر يسمئ (casecaded integrator comb filter) واتمني لو احد عنده خبره عن البرنامج يساعدنيشكرا