هذا هوه الخطاب
7 " Statement of Purpose
I am @@@@اسمك بالكامل@@@. I am Saudi Arabian born in 1983. I am an applicant interested in studying Masteral Degree in Chemistry major in Analytical Chemistry at your university. I received a full scholarship from the Saudi Cultural Mission to Canada to pursue my study in the field of Analytical Chemistry.
My interest in Analytical Chemistry was initiated by my work experiences in a quality control laboratory. I seek to pursue this field for my ambition to specialize in a highly professional and attractive field. My plans for my career have set this major at the top of my priorities. I am sure your school is the place where my professional dreams will come true. Analytical Chemist is very scarce in Saudi Arabia. This area of study should make me one of those who contribute to filling that professional gap in the Saudi companies with the expertise I hope to achieve at your university.
When I graduate, I have plans to go back to Saudi Arabia and work as a Quality Control Laboratory Head. Furthermore, I plan to apply for a doctoral degree with the same field.
My hope is that your consideration of my file will render a favorable decision. I am confident a decision like that will definitely change my life and put me on the verge of a bright future of which I hope your school will be the main trust.
July 20th, 2008, 10:24 PM
السلام عليكم ,,,,, أرجو منكم المساعدهأريد خطاب الهدف من الدراسة لمرحلة الماجستير تخصص كيمياء تحليلية
,,,, تكفون الفزعه ,,,, الانجليزي بالماينس (بالسالب) مايعرف إلا هالكلمة
ولكم منا جزيل الشكر