الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


please help me

please help me


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية um toolen
    um toolen

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    um toolen الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

    um toolen , أنثى. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية , مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية , تخصصى Interior Architecture , بجامعة AAU
    • AAU
    • Interior Architecture
    • أنثى
    • SF, CA
    • السعودية
    • Aug 2009

    August 3rd, 2009, 10:07 AM

    I was hoping to get some help
    My husband applied to the king scholars to the US and I wanted to get all the information about me as a wife
    1- Do I get to get in an English institution? And how?
    2- How can I make sure that I can get in?
    3- What is the procedure so I can go to college?
    4- I have a transcript of a college here in the kingdom, 2 years in business, can I apply as a transfer and the gov. will pay for my tuition or do I have to pay it myself?
    Please give me some help
  2. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة um toolen
    I was hoping to get some help
    My husband applied to the king scholars to the US and I wanted to get all the information about me as a wife

    1- Do I get to get in an English institution? And how?
    نعم بامكانك دراسه اللغه اذا انتي بمرافقه الزوج
    2- How can I make sure that I can get in?
    هذا قانون واضح من قوانين البعثه لايوجد مكان للمناقشه مجرد وصلوا الي مكان الابتعاث يرسل ختم الدخول الي هو اي نايني فور وطلب من الزوج بان زوجته تريد الدراسه وفورا يرسل لها ضمان مالي للغه
    3- What is the procedure so I can go to college?
    اذا اجتزي اللغه تقدمين طلب للملحق بالدراسه للدراسه الاكاديميه ولكن قبل التقديم على الملحق يجب ان يكون لديك قبول اكاديمي
    4- I have a transcript of a college here in the kingdom, 2 years in business, can I apply as a transfer and the gov. will pay for my tuition or do I have to pay it myself?
    جميع ما يتعلق بالامور الماليه لمرافق المبتعث تتكفل به الملحقيه بعد الحصول على قبول الاكاديمي ورفع طلب للملحق بالدراسه وهذيه امور سهله
    Please give me some help
    لمزيد من المعلومات بامكانك الاطلاع على دليل الطالب المبتعث من موقع الملحقه والرابط مدون في الاسفل
    7 "
  3. Toledo's answers were perfect enough. Once your husband get accepted into the King Abdullah's Scholarship Program, you may apply for the same English institute he applies to, and get a separate admission and I-20 for both of you, and then apply for F1 visa. Once you get to the Saudi Mission in the U.S, they will issue you a financial guarantee addressed to you institute says that the government of Saudi Arabia will be financially responsible for your study.

    7 "
  4. Mr. toledo Mr. Mamdouh , and Mr. Pink ty for the information but as I understand I can’t apply to the institute after getting there, does that mean I might not get accepted or is it a must?
    Will it take time?
    Also, I will apply as a bachelor degree (4 years) and my husband is a master (2 years) can I finish it or I have to come back when he finishes??
    Is there any kind of test I need to have here b4 I go??
    Dose the paper works for changing my visa take a lot of time or I can start my English course with the one they give me from the beginning until they change it for me???
    Thank you so much
    7 "

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