الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


أرجو المساعده في القبول في University of Victoria

أرجو المساعده في القبول في University of Victoria


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية المنتهي 2000005
    المنتهي 2000005

    مبتعث جديد New Member

    المنتهي 2000005 غير معرف

    المنتهي 2000005 , تخصصى موظف , بجامعة victoria
    • victoria
    • موظف
    • غير معرف
    • victoria, victoria
    • غير معرف
    • Jan 2007

    February 21st, 2007, 02:08 AM

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركااته
    أخواني المبتعثين ارجو التكرم منكم في مساعدتي للحصول على قبول من University of Victoria
    علما اني ناوي اتخصص في اداره الأعمال وناوي ادرس لغه لمده سنه وشكرااااااا
  2. University of Victoria
    PO Box 1700 STN CSC
    Victoria, BC V8W2Y2


    Admissions E-mail

    Send application by: May 15

    Admissions Contact Information
    Admissions director:Mr. David Glen
    Admissions office telephone:(250) 721-8121
    Fall 2006 Admissions Deadlines
    Regular decision
    Send application by:May 15
    Decision sent by: Accept offer by: N/A
    Early decision
    Not offered
    Early action
    Not offered
    Application fee: $100
    Is the fee refundable? N/A
    Can fee be waived for students with financial need? No
    Does school have a waiting list? No
    Can admission be deferred?No
    Accepted application formats:
    Common Application: No
    Applications on floppy disks:No
    Applications via E-mail:No
    Electronic application: http://www.uvic.ca/adms
    Tuition deposit: N/A
    Room deposit: N/A
    Admissions Requirements
    High school completion requirement:High school diploma is required and GED is accepted
    General college-preparatory program: Neither required nor recommended
    Distribution of high school units required and/or recommended*
    Units Required Units Recommended
    English 4 N/A
    Mathematics 3 N/A
    Science 2 N/A
    Lab 0 N/A
    Foreign language 2 N/A
    Social studies 3 N/A
    History 0 N/A
    Academic electives 0 N/A
    Total academic units 14 N/A

    *One unit equals one year of study or its *****alent.

    Campus visit: N/A
    Admissions interview: N/A
    Off-campus interview:N/A

    Does the college use SAT or ACT scores in admissions decisions for first-time, first-year applicants? Yes
    SAT/ACT requirements: Neither SAT nor ACT required.
    SAT/ACT scores must be received by: N/A
    Tests accepted for Fall 2007 entering class: N/A
    SAT Subject Test scores must be received by: N/A

    Open admission policy? No
    What is the relative importance of specific academic factors in admission decisions?
    Rigor of secondary school record:Very important

    Class rank: Not considered
    Academic GPA: Very important
    Standardized test scores: Considered
    Application essay: Not considered
    Recommendation: Not considered
    What is the relative importance of specific nonacademic factors in admission decisions?
    Interview:Not considered
    Extracurricular activities: Not considered
    Talent/ability: Not considered
    Character/personal qualities: Not considered
    First generation: Not considered
    Alumni/ae relation: Not considered
    Geographical residence: Not considered
    State residency:Not considered
    Religious affiliation/commitment: Not considered
    Racial/ethnic status: Not considered
    Volunteer work: Not considered
    Work experience: Not considered
    Level of applicant's interest: Not considered
    For more admissions information on University of Victoria, see also:
    Disabled students, International students, Transfer students

    2005-2006 Admissions Statistics
    Selectivity: N/A
    Overall acceptance rate:N/A
    Early-decision acceptance rate: N/A
    Early-action acceptance rate: N/A
    Acceptance rate (excluding early-action and early-decision students):69% Applications, acceptances, enrolled

    Total applicants: 12,108
    Total acceptances: 8,314
    Total freshman enrollment: 2,391

    Proportion of freshman enrolled from early action and early decision: N/A
    Proportion of freshman enrolled from early action and early decision is not available for graphing.

    Male applicants: 5,213
    Male acceptances:3,432
    Male freshman enrollment: 1,076

    Female applicants: 6,895
    Female acceptances: 4,882
    Female freshman enrollment: 1,315

    Students that applied here may also have applied to:
    University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University

    Out-of-state freshmen: N/A

    Qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: N/A
    Applicants accepting a place on waiting list: N/A
    Students enrolled from waiting list: N/A

    2005-2006 Freshman Class Profile
    Class rank (top 10, 25, 50) data not available for graphing.

    Top 10 percent of high school class:N/A
    Top 25 percent of high school class: N/A
    Top 50 percent of high school class: N/A

    First-year students submitting high school class standing:N/A
    Average high school GPA:N/A

    First-year students submitting GPA:N/A

    First-year students submitting SAT scores: N/A
    SAT scores (25/75 percentile):
    Math: N/A
    Combined: N/A

    Percent of first-time, first-year students enrolled in Fall 2005 with scores in each range:
    SAT I Verbal SAT I Math
    700-800 N/A N/A
    600-699 N/A N/A
    500-599 N/A N/A
    400-499 N/A N/A
    300-399 N/A N/A
    200-299 N/A N/A

    First-year students submitting ACT scores: N/A
    ACT scores (25/75 percentile):
    English: N/A
    Math: N/A

    Percent of first-time, first-year students enrolled in Fall 2005 with scores in each range:
    ACT Composite ACT English ACT Math
    30-36 N/A N/A N/A
    24-29 N/A N/A N/A
    18-23 N/A N/A N/A
    12-17 N/A N/A N/A
    6-11 N/A N/A N/A
    Below 6 N/A N/A N/A
    7 "

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