the relation ship between us is like aball we love it but ,we alwayes scared that its gona hit us someday .love and fear are not friends,so we better search for an other team who is willing to play instead of hiting,and gladly there are alot of teams who are desperate to have arelation ship wit the kingdom.*
7 " العلاقات السعوديه الامريكيه...
العلاقات السعوديه الامريكيه...
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5413 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
- هاااه !!! <<7 "
شكلك تسمعون بالانقلش
بررب - thank you for this is gooood7 "
- yes of course , i think so that . becouse of KSA strateg based on benefits is forward7 "
- significant7 "
you gave an overview of a relationship between the two nations over a century let's say
you know meanwhile the tension is toward other big nations like Russia and China, the dependence on US has been running for long, but you have to consider your other benefits with other nations, in case you lost one, you have the rest in pocket, this is the kind of policy our foreign ministry is following right now, the example of exporting oil to China is a great one, China is a member of the G5, I remember president Obama said in a brief discussion with some academic Chinese student, that the main problems in the world today, cannot be solved by America itself, they need another power like China and Russia
so they can move on and control all of those obstacles
thank you for sharing politics my friend - Yes, America and Saudi Arabia has ratified, including friendliness and love of7 "
- على فكرـآ عندك غلط فديح
المفترض فالبدايه تسوي مساحه خمس احرف - اوما فديح ههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه7 "
انت عندك غلط ششنيع
واسمحلي اخوي حبيت امزح معك
الله يسعدك
April 11th, 2010, 01:36 PM
The strong U.S.-Saudi ties bas been undermined at the time of the 9/11 hijackers. Actually, things were never that smooth. Historians refer to the “special relationship” was established when Saudi Arabia’s King Abdel Aziz and President Franklin D. Roosevelt met in 1945. But since then the relationship has endured oil embargoes, U.S. restrictions on arms sales to Saudi Arabia, and tensions around Israel and Palestine. Dissension permeates the entire history of U.S.-Saudi relations.
It is thought that Washington can call the shots with the Saudis because the United States is all-important to them but it’s more complex than that. Growing oil demand from China, India and the developing world means that others are pursuing closer ties with the kingdom. It has been stated that stated by Prince Saud al-Faisal, the foreign minister, that Saudi Arabia and China now have a “strategic relationship,” because Saudi Arabia is the largest supplier of crude to China. It’s also the best chance has to be realized by Washington is its oil and counter goals—and avoid alternatives that could be worse.