الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


Tri-State University ... اللي عنده معلومات عنها ياليت يفيدنا :)

Tri-State University ... اللي عنده معلومات عنها ياليت يفيدنا :)


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. الصورة الرمزية SUPERMAN

    مبتعث مجتهد Senior Member

    SUPERMAN غير معرف

    SUPERMAN , تخصصى STUDENT , بجامعة Tri-State University
    • Tri-State University
    • غير معرف
    • Angola, Indiana
    • غير معرف
    • Aug 2006

    April 20th, 2007, 03:04 PM

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    أبشركم ولله الحمد جاني قبول في Tri-State University والصراحة ماعندي خلفية عن هالجامعة ومدى جودتها اكاديميا وطبيعة المدينة الي فيها الجامعة

    فياليت اللي عنده معلومات عن هذي الجامعة والمدينة والمعيشة والناس يفيدني وأكون له شاكر :93:

    تحياتي من القلب الى القلب:92:
  2. i just copied this information from univeristy site Fast Fact

    TSU is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association (www.ncahigherlearningcommission.org), telephone 312.263.0456. Tri-State’s programs in chemical, civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET, www.abet.org). Tri-State's educational programs are accredited through the Indiana Professional Standards Board (IPSB, www.in.org) and the National Council for Acrreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE, www.ncate.org). more >>

    About TSU
    TSU is a private, non-denominational baccalaureate and master’s degree-granting institution. Founded in 1884, TSU offers career-oriented degrees in over 40 academic programs through five schools: the Allen School of Engineering & Technology, the Ketner School of Business, the Jannen School of Arts & Sciences, the Franks School of Education, and the School of Professional Studies offers programs for working adults at centers throughout the region.

    TSU is located in Angola, Ind., near the crossroads of two major interstate highways (Interstate 80/90 and Interstate 69), less than a three hour drive from Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, and Indianapolis.

    Career Placement
    Approximately 90 percent of recent graduates have major-related jobs within six months of graduation.

    1,400 students attend TSU’s main campus and regional facilities. Main campus student-to-faculty ratio is 13:1. Average class size is 17. The largest classroom on campus seats only 45 students.

    Costs, 2007-2008
    Tuition: $11,125/Semester
    Click here for more detailed cost information.

    Financial Aid
    Approximately 95 percent of TSU’s students receive some form of financial aid. During the 2005-2006 school year, the University awarded more than $7 million in institutional aid.

    Residential Life
    All students under age 21 and not living at home are required to live in University housing. Women reside in Cameron Hall and Stewart Hall (coed). Men reside in Alwood, Conrad, Platt, Fabiani, and Stewart (coed) Halls. In addition, townhouse-style housing is available to third- and fourth-year students. All housing units at TSU are non-smoking.

    TSU participates in NCAA Division III with membership in the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association (MIAA)-the nation’s oldest athletic conference. Many of TSU’s teams have been nationally ranked. In the past few years, 40 TSU student-athletes have been named Academic All-America. The University’s own Zollner Golf Course, host to numerous championship tournaments, is conveniently located on TSU’s main campus.


    and i pick up these PICs


    and also read these pages

    they might give u some information

    7 "
  3. الله يصلحك يا Superman .. كيف تسافر الرياض وعندك إختبار السبت ،،

    تروح وترجع بالسلامة ،،

    بالنسبة للجامعة .. الأخ flash.null ماقصر ،،

    الله يعينك يا superman بتسكن بالجامعة

    Residential Life
    All students under age 21 and not living at home are required to live in University housing. Women reside in Cameron Hall and Stewart Hall (coed). Men reside in Alwood, Conrad, Platt, Fabiani, and Stewart (coed) Halls. In addition, townhouse-style housing is available to third- and fourth-year students. All housing units at TSU are non-smoking.
    7 "

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