الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


معنى pre master ؟

معنى pre master ؟


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قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة EMINEM
    Good question and let me tell you that what you already guessed as an answer was right! Here's a little more explanation for that

    (What is it)
    First, if your BA degree major is different from your MA major, then you need to become familiar with the basics of the new field. In most US universities they're called "Deficiency Courses" and in the UK they are "Pre-masters courses". So, they want to make sure that when you start your MA program, you're just like anyone else and that you have a strong background to succeed and be able to manage the courses in the program

    Sara and Susan (don't ask me why I picked theses names, just random ones ) have both been accepted in a Computer Science MA program. Sara's BA was in computer science, but Susan's was interior design. So she has to take 12 hours or 5 pre-masters courses to be able to enroll in the same program, just like anyone else

    (Important notice)
    You should ask your school about the ultimate certificate that you'll get in the end. Is it a diploma, BA or MA? They have to be crystal-clear about it because sometimes it's a certificate like this one: University Pre-Masters Course at Bellerbys College

    (Good definition)
    I like this definition from the website Pre-masters.com "Our aim in the Pre-Masters is to provide the required environment, both academically and socially, that allows students to make an easy transition to a post-graduate course within the UK" taken from: Pre-Masters - Home

    Hope all this made sense to you. Good luck to you, my friend
    that's what I'm talking about, you are awesome!

    thanks, your clarification makes it clear to me now, EMINEM , your help is highly appreciated .

    I've written an e-mail to the university that I'm wishing to join, but I'm not sure if what I wote is perfect or not... as I usually do I hesitate to make a decision.

    thanks a lot & take a great care of yoursef.

    7 "
  2. عندنا في مصر تعني المرحلة التمهيدية للماجستير
    يعني بندرس مواد بتوسع في التخصص اللي سجلت فيه وبتكون عبارة عن سنة دراسية كاملة وتمتحن نهاية العام ولا يوجد امتحانات في نصف العام
    السنة التمهيدية غير الدبلةمات التكميلية حيث انك بتدخل السنة التمهيدية مباشرة اذا كنت مستوفي الشروط من حيث المجموع العام ومجموع المادة اللي حابب تخصص فيها
    اما اذا كنت غير مستوفي للشروط يبقي لازم تعمل دبلومة تكميلية لمدة سنة وبعدها تاخد السنة التمهيدية وبعدها تحضر رسالة الماجستير
    7 "
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