مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
mdaldosari , ذكر. مبتعث مستجد Freshman Member. من السعودية
, مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
, تخصصى هندسة
, بجامعة The Ohio State University
- The Ohio State University
- هندسة
- ذكر
- Columbus, Ohio
- السعودية
- Apr 2010
المزيدl July 8th, 2010, 02:46 PM
السلام عليكم
أريد ترجمة
جتني رسالة و أظنهم طالبين الضمان المالي الأصل و الشهادة الاصل هذا الامر صعب ان اسلمهم الاصول
وما هو الشي اللي ارسله من الفقرات المذكورة من 1-5
اريد التوجيه و الافادة
واريد ان اسدد رسوم ارسال I-20 ما هي الطريقة ؟؟؟
والرسالة هي :
Greetings from the American Language Program (ALP) at The Ohio State University. We have received your on-line application for Winter 2011 and are verypleased that you want to join us for English language study.
In order to complete your file, please send the following items to ALP as soon as possible:
(1) an original (not photocopied) statement, in English or with certified translation, of the *****alent of a U.S. High School diploma or higher degree;
(2) a completed Statement of Financial Responsibility form (a copy of this form is attached to this message for your convenience);
(3) an original (not photocopied) bank statement for privately sponsored students. The statement must show minimum funds of USD$10,210 for each quarter of study; see the budget below.
Applicants with government scholarships or sponsored by an institution or government agency should submit a letter of support addressed to Ohio State University specifically stating it will cover ESL or intensive English AND all living expenses, and signed by a representative of the sponsoring institution or agency.
(4) a photocopy of the picture page of your passport;
(5) if you would like your I-20 sent to you via express mail, include a separate check made payable to Ohio State University, or include a credit card number to charge, for a USD$30 fee.
Our mailing address is:
Dena Naumoff (Mrs.)
American Language Program
60 Arps Hall
1945 North High Street
Columbus, OH 43210-1172
As soon as we receive these items, we will send a letter of admission and the SEVIS form I-20 to the address you provided on your application. All applications must provide an address in your home country (not a PO Box) for SEVIS records, even if your correspondence address is different.
Applicants must have adequate funds to support their study in ALP. For each quarter of study, it is necessary to show USD$10,210.
Tuition fee: $5,350
Textbooks (estimate): $200
Health insurance (required): $479
Maintenance (housing meals, personal expenses): $4,181
Total expenses for one quarter: $10,210
These figures are for the 2009-2010 academic year (Autumn 2009 – Summer 2010). Updated budget information is always available on the ALP web site. Fees are subject to change without notice. Tuition and fees are due and payable on the first day of each quarter of enrollment.
Health insurance is required by the University. You are automatically included in the Student Insurance Program and the $479 premium is added to your fees every quarter.
Your I-20 form will be written for one, two, or three quarters of study, depending upon the financial support demonstrated:
One quarter: $10,210
Two quarters: $20,420
Three quarters $30,630
Four quarters: $40,840
The Statement of Financial Responsibility on the application form should show sufficient funds to support all living and educational costs for each quarter of study anticipated. Applicants who bring their spouse and children must show additional financial support: $913 each quarter for a spouse; $913 for each child 13 years or older; $457 for each child under the age of 13. Additional health insurance costs for a spouse are $827 per quarter; for a child or children $844; for spouse and children $1,290.
If you have further questions and/or concerns, please contact our office.
Best wishes,
Dena K Naumoff
Admissions Coordinator
American Language Program/ESL Programs
College of Education and Human Ecology
60 Arps Hall
1945 North High Street
Columbus OH 43210-1172
عندك موقع قوقل للترجمة
ادخل على الصفحة الرئيسية لقوقل وبعدين في اعلى الزاوية اليمين مكتوب ترجمة
عبدالله 2020 July 8th, 2010, 03:38 PM
7 " وين الردوود ياشبااب لو تكرمتوا
القضيه ماهي ترجمه بقدر ماهي توجيه وتوضيح
mdaldosari July 8th, 2010, 04:27 PM
7 " اهلين اخوي .. ابشر ما طلبت الا عزك
حاطين لك طلباتهم وهي
١- اصل اخر شهاده لك ،، وهالشي تقدر تروح لادارة تعليم منطقتك وتطلبها نسخه انجلش ويختمون عليها وعلي نسخه ثانيه وترسلها لهم ،، يعني لازم يكون ان الختم واضح باللون الازرق مو صووره ،، وهالشي سهل
٢- يبون منك ضمان مالي اصل ،اذا مبتعث عندك ضمان ،، واذا لا ،، تروح لاي بنك في لك حساب فيه وتطلبهم كشف حساب بالدولار الامريكي وهم بيعطونك ويختمونه لك وارسله لهم .، وخل عندك كم نسخه .. ولازم يكون اقل شي فيه فوق الـ ١١ الف دولار لكل نص ترم
٣- ارسل لهم صوره من اول صفحه بجوازك ،، واضح فيها اسمك بالانجلش عدل .. وواضحه صوورة خشتك الجذابه
٤- واذا تبيهم يرسلون لك الاي تويني ،، ارسل لهم شيك بثلاثين دولار باسم الجامعه او ارسل لهم رقم بطاقتك الائتمانيه ،، عشان يسحبون منها
بس الامن لك ارسل لهم شيك بثلاثين وريح رااسك عشان ما يقعدون كل شوي يسحبون
تجمع كل هالاورااق وتحطها بظرف وترسلها عن طريق الفيدكس لانه اسرع لعنوانهم الموضح
Dena Naumoff (Mrs.)
American Language Program
60 Arps Hall
1945 North High Street
Columbus, OH 43210-1172
اول ما يستلمون ظرفك بيرسلون لك الاي تويني
يقولون لك ان مدة دراستك اللي بتكون ع الاي تويني مقرونه بالمبلغ اللي بتكون حاطه بكشف الحساب ،، يعني لو ١١ الف بتكون نص ترم بس لو ٢٢ بتكون ترم كاامل ،، وهلم جرا
يقولون لك ،، اكتب عنوانك صح ع الظرف .. عنوان بيتكم بالسعوديه مو بس عنوان الصندوق البريدي علشان يكتبوونه بالاي تويني
الله يوفقك اخوي
Goldeye July 8th, 2010, 04:29 PM
7 " بالنسبة للمؤهل شهادتي جامعية مكتوبة الانجليزي و العربي و عندي صورة مختومة ختم طبق الاصل هل يكفي أم لا
و الضمان اللي عندي مهو محدد فيه مبلغ معين منصوص فيه على تغطية كافة المصاريف
mdaldosari July 8th, 2010, 04:38 PM
7 "
July 8th, 2010, 02:46 PM
السلام عليكمأريد ترجمة
جتني رسالة و أظنهم طالبين الضمان المالي الأصل و الشهادة الاصل هذا الامر صعب ان اسلمهم الاصول
وما هو الشي اللي ارسله من الفقرات المذكورة من 1-5
اريد التوجيه و الافادة
واريد ان اسدد رسوم ارسال I-20 ما هي الطريقة ؟؟؟
والرسالة هي :
Greetings from the American Language Program (ALP) at The Ohio State University. We have received your on-line application for Winter 2011 and are verypleased that you want to join us for English language study.
In order to complete your file, please send the following items to ALP as soon as possible:
(1) an original (not photocopied) statement, in English or with certified translation, of the *****alent of a U.S. High School diploma or higher degree;
(2) a completed Statement of Financial Responsibility form (a copy of this form is attached to this message for your convenience);
(3) an original (not photocopied) bank statement for privately sponsored students. The statement must show minimum funds of USD$10,210 for each quarter of study; see the budget below.
Applicants with government scholarships or sponsored by an institution or government agency should submit a letter of support addressed to Ohio State University specifically stating it will cover ESL or intensive English AND all living expenses, and signed by a representative of the sponsoring institution or agency.
(4) a photocopy of the picture page of your passport;
(5) if you would like your I-20 sent to you via express mail, include a separate check made payable to Ohio State University, or include a credit card number to charge, for a USD$30 fee.
Our mailing address is:
Dena Naumoff (Mrs.)
American Language Program
60 Arps Hall
1945 North High Street
Columbus, OH 43210-1172
As soon as we receive these items, we will send a letter of admission and the SEVIS form I-20 to the address you provided on your application. All applications must provide an address in your home country (not a PO Box) for SEVIS records, even if your correspondence address is different.
Applicants must have adequate funds to support their study in ALP. For each quarter of study, it is necessary to show USD$10,210.
Tuition fee: $5,350
Textbooks (estimate): $200
Health insurance (required): $479
Maintenance (housing meals, personal expenses): $4,181
Total expenses for one quarter: $10,210
These figures are for the 2009-2010 academic year (Autumn 2009 – Summer 2010). Updated budget information is always available on the ALP web site. Fees are subject to change without notice. Tuition and fees are due and payable on the first day of each quarter of enrollment.
Health insurance is required by the University. You are automatically included in the Student Insurance Program and the $479 premium is added to your fees every quarter.
Your I-20 form will be written for one, two, or three quarters of study, depending upon the financial support demonstrated:
One quarter: $10,210
Two quarters: $20,420
Three quarters $30,630
Four quarters: $40,840
The Statement of Financial Responsibility on the application form should show sufficient funds to support all living and educational costs for each quarter of study anticipated. Applicants who bring their spouse and children must show additional financial support: $913 each quarter for a spouse; $913 for each child 13 years or older; $457 for each child under the age of 13. Additional health insurance costs for a spouse are $827 per quarter; for a child or children $844; for spouse and children $1,290.
If you have further questions and/or concerns, please contact our office.
Best wishes,
Dena K Naumoff
Admissions Coordinator
American Language Program/ESL Programs
College of Education and Human Ecology
60 Arps Hall
1945 North High Street
Columbus OH 43210-1172