Letter of Recommendation
To whom it may concern,
It is my pleasure to recommend ---[YOUR NAME]--- for admission to ---[name of program]--- at ---[name of university]---. I am a Ph.D. at ---[NAME OF YOUR PREVIOUS UNIVERSITY]---. I came to know ---[YOUR NAME]--- when I was his tutor for ---[NAME OF COURSE]---. The course comprised --- [short description of course]---. I would rank him in the top of students that I have taught in the past five years in respect of his writing ability and research skills.
Overall, ---[YOUR NAME]--- is highly intelligent and has good analytical and communication skills. His overall intelligence is reflected in his grades for the course, which were by far the best in the class. At a personal level, he is a well disciplined student with a pleasant personality.
If you need any further assistance or information, feel free to contact me.
ضبطتلك الرسالة.. بس تحتاج تعبي الفراغات وتبهرها بشوية مدح
ولا تنسى تحط عنوان دكتورك الكسول اللي بيوقع عالرسالة
7 " To whom it may concern,
It is my pleasure to recommend ---[YOUR NAME]--- for admission to ---[name of program]--- at ---[name of university]---. I am a Ph.D. at ---[NAME OF YOUR PREVIOUS UNIVERSITY]---. I came to know ---[YOUR NAME]--- when I was his tutor for ---[NAME OF COURSE]---. The course comprised --- [short description of course]---. I would rank him in the top of students that I have taught in the past five years in respect of his writing ability and research skills.
Overall, ---[YOUR NAME]--- is highly intelligent and has good analytical and communication skills. His overall intelligence is reflected in his grades for the course, which were by far the best in the class. At a personal level, he is a well disciplined student with a pleasant personality.
If you need any further assistance or information, feel free to contact me.
ضبطتلك الرسالة.. بس تحتاج تعبي الفراغات وتبهرها بشوية مدح
ولا تنسى تحط عنوان دكتورك الكسول اللي بيوقع عالرسالة
July 24th, 2010, 11:33 AM
السلام عليكمحاليا جهزت ولله الحمد توصيتين
وباقي الثالثة
تعبت كثير وانا الاحق ورا هالدكاترة عشان يكتبون توصية واغلبهم يسحبون
فقبل شوي كلمت دكتور
وقالي اكتب الصيغة بالأنجليزي
وراح اوقعها لك
احتاجكم في كتابة صيغة توصية ثالثة
ضروووري الله يخليكم
اسم التخصص كما هو بالوثيقة
Mass communication - Marketing
communication & advertisementُs
وهذا اسم احد المواد اللي درسني اياها نفس الدكتور واخذت A فيها
اسم المادة كما هو مسجل بالسجل الأكاديمي
Marketing public Relations
ارجوكم احتاج مساعدتكم عاجلا بكتابة نموذج التوصية
هالدكتور باليالله حصلته واغلب الدكاترة
رفضو يعطوني او يماطلون
مافي ولا دكتور فاضي
احتاجها عاااجلا ..