الأعضاء الإشتراك و التسجيل


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تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 5125 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!

قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع

  1. المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة asp2asp
    الدليل المالي (قطر):


    دليل المبتعث (الإمارات)ص21:
    الله يسلمك يارب....جعل والله عيني ماتبكيك....كثر الله من امثالك....والله انك رجل في زمن قل فيه الرجال....العتب علي اللي يقرون الموضوع ومايردون...لا بايه ولا لا....عجبي من هولاء القوم ...الذين يرضخون ويعيشون في تهاتيه الذل...اتمني ان المكافات تصلك وحدك...فانت رجل قلت كلمه حق في وقت جبن فيه الاخرين....وزمن فيه اناس يريون ان يغطوا الشمس بغربال.....فلم لا تــــــــــــــــظم حكومتنــــــــــــــــــا ابنائهـــــــــــــــــــــا؟ ولم هذا الفســــــــــــــــــاد الاداري المتفشي بدون حسيب ولا رقيـــــــــــــب !!!!!! فمثل هذا الدكتور كمثل المهندسين اللي في جده......الذين دعوا الله بسقوط الامطار، ليبينوا للناس انهم انجزوا واتموا اشغالهم علي اكمل وجه، فاستجاب الله دعاءهم ليفضحهم > فغرقوا الابرياء وليتهم هم من غرقوا.....ولم نرا انهم حوسبوا او عوقبوا ......فعجبي من هولاء القوم....

    التوقيع/ انسان صادق ومخلص للوطن
    انسان صادق يهمه بناء الوطن
    انسان ضد الفساد والظلم
    7 "
  2. Hello Everybody

    I was awaiting this doctor to make a comment on which being discussed and raised during my complain. However, I wish that this doctor has a fake name and he is not really a person holding a PHD , because we are not happy and we would not be glad to have a such doctor serving in our country. With this being said, I want to raise this issue to our king and the people there who are responsible to solve this miss and corruption in two of our critical organizations, namely the Ministry of Higher Education and the Saudi Cultural Mission. Its not acceptable what has been done from such organizations and they don't do what they are supposed to do. There are a lot of students here in United State of America (USA) who missed there chances to get enrolled and get sponsored by SCAM. Their chances where given to rich people who have connections in both organizations. This kind of behavior is not expected at all and would not be tolerated. There is a kind of discrimination and unplanned decisions. We want these people to get punished first, then to seek and see their resignations. These people they are not respectful in dealing with us here and they don't even get influenced by American people in their surrounding who do their job with honesty and dignity. We also would like our government to sponsor its students here and give them their rights as a Saudi citizen. We don't want this post to go the archive or being discarded. We want our government know about our situation here. Moreover, we would like our government to know and recognize the difference in the living standards here from one state to another and work on improving the student's' salary here.

    We are looking forward to here from the responsible people back in our country and we would like to see them taking action on this matter.

    Regards to everybody who is honest and loves his or her country and who wants to build the country, and fight the corruptions.

    7 "
  3. الف مبروك لجمـيع الطلاب والطالبات....نتمني ان يشمل القرار طلاب اللغه ...خلوا القرار والخير يشمل الجميع...تعبوا الناس مالقوا لهم قبول في الجامعات لان ماعندهم ضمان مالي يكمل اجراءات القبول.....فلياخذ كل ذي حق حقه...ونرجوا النظر في تحسين اوضاع الطلاب الماديه....بيض الله وجهك يابو متعب....والله يطول عمرك...

    ط§ظ„ط±ظٹط§ط¶ ظ†طھ : ط£ظˆط§ظ…ط± ظ…ظ„ظƒظٹط© : 40 ظ…ظ„ظٹط§ط± ظ„طµظ†ط¯ظˆظ‚ ط§ظ„ط¥ط³ظƒط§ظ† ظˆطھط«ط¨ظٹطھ ط¨ط¯ظ„ ط§ظ„ط؛ظ„ط§ط، ظپظٹ ط§ظ„ظ…ط±طھط¨ط§طھ

    تحياتي للجميع
    7 "
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