oakland university is good i think
but michigian might be a bit expensive compared to smalled states like oregon or ohaio
nothing special about it i have a friend that lives there
that what he says
7 " but michigian might be a bit expensive compared to smalled states like oregon or ohaio
nothing special about it i have a friend that lives there
that what he says
July 18th, 2011, 07:46 PM
السلام عليكمانا حصلت على قبول ماجستير في قسم الهندسه الميكانيكيه في جامعه oakland في ولايه michigan
ممكن حد يساعدني في السكن
الدراسه ؟
الضروف بشكل عام
اي معلومه اخرى
وجزاكم الله خيرا