يعطيك العافية ..
7 " من يحتاج إلى ترجمة تفضل هنا
من يحتاج إلى ترجمة تفضل هنا
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4757 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
- بالتوفيق للجميع7 "
- UP7 "
...... - الله يعطيك العافيه7 "
ابغى ترجمه النص هذا
I’m not sure I understand your email. You would like to cancel your application to ELS at Front Range Community College and go elsewhere? Are you applying on your own to another ESL program?
Please confirm.
ابي ترجمه لردي عليها :
نعم اريد ان اكنسل ابلكيشن to ELS at Front Range Community College
وارغب بالالتحاق ببرنامج لغة آخر وفي معهد آخر
ارجو منك الغاء طلبي
الف شكر لك ولتعاونك معي عزيزتي
بإنتظار ترجمتك الله يعافيك - uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup7 "
- السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته7 "
أتمنى منك ترجمة هذا النص
Undergraduate Admissions Requirements:
International undergraduate applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The deadline for admission for the Fall Term (September - December) is April 1st. Priority consideration for scholarships is given to applications received by February 15th. The deadline for the Spring Term (January-May) is October 1st. The deadline for international transfer applicant for the summer term (June-July) is January 1st.
- Application, submitted electronically or by post mail.
- Original transcripts or statement of marks of all secondary and post-secondary education, translated into English. Transcripts must be complete. For applicants still enrolled the transcript or state of marks must also include grades for the most recent term. The transcript must be an original copy certified by the sending institution.
- Diplomas or Certificates must accompany the transcripts or statement of marks. Students who have completed a secondary school curriculum must submit complete copies of their diploma or school leaving certificates.
- Excellent class rank and an academic background that shows a strong program of study.
- At least one letter of recommendation.
- Proof of English language proficiency in ONE of the following ways:
- For applicants who meet all other admission requirements but lack the necessary TOEFL or IELTS score the student may enroll in the English Language Transition Program.
- TOEFL scores for applicants from non-English speaking countries. The TOEFL scores must be sent directly from Educational Testing Services to the Office of Admissions. Please specify the JMU CEEB code ----- on the testing form.
- Minimum test scores: 550 paper-based TOEFL, 80-81 internet-based TOEFL.
- SAT score of 500 on the Critical Reading Portion of SAT exam.
- IELTS score of 6.5 - 7. Please see www.ielts.org for more information. Submitted scores must be directly from IELTS. Student copies will not be accepted.
- Submission of a General Certificate of Secondary Education or General Certificate of Education "O" level in English language.
- Possession of an American associate's or bachelor's degree *****alent from an accredited institution located in a country where English is the native language.
- Graduation from an accredited high school in a native English-speaking country where the applicant has resided for at least four years.|
- Financial certification form (available on our Website). This form must be completed by the student’s sponsor or financial guarantor and submitted with the requested documents.
- Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) (optional).
- Copies of your temporary visa documents.
- F-1 or J-1 Transfer Clearance Form.This form must be completed by all freshmen applicants attending high school in the United States and transfer students attending college in the U.S.
- $50 application fee.
الله يعطيك العافية - بانتظارك,,,,,,,7 "
- هل ترغبين بإلغاء طلبك للتسجيل بمعهد Front Range والتسجيل بمعهد آخر بنفسك أم تريدين أن أبحث لك عن معهد ؟؟7 "
الرجاء التوضيح
Yes i do want to cancel my application for Front Range
And i would like to apply for another ESL
So please cancel it
Thank you for your cooperation
انتهت الترجمة
بس ياغاليه وضحي لها تبينها تبحث لك عن معهد ولا بتدورين بنفسك -
الف شكر ..
ابغى ترجمة للرد هذا :
نعم اريد التسجيل بمعهد آخر بنفسي
هل بإمكانك ارسال الضمان المالي الخاص بي بإسم معهد .... بمدينه دنفر ....
لكي احصل على الآي توني منهم
بإنتظارك غاليتي
-------------- - Yes i will apply for another institute7 "
Would you please send my financial guarantee to.......in Denver
To get the i20