مبتعث جديد New Member
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
MR-FaHo0odi , ذكر. مبتعث جديد New Member. من السعودية
, مبتعث فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
, تخصصى Polymer Technology & scince
, بجامعة Pennsylvania college of technology
- Pennsylvania college of technology
- Polymer Technology & scince
- ذكر
- Portland, Oregon
- السعودية
- Feb 2012
المزيدl February 20th, 2012, 07:10 PM
February 20th, 2012, 07:10 PM
السلام عليكم
كيف الحال ....
من الاخير و باختصر الموضوع ...
انا طالب متخرج من كلية الجبيل الصناعية .... تخصص هندسة بوليمرات ...
وحااب اكمل البكالوريس في امريكا ..
طبعا للحين ماعررفت للخطوات صح ... بس اللي فهمته اني اررسل للجامعات طلب قبول مشروط
اررسلت ايميل لكذا جامعة ...
وبعضهم ردوا علي ....
طبعا انا قريت ردودهم وربي مافهمت شئ ... لانه اغلبهم يقولون لي اررجع لموقع الجامعة وحاول تجاوب على اسئلتك
فقلت مالي الا موقع مبتعث اجيب ردود الجامعات عليه ... واشوف ان كان في احد يساعدني ويقولي وش السالفة من الاخير ... وبرضو اذا يتكرم علي بالخطوات كاملة ...
خصوصا اني ادوور على الجامعة اللي تعادل لي اكثر عدد ساعات ...
وبرضوو اللي يعررف اي شئ عن الجامعات اللي ردوا علي .. ياليت يقوولي ... هي زينة ؟؟ شينةة ؟؟ والا وش وضعها ب الضبط ؟
وهذي الايميلات اللي ردوا علي فيها ...
>>>>>>>>>>>هذا الايميل الاول :
Dear Fahad Abdullah,
I am delighted that you are considering Youngstown State University for your education. Please look at the following website for information concerning the application process:
YSU Center for International Studies and Programs
There you will find links to the application forms and procedures, as well as to information about the university and the community. After you make the application - I shall be in a position to review it and answer all of your additional specific questions.
My name is Dr. Igor Jourin, Coordinator of International Admissions and Immigration Services, and I will be happy to guide you through the application process. My email is iajourin@ysu.edu.
Below, please read my answers to some of your specific questions - in red
>>>>>>>>>>>>> هذي الرسالة الثانية :
Good morning :
If you wish to join UCALEI first before you begin your studies you would need to apply for the program you are interested in with the departmental consent to evaluate your application on consideration without the TOFEL score. Your application would also need to be with a start date to program with that year of language program in reflection. For example if you were to start the language program fall 2012 your application to program would have to be for Fall of 2013.
I have outlined the application procedures as follows:
We use a self-managed approach to application submission. This will assure more reliable handling and more rapid consideration of your application. To submit your self-managed application, complete the following steps:
1) Verify the deadlines for applying to your intended program by checking your intended program's web site. Deadlines vary by department. Please contact the program directly. Contact information can be found on the Degree Programs page.
2) Complete and submit your Online Application. You will be asked to provide a valid credit card (Discover, Mastercard, or Visa) for payment of the electronic application fee when you submit your application.
3) Compile the following documents, along with any other materials required by your program:
• Upload an unofficial transcript/appropriate required documentation into the application system.
• AFTER submitting your application please request an official transcript from each college/university you attended and have it mailed to:
University of Connecticut
Graduate School, Unit 1152
438 Whitney Road Extension
Storrs, CT 06269-1152
o Individual/yearly mark sheets are required for students who complete their education in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, or Sri Lanka. This should also be uploaded into the online application system.
o If you attended an international university, we require transcripts in both English and the native language of the university.
o If you completed a degree and that fact is not contained in your transcript, then we also need an official copy of your degree certificate or diploma. This should also be uploaded into the online application system.
o Failure to submit transcripts from all educational institutions, regardless of whether or not a degree was received, may be grounds for cancellation of admission.
o Transcripts become the property of the University.
o The most common reason for delayed consideration of applications is missing official transcripts. Be sure to include all of your transcripts with your application.
o Your admission will not be finalized until all official transcripts, mark sheets, degree certificates and diplomas are received.
o If you attended an international university and have one set of original documents or diploma, you can mail them to the Graduate School and we will make a copy and return the original document(s) to you. Include a request to return the documents and provide a mailing address. If you submitted these documents when applying for admission to a university in the US which you currently attend, we will accept copies from the registrar or graduate school if they certify that these documents from your prior university were made from the originals.
• Download, complete, and upload a Financial Declaration form. (This can be found in the downloadable forms section of the application)
o Once you are recommended for admission, you must submit evidence of adequate financial support to cover the costs of one full year of study at the University of Connecticut before we can issue a Certificate of Eligibility (I-20 or DS-2019).
o Financial aid from UConn, usually in the form of a graduate assistantship and tuition waiver, may be used to satisfy some or all of these requirements. Graduate assistantships are available in most UConn programs. Please contact your intended program of study for more information and availability.
o While we do not need it until you are admitted, you can download the Financial Declaration Form for your admission year, fill it out and upload into the online application to save time later.
o If you have one or more dependents (a spouse or children under 21 years of age) who will accompany you to the U.S., you must include additional financial support on the form. Please pay close attention to the additional information that is required for each dependent accompanying you.
o Your admission cannot be finalized without proper certification of the financial ability to provide support.
• Check with your intended program for any additional required materials and mail them to the program to which you are applying.
4) Request that your standardized test scores (GRE, GMAT, others) be submitted to UConn if your program requires them.
o The GRE code for UConn Storrs is 3915.
o The GRE code for the UConn Health Center is 3931.
o More information on the GRE is available from the Educational Testing Service. Information on the GMAT (Business) is available from the Graduate Management Admission Council.
• Complete a Test of English Proficiency. If you are not a native speaker of English, you must submit evidence of your proficiency in the English language.
o If you use the results from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), you must have a minimum overall score of 550 for the paper-based test or 79 for the internet-based test.
o If you submit results from the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), you must have an average overall score of at least 6.5.
o In all cases your submitted test results must be no more than two years old.
Best of luck!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>,هذي الرسالة الثالثة
Many thanks for your email regarding admissions to the University of Pennsylvania. Unfortunately the Office of International Programs cannot answer specific questions regarding the admissions process or procedure.
The Office of International Programs works primarily with international students and scholars’ immigration related benefits and concerns, who are currently in the United States, OR, those who reside outside the United States and have been admitted or invited to the university.
Please visit the Office of Undergraduate Admissions website at
Penn: Undergraduate Admissionsfor more information regarding the admissions requirements for the school of your choice here at the University of Pennsylvania.
Please visit the Office of Graduate Admissions website at
for more information regarding the admissions requirements for the school of your choice here at the University of Pennsylvania.
Please visit the English Language Programs website at
Welcome to the ELP! | English Language Programs (ELP) at The University of Pennsylvaniafor more information regarding programs and their admissions requirements.
Good luck and best regards!
uppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppp
rana88 February 20th, 2012, 08:00 PM
7 " مجمل الكلام اللي في الرسايل الثلاث هو:
1_ أنه ما ينفع ترسل تقول جيبوا واحد قبول وكثر الشطة ههه
2_ لازم تسوي أبلكيشن أون لاين، وتعبي كل البيانات المطلوبة.
3_ بعدين بعض الجامعات تطلب منك ترسل ملفاتك، وبعضها تقدر تسوي لها رفع على الموقع حق الأبلكيشن.
4_ الإيميل الأخير قال لك حنا ما نتعامل إلا مع قضايا الفيز وشبهها، وأما مسائل القبول فلازم تراسل مكتب القبولات.
Linguistics Consultant February 20th, 2012, 08:24 PM
7 " ياعزيزي بالنسبة لمعادلة الشهادة تبعك عليك ترسل أوراقك لشركة ويس في نيويورك وهي معترفه باغلب جامعات امريكا وهذا رابط الموضوع
شرح التسجيل في موقع wes.org لمعادلة الشهادات
بالتوفيق اخوي وأتمنى أني أفدتك
قصة كفاح February 20th, 2012, 09:17 PM
7 " يعطيك العافية اخوي قصة كفاح
لكن اللي اررفه ان الشركة هذي زي ماتقول تترجم او تعادل .... ( مادري كيف افسررها ) الشهادة
بعدين يجي الشغل ع الجامعات ...
لان اللي اعررفه ان في طلاب يعادلون لهم ساعتين .. ثلاث...خمس ... وفيه طلاب يعادلون لهم حول الخمسين ساعة...
و الا كلامي غلط ؟؟ او في تشويش في فهمي ؟؟
ياليت تبين لي ... و ان شاء الله يكون كلامك صحيح و تريحني ... لانه اذا بس ارسل للشركة وتعادل الشهادة و معترف في ( معادلتها ) في الجامعات .. فانا اشهد انك فكيت عني ازمة
MR-FaHo0odi February 20th, 2012, 10:04 PM
7 "
February 20th, 2012, 07:10 PM
السلام عليكمكيف الحال ....
من الاخير و باختصر الموضوع ...
انا طالب متخرج من كلية الجبيل الصناعية .... تخصص هندسة بوليمرات ...
وحااب اكمل البكالوريس في امريكا ..
طبعا للحين ماعررفت للخطوات صح ... بس اللي فهمته اني اررسل للجامعات طلب قبول مشروط
اررسلت ايميل لكذا جامعة ...
وبعضهم ردوا علي ....
طبعا انا قريت ردودهم وربي مافهمت شئ ... لانه اغلبهم يقولون لي اررجع لموقع الجامعة وحاول تجاوب على اسئلتك
فقلت مالي الا موقع مبتعث اجيب ردود الجامعات عليه ... واشوف ان كان في احد يساعدني ويقولي وش السالفة من الاخير ... وبرضو اذا يتكرم علي بالخطوات كاملة ...
خصوصا اني ادوور على الجامعة اللي تعادل لي اكثر عدد ساعات ...
وبرضوو اللي يعررف اي شئ عن الجامعات اللي ردوا علي .. ياليت يقوولي ... هي زينة ؟؟ شينةة ؟؟ والا وش وضعها ب الضبط ؟
وهذي الايميلات اللي ردوا علي فيها ...
>>>>>>>>>>>هذا الايميل الاول :
Dear Fahad Abdullah,
I am delighted that you are considering Youngstown State University for your education. Please look at the following website for information concerning the application process:
YSU Center for International Studies and Programs
There you will find links to the application forms and procedures, as well as to information about the university and the community. After you make the application - I shall be in a position to review it and answer all of your additional specific questions.
My name is Dr. Igor Jourin, Coordinator of International Admissions and Immigration Services, and I will be happy to guide you through the application process. My email is iajourin@ysu.edu.
Below, please read my answers to some of your specific questions - in red
>>>>>>>>>>>>> هذي الرسالة الثانية :
Good morning :
If you wish to join UCALEI first before you begin your studies you would need to apply for the program you are interested in with the departmental consent to evaluate your application on consideration without the TOFEL score. Your application would also need to be with a start date to program with that year of language program in reflection. For example if you were to start the language program fall 2012 your application to program would have to be for Fall of 2013.
I have outlined the application procedures as follows:
We use a self-managed approach to application submission. This will assure more reliable handling and more rapid consideration of your application. To submit your self-managed application, complete the following steps:
1) Verify the deadlines for applying to your intended program by checking your intended program's web site. Deadlines vary by department. Please contact the program directly. Contact information can be found on the Degree Programs page.
2) Complete and submit your Online Application. You will be asked to provide a valid credit card (Discover, Mastercard, or Visa) for payment of the electronic application fee when you submit your application.
3) Compile the following documents, along with any other materials required by your program:
• Upload an unofficial transcript/appropriate required documentation into the application system.
• AFTER submitting your application please request an official transcript from each college/university you attended and have it mailed to:
University of Connecticut
Graduate School, Unit 1152
438 Whitney Road Extension
Storrs, CT 06269-1152
o Individual/yearly mark sheets are required for students who complete their education in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, or Sri Lanka. This should also be uploaded into the online application system.
o If you attended an international university, we require transcripts in both English and the native language of the university.
o If you completed a degree and that fact is not contained in your transcript, then we also need an official copy of your degree certificate or diploma. This should also be uploaded into the online application system.
o Failure to submit transcripts from all educational institutions, regardless of whether or not a degree was received, may be grounds for cancellation of admission.
o Transcripts become the property of the University.
o The most common reason for delayed consideration of applications is missing official transcripts. Be sure to include all of your transcripts with your application.
o Your admission will not be finalized until all official transcripts, mark sheets, degree certificates and diplomas are received.
o If you attended an international university and have one set of original documents or diploma, you can mail them to the Graduate School and we will make a copy and return the original document(s) to you. Include a request to return the documents and provide a mailing address. If you submitted these documents when applying for admission to a university in the US which you currently attend, we will accept copies from the registrar or graduate school if they certify that these documents from your prior university were made from the originals.
• Download, complete, and upload a Financial Declaration form. (This can be found in the downloadable forms section of the application)
o Once you are recommended for admission, you must submit evidence of adequate financial support to cover the costs of one full year of study at the University of Connecticut before we can issue a Certificate of Eligibility (I-20 or DS-2019).
o Financial aid from UConn, usually in the form of a graduate assistantship and tuition waiver, may be used to satisfy some or all of these requirements. Graduate assistantships are available in most UConn programs. Please contact your intended program of study for more information and availability.
o While we do not need it until you are admitted, you can download the Financial Declaration Form for your admission year, fill it out and upload into the online application to save time later.
o If you have one or more dependents (a spouse or children under 21 years of age) who will accompany you to the U.S., you must include additional financial support on the form. Please pay close attention to the additional information that is required for each dependent accompanying you.
o Your admission cannot be finalized without proper certification of the financial ability to provide support.
• Check with your intended program for any additional required materials and mail them to the program to which you are applying.
4) Request that your standardized test scores (GRE, GMAT, others) be submitted to UConn if your program requires them.
o The GRE code for UConn Storrs is 3915.
o The GRE code for the UConn Health Center is 3931.
o More information on the GRE is available from the Educational Testing Service. Information on the GMAT (Business) is available from the Graduate Management Admission Council.
• Complete a Test of English Proficiency. If you are not a native speaker of English, you must submit evidence of your proficiency in the English language.
o If you use the results from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), you must have a minimum overall score of 550 for the paper-based test or 79 for the internet-based test.
o If you submit results from the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), you must have an average overall score of at least 6.5.
o In all cases your submitted test results must be no more than two years old.
Best of luck!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>,هذي الرسالة الثالثة
Many thanks for your email regarding admissions to the University of Pennsylvania. Unfortunately the Office of International Programs cannot answer specific questions regarding the admissions process or procedure.
The Office of International Programs works primarily with international students and scholars’ immigration related benefits and concerns, who are currently in the United States, OR, those who reside outside the United States and have been admitted or invited to the university.
Please visit the Office of Undergraduate Admissions website at Penn: Undergraduate Admissionsfor more information regarding the admissions requirements for the school of your choice here at the University of Pennsylvania.
Please visit the Office of Graduate Admissions website at http://www.upenn.edu/admissions/graduateadm.php
for more information regarding the admissions requirements for the school of your choice here at the University of Pennsylvania.
Please visit the English Language Programs website at Welcome to the ELP! | English Language Programs (ELP) at The University of Pennsylvaniafor more information regarding programs and their admissions requirements.
Good luck and best regards!