HomestayFinder - Linda's homestay in Los Angeles, California, United States
7 " تكفون سكن عائلة في لوس انجلوس؟!
تكفون سكن عائلة في لوس انجلوس؟!
تنبيه: هذا الموضوع قديم. تم طرحه قبل 4699 يوم مضى, قد يكون هناك ردود جديدة هي من سببت رفع الموضوع!
قائمة الأعضاء الموسومين في هذا الموضوع
- واذا كنت تبي تحجز فنق اول اسبوع استخدم موقع booking اسعارة باليوم من 40 دولار وطالع. الله يوفقك7 "
- Room Available *Near CSULA* – room for rent in Los Angeles, CA. "
- Roommates Listings in Los Angeles, CA | Oodle Marketplace. Price: $8507 "
BR/BA: 1 BR, 1 BA
Location: 1136 West 35th Street, Los Angeles, CA
Neighborhood: Vermont Harbor
Description: A room in the house we rent is available @ $850 a month
Utilities not included--however, they will be split 3 ways by two other residents [myself and my housemate] and yourself.
Room has walk-in closet [20 sq. ft] leading to private bathroom [30 sq ft]. Has toilet, sink, and shower.
Room is unfurnished, but the rest of the house has furniture and standard appliances.
Property has a gated driveway, parking space, spacious garden, a garage, front yard, and porch.
Please call Adrian [me] @ (971)-226-2846 if you have any questions.
*You will need to apply for this property through EGL Properties to join in.*
Property Type: Roommates
Pets Allowed: None
Amenities: Gated, Parking, Patio/Deck